
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

[MV] KAC theme song by SS501

Yay, news, photos and videos about the boys being the Ambassador of KAC never ceases. ^^

Here's a video of SS501 just uploaded by marvie0701 singing the theme of KAC. ^^

13.07.09 [M/V Official] SS501 Singing - KAC ( Korea Airports Corporation )
lifted from marvie0701


  1. wen060710:05 AM

    Love this MV too^^

    Thanks so much for your sharing^^
    My computer is VERY slow too....
    Have to just open 1 window, if not,very difficult to watch~ haha :D

  2. mel_122310:40 PM

    love the boys soo much! so nice to see the smiles on their faces enjoying what they do ;-)
