
Thursday, July 02, 2009

It's fantastic!

Jung Min took my heart! Kyu Jong was in my dream last night.

Geez, I’m still in dazed after several hours have passed watching the boys . I can’t find the right words to properly express what I’m actually feeling right now. What I only know is that I am already missing them and would want to see them again! Arhg!!! They are so addicting!

Let me start off with Kyu Jong. Boy oh boy. He's more handsome in person! Everyone that I’ve talked to just got swooned by Kyu Jong. All the photos and videos of him didn’t do any justice. He sang portion of Wuss Up! And the crowd went along with him. The boys were singing with him too! And they seemed amazed that the fans are singing with them when the song just came out!

Next is Jung Min. He lives up to his nick as Sexy Charisma. So full of wits, charms and antics. He’s so hyper! He never stay still for a minute. He’s so tall, handsome and sexy. The friendliest amongst all of them. He never fails to amaze you. He would always find ways to communicate with the fans. He gives so much joy to everyone in the audience. He loves posing in the camera of fans whenever he sees them taking his photos on stage. Fans heart just melted when he proposed knelt and proposed to one fan. Adorable Jung Min!

Baby, he’s just adorable. Love it when he interacts with Jung Min. These two are really like Tom & Jerry. Though far from each other, they see to it that they bully one another. When he did the sexy dance and the heart to the tune of Lalalala…the fans went wild. He’s such a cutie… yes, that’s the perfect word for Kim Hyung Joon.

Young Saeng, he’s so quiet even on stage. He seems so shy and just keep on smiling. But when he did the Gee dance again, he just brought the house down.! Sooo cute and sexy. Even the members who were watching Young Saeng were amazed by his ability to do the dance.

Everyone's favorite, Kim Hyun Joong. No one can deny that he is handsome. Be it in print, TV or in person. He's perfectly handsome. His face is so small.

On stage there are some moments that he is expressionless. He doesn't interact much with the crowd especially when all of them are on stage and I think I know why. If he does the things like what Jung Min, Kyu Jong and Baby do, [that is always interacting with fans] by waving, smiling, posing at their camera fans will get wild non stop. I think that Leader is being considerate of the other members. He doesn't want to always be the center of attention. You can actually notice that in some of the fan cams. Don't you think that he's such a nice person. So selfless and very considerate. I love him more for those traits

But during the interaction with the fans on stage you would notice that he's different. He's more active and smiles a lot. Same thing while performing, he such a tease like the others

As for his solo number, he played by using the guitar the piece that he played in Macau.

Will be uploading few photos from now since wifi access is very limited.

I'll be uploading more photos later and video. Photos by pinksiren.


  1. Liezle,

    You are great. You should be enjoying and yet you are updating us. I know how you feel to see them in real person. They even melt us by just looking at their vids, and photos.. how could you forget them and wouldn't be melt. I'm still imagining how would i react if i seen them in real person.. hahaha

    Yeah i saw some vids on the HK fanmeeting.. all of them is so charming.. YoungSaeng cute Gee dance, makes me melt too. All of them are great like how u have describe it. Can't wait for you photos.

    Again, thanks... You enjoy it till they leave HK. ^.^


  2. mel_122310:30 AM

    Ah Jen, u beat me to it, i am posting this half way too!

    Liezle, I have not seen the vid yet, but just reading what you had written here plus the pics, made me want to just leave everything here and go straight into JM's arms..hehe...

    He stole your heart too huh? u know why I love him sooo much!

    Ah..I m so envy of you to be able to meet him in person! and all the rest of them too! My heart is already beating so fast reading your post. I cannot imagine what I'll do if I ever get to see Mal so close!

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I so so envy you *sigh*...Can't wait to see some uploads from u :) How's Hyun Joong? Is he skinny in person? I remember reading one of the comments about him that he's thin in person. But seeing his recent pictures seems to me that he had gain some weight back...Hope they would come to the Philippines. They have lots of fans here :)

  4. wen060711:01 AM

    Oh! Dear liezle

    Thanks for making an efforts to update us even you are still in HK.... ^^

    So kind of you for sharing~
    Can't wait to see all the photos and videos by you! haha~~ :P

    Could tell that you gals must have enjoyed very much in this fansmeeting.... ^^
    Did you manage to take a group photos with them?
    Must be.... where did you stand?
    Behind HJ, YS, JM, KJ or BBHJ?
    Wow...... gonna crazy for me!!! >.<

    God! please help me! >o<

  5. You are so lucky!!! Thanks for filling us in on your visit to HK!

  6. quizzy2:00 PM

    hey liezle..

    sounds you guys realy ahd fun!
    so jealous **sobs**

    just fill us with pi and videos.. we'll feel fine! lolz..

    ahh hope i can go to their FM and concerts soon!


  7. Susan6:31 PM

    Thanks for the update :D :D Appreciate it alot!

    I watched the videos of them and they're really cute! Youngsaeng's Gee is super cute!!! Cant wait for more photos & videos from you!

    Thanks again!

  8. AHHH your description of kyu melted me! HAHAHA.
    and the rest too.
    hope to see more photos, keep updating!


  9. J_Girl8:48 PM

    Sounds like you're having a great time! Thanks for the update! Aren't the boys just so dreamy! Can't wait to hear and see more pics!!

  10. Wow!! Hey Liezle!! Thanks so much for the fast update~
    Really hope that you can post more picture and video on that event soon!! THANKS!!


  11. Spring10:44 PM

    Ohh... Liezle..
    you are so lucky to attend HK FM..
    wish our dream will come true too..
    thanks for sharing detail of yr experience with them.. i am not suprise you still have that feeling till after few hours have passed..
    they already made us crazy and melt our heart with pic, video and song. if we see them, if we do not faith on the spot is good enough..hehehee... thanks a lot for taking pic and video to share us... take yr time.. enjoy yr stay in HK and have more fun..

    Always thanks you and like yr update..:-)

  12. Spring10:52 PM

    oh... btw, their characters never changed.. they are always as who they are.. i like it the most..
    i saw quiet YS GEE cute dance and JM proposal.. JM and baby always as Tom and Jerry... i saw nice KJ holding mic for leader when HJ play guitar.. HJ most time expressionless... woow.. you all are really lucky to witness it...
    wish we can too on oneday...:D

  13. Hi Liezle

    I'm so so happy for you, thanks for sharing, I'm waiting for more updates.
    Enjoy your trip !

    PS : did you see bb at the fanmeeting ?
