
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

08/19 [Trans] SS501 in Trendy Magazine Aug 09

I've been rather slow since yesterday. I'm a bit busy at work since there's a big event that is coming up in a month time. Hee, another large scale event. I miss doing events since the ___ thing happened in the US. ^^ But were back to normal [i hope] though we've to do things with less extravagance and fun fares.

We'll on top of being busy at work, I was also abusy last night editing episode 2 of 'My Fair Lady'. With a little more spots to be settled and few more tweaks here and there, it'll be out soon. So for those waiting for it on soompi, have a little more patience.

Btw, I like episode 2! Okay let me correct that... I like 'My Fair Lady' so far. I'm not a big fan of Eun Hye but since Il Woo is there I'm watching it. He's cute. ^_^. There are some cute scenes in episode 2 particularly with that cute little boy who played little Gu Jun Pyo on BoF. Cute as is really cute. And the scene where Il Woo is waiting inside his car and looking at the horison. Beautiful! Quite a lot of good cinematography too. Better check it out! Episode 3 is tonight.

Oppsie, that was quite random up there. Miane. ^_^

Anyway, this post is actually about the Trendy Mag that cagali translated and shared on Quiante501. This was posted yesterday but only posting now. Thanks again cagali!

Here's the article It's anoother fun read from Trendy. I think that this magazine really did a wonderful job with SS501. They not only able to give us good interview but they're able to give us some very detailed behind the scenes description of what's happening during the interview. Likewise, I really really like how the writer described each members actions. I hope that Trendy recorded their sessions with the boys and will share video footages.

08/19 [Trans] SS501 in Trendy Magazine Aug 09, Pg 32~34

Credit: Trendy Taiwan + TripleS.TW + (English translation)


Taiwan fans exclusive

Q: You have released 2 'Taiwan limited edition' abums - 'Super Hit Collection' and '1st Solo Collection'. The songs are very nice. Please share with the Taiwanese fans about the Taiwan limited edition '1st Solo collection'.

Jung Min: In the Taiwan limited edition '1st Solo Collection', I have specially recorded a new song titled 'Only Me?". All this while we could only have 'long distance' interaction with our Taiwan fans, only now then we finally visited Taiwan. This is a special gift to my Taiwan fans. Naturally, as a singer, this is the best gift which can convey my heart felt feelings. I have personally written the song lyrics, the contents are a little sad and touching. I even cried while writing the lyrics. This is a song which will stimulate your tear gland and make you cry once listening. It is an entirely new creation specially for the Taiwan fan. Please make sure to listen to this song.

Hyun Joong: 'Thank You' is written for the fans. It is a song I wanted to sing for the fans. I hope that when everyone read the lyrics, they can understand the feelings which I am trying to convey. All this while, I have been receiving tonnes of love and care from everybody, therefore, I hope to convey my thanks and wishes to be together forever with them via this song. Although the lyrics is in Korean, Taiwan fans might not receive completely my heart felt thanks, but I do hope they could understand the meaning of the lyrics and like this song.

Hyung Joon: This time my solo is 'I am'. This is a song written for a person you like. The lyrics content are about: If you wish, I can give all my love to you. This is my 1st solo song which I wrote the lyrics. That's why I like this song very much. Hope when everybody listen to the song rhythm and lyrics, they can feel the profound feelings that I want to convey both when writing the lyrics and also singing the song.

Young Saeng: Included in this solo collection, my solo song is a love song 'It's not love?'. It is trying to convey the feelings of a boy's deepest love towards a girl, wanting to love but miss the opportunity and thus could not love her openly but could only secretly love one-sided. It is a very sad love story. (TRENDY: Young Saeng is actually the composer and lyricist for this song!)

Kyu Jong: 'Never let you go' is a R&B song. When writing the lyrics, I am trying to convey the feeling of a boy who broke off a relationship. When broke off with the girl he like, this is the song he want to sing for her, trying to convey his unwillingness to part with her, hoping that the girl will change her mind to come back to him, and he will continue to wait for her. It is a sad love song. The Rap portion is sung by Hyung Joon.

Q: In this increasingly hot summer, which is the most suitable song to listen to?

Hyung Joon: 'Bye bye'. This song is most suitable for summer and seaside. (This song can be found in the SS501's 1st Album 'S.T. 01 Now' which was released in 2006. It is a lively song)

Hyun Joong: I would like to recommend 'Snow Prince' to everybody. Although 'Snow Prince' is created based on the winter atmosphere, however, when listening in summer, you can feel the coolness and feel happy after listening. Thus, help keeping the heat away. (Smile)
(This song is debuted in SS501 '2nd Single' which was released on 2005. It is a slow dance love song specially created for winter and filled with warm feelings of love relationship. This song is also included in the Taiwan limited edition 'Super Hit Collection'.)

Jung Min: I recommend this song~ Maybe everybody will think it has no connection with summer and might think that it is not suitable for summer, but.... (showing a mischievous expression.... purposely stop for awhile to raise everybody's curiosity), I think the passion while singing '4 Chance' (recorded in SS501 1st Album 'S.T. 01 Now') is similar to the hot summer. Therefore it is very suitable to listen in summer. Can everybody understand the feeling? Can you? Can you?
(Jung Min's fervent enquiries make everybody around unknowingly nod their head. He shown his satisfaction by gesturing the winning hand sign, making Leader Hyun Joong burst into laugher, and everybody around also laugh together.)

Kyu Jong: Actually not necessarily only fast beat song is suitable for summer. I think songs like 'Unlock' on the contrary can open up your heart and release your emotion completely. Also, some SS501 slow beat songs are actually very suitable for listening during summer trip. It feels good listening to these song even if travelling alone.
('Unlock' is the main hit song in SS501 1st Album 'S.T. 01 Now', it is specially tailored to SS501, and has a unique and powerful style.)

Young Saeng: In summer, you definitely must listen to 'La La La... Song calling for you'! The rhythm is lively, lyrics is relax and simple, especial the chorus 'La La La...' portion, it is very easy to sing-along, it is most suitable for listening and singing during summer time, your mood turns happy after listening and forget about the summer is so hot.
(SS501 Taiwan limited edition 'Super Hit Collection' main hit song 'La La La... Song calling for you', not only is a lively song but also in the MV, SS501 has performed a cute dance!)

Next time, let's date in Korea!

Q: If there is a chance to date with your fans in Korea next time, where would you bring them to visit?

Hyun Joong: Oh~ where should we go? (Thinking earnestly) Lets go to Gyeongju! Let it be an in depth Korea cultural tour. There is a lot of Korean traditional cultural relic in Gyeongju, everybody can experience the beauty of Korean traditional culture. In addition to that, we can also sample traditional Korean cuisine. They are very delicious! Lets have a date in Gyeongju next time! (Smile)

Jung Min: I would like to bring everybody to date in Myeong Dong and Ab Gu Jeong. Myeong Dong is the youth's territory. You can sense the youth liveliness in Myeong Dong and also find the most popular fashion. There's a lot of reasonably priced clothes and goods! Ab Gu Jeong is Korea's fashion cradle. To experience Korea's latest fashion trend, don't miss this place.
(Using mandarin to emphasize again: 'Ming Dong' (Myeong Dong). Maybe it is because Myeong Dong's mandarin pronunciation is closed to korean's, 5 of them continuously say in mandarin: "Ming Dong! Ming Dong~....". The 'Ming Dong' sound was repeated over and over again, it is really funny.)

Young Saeng: 63 City Tower! 63 City Tower is Korea's building icon. Although I have not visited there since long time ago, but I heard there are a lot of interesting and fun recreation facilities. We will definitely have an enjoyable day if visit this place together with our fans.

Kyu Jong: For me~ of course I must bring them to Jeonju. Jeonju is my hometown (Smile). Since I am more understand and familiar with Jeonju, I can be the guide, bringing everybody to try out Jeonju most authentic cuisine and also to Jeonju most popular attractions. Jeonju is a nice place!
(As requested from 'TRENDY', Kyu Jong performed the 'My hometown is Jeonju' trademark action.)

Hyung Joon: "I... I.... (At the same time, Hyung Joon's mouth is very busy, because leader Hyun Joong's suddenly become playful, he kept feeding his favourite dried cod fish fillet to Hyung Joon, ignoring the fact that he is still answering a question.) I.... Namsan.... I wish to date with everybody in Namsan. (Hyung Joon quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. Just when he wanted to answer seriously, Hyun Joong started again. Despite Hyung Joon protest, he continue to put dried cod fish fillet into his mouth and hand) can.... aiyoh.... (Hyung Joon started to protest).... can ride cable car, admire Seoul beautiful scenery.
(Hyun Joong expressionlessly continued to make fun of Hyung Joon, making everybody burst into laugher. We can't help to say at this moment leader is really a trouble-maker. But Hyung Joon ah~ although you are not guilty, but you also don't need to open your mouth everytime when food come! Hahaha~)

Q: Please recommend Taiwan friends Korean cuisine which we should definitely eat.

Hyun Joong: 떡볶이Tteokbokki (Spicy fried rice cake)
(After hearing to the mandarin translation from the lady translator, he immediately speak in perfect pronunciation his newly learned word: "辣炒年糕" (Pronounce as 'La Chao Nian Gao', spicy fried rice cake in mandarin) Seems like he has a natural flair in mandarin!)

Jung Min: 삼계탕 Samgyetang (Korean Ginseng Chicken Soup). It is good for your health and also delicious.

Hyung Joon & Young Saeng: 불고기 Bulgogi (Barbecue Meat)
(Hyung Joon & Young Saeng both unanimously recommended)

Kyu Jong: 비빔밥 Bibimbap (Korean Stone Mixed Rice)
(While answering, Kyu Jong cutely demonstrated the mixing action when eating the mixed rice


  1. Oh Liezle, this is funny..
    I really can't stop laughing on Hj and babyHj. Oh..hehehe. This time not tom & jerry but double HJ.

    Thanks for sharing

    Jen ^o^

  2. thanks liezle for posting this trendy mag translation.
    remember that i mentioned i need to space out your excitement! got it?

    ahhh...wont it be nice if there's a package for overseas fans to fly into seoul and meet the boys (since they have been appted as ambassadors for korea aiport).
    they'd also become our local tour guide to bring us to the places of interest which the five have suggested
    it'd be awesome to have meals with 5 of them...
    yes yes i also like tteokbokki
    it's a must have for me whenever i am in seoul...
    hmmm...leader and i have both like spicy it!hehehe...

  3. I was navigation for the web, and I found an interesting cultural magazine online.. is
