
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

another quick one

Seems like Hyun Joong will be busy on Friday, 28th of August, before flying to Beijing for the Fan Meeting the following day.

Here's what i understand from the announcement above. Hyun Joong will be appearing in one of Tony Moly's shops and will sigh autographs to about 100 customers. Customers of Tony Moly who will make a purchase between Aug 27 to 28 amounting to 50,000 Won will have a chance to get his autograph on the 28th of August. I think he is expected to arrive at 5:30pm to sign autographs.

I hope that we get to see photos and videosof the autograph session on Friday.

Regarding Beijing fan meeting since I do not read Chinese, I nice visitor sent me an email informing me that the fan meeting tickets are almost sold out. I'm actually happy to learn this especially when I learned that DSP and/or promoter didn't do much promotion. Likewise, fans are anticipating the coming of SS501. ^_^

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