
Friday, August 21, 2009

about yong joon's lost of weight

I mentioned HERE earlier about Yong Joon attending the wedding of Mgr Yang that Yong Joon lost 10kg. As a long time baefan, it was very evident from the photos that were posted earlier.

Well, his lost of weight was also noticed by the media and he was asked why he lost so much weight. According to Yong Joon, he was working with the book that he lost weight naturally. He also said that he can't find clothes that will fit him to wear in the wedding that will match his current slim figure. He continued on by saying that, he was worried that he'll look a little older. He was asking and joking around if he looks ok.

Hee, so Yong Joon thinks that he doesn't look good thin. Oh, I hope by next month, before the press conference and the events in Japan, he'll be able to regain some weight.

Btw, before today's event, I remember reading last week the he was on a drip because he was sick.

Thank you so much to Mariko for the information above.

p.s. here's a short clip of yong joon arriving at the wedding hall that i lifted from byjfan. he's best seen in motion. ^^


  1. Anonymous12:53 AM

    That explains why he looks thin. Thank you Leizle. I go to your blog not only bec of Leader but bec of BYJ too. I appreciate you hard work.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Thank you so much for news and pictures. Good job!
