
Friday, August 21, 2009

New from Anycall [4 diff version of cfs!]

It's the latest cf of Kim Hyun Joong with Lee Min Ho for Anycall Magic Hole and the other one is Anycall Agent M with UEE of After School.

It's cute and funny!!! Leader's expression is priceless...really so funny!

Thanks to leeminhovn for the uploads!

Anycall Magic Hole ~ Hyung Joong and Min Hoo

Translation courtesy of goughsunflowers on khj thread @ soompi

Hyunnie: Min Ho yah...
Min Ho: What?
Hyunnie: What star are you from?
Min Ho: I don't remember exactly... It was this kind of feeling!
Hyunnie: Min Ho YAH! [points at cell phone and himself] Mee.. too...

Both scream in happiness... ^_^

This one Leader look so cool as Agent M [Agent 007]. And the wink! 'love it!

Anycall Agent M

I'm not being biased but amongst the three versions, I like Leader's version the best. ^^

Here is another version with EUU. Thanks to hoonfami for the upload!

Hyun Joong & UEE

Translation of the 3rd CF insomniaticIS of AKP

Hyun Joong : Come here.
UEE : Oppa, what's wrong?
Hyun Joong : Do you know? My Anycall has a hole?

Min Ho and UEE

from leeminhovn

Download the 1st and 2nd CFs here. Thanks to fiona1111 for the downloadable links that she posted on khj thread @ soompi.

Click HERE and HERE to d/l.

p.s. don't you think that Hyun Joong fits all the roles? The punk, the agent and the lover? I think he can easily adapt in any roles given to him.

p.p.s. here are photos of Anycall Magic Hole.


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    wow thanks for these!
    joongie is so handsome and funny.
    i played the video many
    many many time already.
    i cannot get over him in this cf!

  2. spring9:54 PM

    wowww...thanks thanks liezle..
    just back home very tired and check yr blog. .saw this CF then all my tiredness gone... HJ smiles is so sweet...i was missing it so much and now see it.. i am super happy... i really like his cool... when his eye blink, it totally melt my heart...hehee.. thanks a lot sharing fast what you found...:-))

  3. spring9:56 PM

    aww.. i like his first action of put his finger on the mouth and bang!! woww... like it so much.. i am repeating it so many time now...hee...:D

  4. hello spring. wait for the GIFs from the version. i'm just uploading them. you'll surely like them too.


  5. newyorkcitygirl10:12 PM

    hello leizle, I agree with what you said KHJ fits all the roles, the punk,the agaent(love the firing of gun and the wink) hehehe!he was so cool He's so gorgeous and they looked good together with UEE, I must admit his roles just come out so naturally,he's a good actor, he has matured as an actor,I like all his versions, UEE (a look a like) of Son dambi. I just don't know how to explain, when KHJ's presence comes you'll have to take a 2nd,3rd,4th and so on look at him and you never get tired of him, he has this magnetism, that people gets attracted to more and more. thnaks for sharing the videos

  6. spring10:33 PM

    thanks thanks Liezle.. looking forward for yr GIF creation... sure nice one again....:-))

  7. spring10:36 PM

    newyorkcitygirl... totally agree with you... he attracted us more and more...^-^

  8. wen060711:51 PM

    Wow~ I love them all...thanks liezle~>.<

  9. Wow, he is so cute...
    Samsung is make lost of money with them...




  10. Anonymous12:44 AM

    he is ridiculously good looking. he matches any hairstyle and all his hairsyle in these 3 cfs makes him even more stunning. ah he takes my breath away. heh.

  11. hi liezle ..thanks for sharing

    leader is so amazing ..he is great in everything he does ..he keeps on getting better and more good looking as he matures all his CFs but i like the agent version the best!

    i agree with you that he fits every role and i know he has a good career ahead of him in the acting world ^_^

  12. donna ;]2:28 PM

    is there any way that someone from the U.S. could purchase and Anycall phone?

  13. Anonymous5:08 AM

    i would really love to get one wen will this be available in UK? please reply bac!!!
