
Monday, August 17, 2009

for some peace of mind

I know many are looking for some clarifications on what was reported by some tabliods in HK particularly Apple Daily.

Btw, like what I mentioned above, other papers reported this as well, but they did not use negative words like Apple Daily who is known to be like sensationalizing news.

I've gotten some info from friends who have been researching and getting as much info as they can to help us fans get some peace of mind and not worry too much.

Here are some info that i got. Thanks to sugar, bb and prettyme for the following info.

- it's not only YS and HJLwho are/were in HK. KJ and Maknae are with them as well.
- They have with them some of their back up dancers and U-Kiss [not sure how many but this is the boy group of Maknae's little bro Kibum].
- they are in HK from 15 to 17. they've been seen in HK since 15th by fans
- the girls on the vid are koreans
- they went there for some rest
- they were seen shopping by some fans and even signed autographs but refused to have their photos taken politely.
-YS was trying on clothes, leader and the two gals were giving suggestions and feedback
- HK side is said to be planning to clarify the issue.

The boys are probably back in Korea by now. About their smoking and driking i really don't think it's bad it just so happen that they were caught by paparazzi. Actually, they've been very careful not to be seen it just so happen that they're in HK where paparazzi are scary.

Let's be more open minded when we read about the boys drinking, smoking and having fun. They're young and been deprived of their independece because they're idols. They're humans too and they know their limit.

Anyway, happiebb will also be blogging about this so check her blog from time to time. i hope that this issue will die soon.


  1. thanks liezle,

    Yeah the were there to support U-kiss Summer concert, live in Hk


  2. Anonymous1:10 PM

    hi there....i love your blogs and have been following it for a while. with that being said, do u mind if i quote some of your info in soompi bc seems like fangirls are still going nuts about the recent gossips/scandal, whatever you wunna call it.

  3. hello Anonymous. go ahead please. i hope this will help.


  4. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Try to translate this and share to all they are just like a normal guy hanging around but be careful with the paparrazzi but I'm still 100% KIM HYUN JOONG FANS okey:
    SS501-mei许永生Hong Kong to unscrupulous cigarette butt litter
    2009年08月17日蘋果日報 August 17, 2009 Apple Daily

    【莊玟敔╱綜合報導】韓國花美男團體「SS501」團長金賢重、團員許永生,上周四在東京武道館舉行亞洲巡演,昨凌晨被拍到在香港蘭桂坊夜會兩名辣妹,現場女性民眾失控尖叫,他們卻不顧旁人側目,雙雙對對搭計程車離開。庄玟敔【】 ╱ roundup handsome Korean groups to spend "SS501" Hyun, head of heavy, members许永生, last Thursday at the Tokyo Budokan tour in Asia, was captured early morning yesterday at Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong, two nights will be hot sister, the people at the scene of women screaming out of control, regardless of other people they look, both right right to leave a taxi. 許永生臨上車前猛哈菸,還抓下體,與平日斯文形象差很大! Pro许永生Meng Kazakhstan before the smoke, but also grasping lower body, with the usual image of poor Sven great!
    金賢重現身蘭桂坊 Hyun re-appear in Lan Kwai Fong

    SS501六月底在香港開影友會,不知是否當時行程太滿,沒時間玩樂,事隔1個多月,金賢重、許永生秘密赴港,享受香港夜生活。 SS501 Open in Hong Kong by the end of June the Friends of Shadow, I do not know whether the trip was too full, no time to play more than one month later, Kim Hyun-heavy Hong Kong许永生secret to enjoy nightlife in Hong Kong. 昨凌晨約1時30分,金賢重突然現身蘭桂坊,引起女路人興奮尖叫,他手拿提神飲料「紅牛」,東張西望,約5分鐘後,1名拿著兩瓶紅牛的男子上前向他打招呼,正是許永生。 Yesterday at about 1:30, Hyun weight of Lan Kwai Fong suddenly appeared, causing passers-excited screaming women, he carries a refreshing drink "Red Bull", look around, about 5 minutes later, two bottles of red with a man cattle hello to him, it is许永生.
    兩人走到威靈頓街與兩名分別穿黑色吊帶裙、背心短裙的辣妹會合,許永生看到「吊帶妹」便燦笑,「背心妹」則是手舞足蹈對著金賢重說個不停。 The two come to Wellington Street and two吊带裙black vest short skirts babes join许永生see "tape-mei" Can they laugh, "vest-mei" is re-Hyun said dancing in front a non-stop. 隨後金賢重攔了計程車,並貼心地幫美眉開車門;許永生一手叼著香菸,臨上車前猛抽兩口,竟把未熄滅的菸頭丟地上,還當街抓下體,被批:「既沒公德心又失禮。」 Then re-Hyun stopped a taxi and close car doors to help crush;许永生hand cigarette mouth, the Pro on the train before the two猛抽, word did not throw cigarette butts out of the ground, lower body was also arrested in the street, was approved: "neither civic-minded and rude."

  5. wen06071:24 PM

    Dear liezle,

    Thanks for your fast update! ^^

    The HK APPLE DAILY reporters are horrible and sucks!!!

  6. hi liezle..thanks for this update..
    I actually go to your blog first before logging in to soompi. I just logged out for 2 hours and this news slaps my face.. hahaha

    saw your comment in soompi and I agree with you.

    I love them for what they are and what they are not. Smoking, drinking, hanging out with girls...if its a part of them then I welcome it (as long as no drugs.its crossing the line if they do that)..

    True that they are idols, but they are boys first and foremost. Who doesn't smoke and drink in this world (well I don't but I tried it before).. I mean if I (a too much goody to shoes) tried it surely a lot more are into it. But I am sorry to say that I am disappointed with Sangie. He has one of the most beautiful voices and his throat already have problems so I thought he would take care of it more.

    Who knows that those girls are part of their staff.. or cousins of one of the members of ss501 or ukiss right? seeing that leader looks friendly with them..and we know that leader doesn't talk to people he is not close with..

    well, whatever it is bad or positive publicity is publicity.. In instances like this where we see who are the TRUE someone in soompi said it



    for me, this doesn't change what I feel for them.. If I was one of the girls as seeing how hot leader was that night, hell, I'll follow him anywhere.

    Fans must understand that they have private lives..disappointment cant be helped but if you dont call yourself a fan if you cant get over this..

    SS501 FOREVER.!!!

  7. Hey Liezle~ read my email yet?
    Thanks for keepin' us up-to-date with 501-boys~ =) It is just awesome of you and your blog..

    Regarding this issue!? Welpzz, not much from me tho~ As human beings, 2 young guys got to hang out with their 'girlfriends' + drink + smoke.. Isn't it considered *normal-acts* ??? =)

    There's only one thing seemin new to me.. YSaeng~ as what I heard from 'someone'~ who really 'knows' our shy-prince in person, he does not smoke.. mm a newbie maybe?? ^^ LOL

  8. Ruby dear! I got your email and i was supposed to reply today but this news is keeping me off track. ^_^

    Well, your friend is probably right that YS doesn't smoke. I'm assuming here that YS smokes occassionally like when partying just like this one.

    Anyway, i'll reply to your email later when things are settled down.

    Miss you!


  9. Lin from Quainte/World Star 5014:52 PM

    Hi liezle,

    i like ur blog alot!! :D and i'm fan of SS501 after this news I"M STILL FAN of them i would't change my heart just becos of a ciggy!!! and i love young saeng more then before cos he is so manly with the way he smoke.. hahaha which we never see him so manly before!!! noe he's is our CUTE + MANLY SAENGIE!!!!

    SS501 AJA!!!! FIGHTING!!!!!

  10. Susan5:00 PM

    Hello Liezle,

    Thanks for the update! I've checked out BB's blog =)

    Human beings are born being judgemental, and in this case, many of the people are simply easily affected by some exaggeration by the reporters. It's infuriating me...i mean the reporters, not the boys definitely. Like what u've said, they're young and they are JUST unlucky to get captured by the reporters in hk -.-

    As the saying go, when u do 100 good deeds, pple remember you. But when you do accidentally commit a mistake, people remember you for ur mistake instead of remembering all the 100 good deeds you have done!

    Just praying hard that this matter will be settled and cleared up and everyone can look at it optimistically instead of being so judgemental!

    Will continue to check ur bloggie for updates of the boys from the Japan Persona and other news, Thanks again for the constant updates and yummylicious photos Liezle!

    =) Always and Always a TripleS!

  11. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Hi, love your blog.
    Saw this at K bites...

  12. mel_12237:50 PM

    I got the 'hot' news bout this vid this morning fr Jen but was too busy the whole day to really come in and dig on it.

    But as what you all hv commented here,whatever that was shown - there is nothing much to worry about. The boys are human after all. I have not seen the vid yet, and I believe it has been deleted or removed already, and will not go searching for it, unless I suddenly stumble onto it.

    The boys have worked and and deserve a break. The HK 'dogs' are the worst,and they just want to create a scene so that their news sells like hot cakes since the boys are so popular there during their first visit. lets just hope that the boys wont get any scolding from their managers. DSP probably would be clearing the air on this soon too. hwaiting SS501!

  13. Anonymous8:03 PM


  14. Anonymous11:48 PM

    thanks liezle for the info....
