
Monday, August 17, 2009

photos & videos

Yeah as whant the title says photos and videos. I don't what to call this post since it's a mixture of this and that. ^^

First off are few more photos from Persona [not sure if Seoul or Japan]. I just saw this on that came from an article from Hankooki. Actually 2 or 3 photos from this set have already been posted. But since they look pleasing to the eyes I still posted them. ^_^

Kyu Jong is cute in this photo. ^^

Next are two videos that I got from KHJ thread @ I haven't seen them yet since I'm don't have access to streaming where I am at. Please torture me of what you see from these vids by telling me what the vids are all about. ^_^

[link to video deleted] I've deleted this video since it's been deleted by the original poster in soompi. heck, if this is true i think we'll get to hear/read some explanation from DSP later to correct this issue if it's just rumor.

15/08/09 Hyun Joong's WGM congratulatory anniversary broadcast message [posted by Maripost on khj thread @ soompi]


  1. hi liezle i couldnt view the ys and hj fancam.. so just delete it...

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. thanks mei for the info. ^^ i read in soompi that it's a vid of leader and ys in HK when they went out [?] and there's a bit more to it. i hope it gets uploaded again.


  4. hi TYL! no wonder the vid was deleted. but 16 was only yesterday they arrived on the 14th friday.

    anyway, i read too about someone seen smoking.


  5. p.s. though i know smoking is bad for their health since they're singers but it's an outlet for them. anyway...


  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. and update again if u found the new link.
    yes its a common for guys to smoke, but because their idol status, it will become something big.. you know...

  8. hello mei, i've deleted the video. thanks.

    yeah i know. but it's common knowledge the most korean even idols smoke. anyway,just hope that they smoke moderately.


  9. shirbogurl21/shirley, if you are reading this please email me at work you know where to get in touch with me.


  10. Anonymous9:58 AM

    So weird but I still can watch the video on YT, but as mei said they are asking to remove it in order to protect the boys image...

  11. yes imamture fangirl start to make this big, so many ss501 fans now start to make request delete that video

  12. geez, HK paparazzi is one of the worst. they tend to make small things really big.

  13. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Hello, Liezle and fellow SS501 fans.... intriguing news about the Hyungs of the group...hmmm, well they deserve a break; boys will be boys (at least they are not gays ^^).. its normal for guys to drink, smoke and have fun, geez... they're only human too and might be lonely... anyways, can anybody provide me/us with the link to this vid... thanks (A)

  14. hello (A). actually i got curious/intrigue of the video because of what i learned that the 2 awkwards are together. ^^ the 2 of them having fun is a big news to me. hee, we all know that even the other members say that they're awkward with each other. so seeing them together is like...'oh wow' to me. ^^


    p.s. if someone will post the link here. i hope you just pm one another. i don't want hardcore @@501 fans writting unwanted comments in my blog.

  15. sorry need to re-post this since i misspelled SS501. ^^

    p.s. if someone will post the link here. i hope you just pm one another. i don't want hardcore SS501 fans writting unwanted comments in my blog.

    TYL, HK paparazzi is terrible. oh poor boys if this is true. they might be punished by DSP.

  16. Hi Liezle,

    really hope the boys will be safe (in terms of not suffering from loss of popularity & disciplinary action from DSP). need to correct my earlier earlier comment, this clip was shown in HK yesterday & vid was taken on 15 aug 1.30am. sigh, reason why i watch vid one more time was to confirm if it was really them. couldn't believe it at first. but i still tink they din do anything wrong or illegal. so why the big fuss? still, really hoping the person who put up the vid takes it down asap...

  17. liezle,

    Sorry to say, but i hope u can delete the post on this vid.. the Vid is really spoiling YS image..I'm sure after what others read what's happening here.. they will go search for the vid. The reporter really talking bad about YS.. so bad is spoiling his image. Please. Thanks


  18. Hi Liezle,

    agree wif Triple s-M'sia. mayb shld remove this entire post & we dun discuss this issue anymore as it may make others curious to go search and watch the vid...

  19. to lessen the damage that the video is now causing. i'll be deleting posts describing what's in the video.



  20. to lessen the damage that the video is now causing. i'll be deleting posts describing what's in the video.



  21. Hi Liezle,

    thks for doing dat. juz to clarify, my comments earlier had no bad intention. juz wanted to tell u abt the vid since u mentioned u weren't able to see it. hope this issue be over soon without any harm to d boys...

  22. thanks liezle,

    appreciate that...


  23. TYL no worries. I'm sure everyone got curious too and thanks for letting us know. Reactions to this kind of things are 50/50 so we've to be open minded.

    Btw,besides before us here, i'm sure many have seen and learned of the video.


  24. Dear Liezle
    Hope there's no repercussions over this. Don't wish to eleborate more but will check back here to see if there's any further developments. Hopeful that this will die a quiet death .... and I thought this would be a quiet week.

    Group hugs to all

  25. Anonymous11:04 AM

    omg. i was just reading this forum. and i headed over to the khj soompi thread...someone just posted up the yt link to that video and asked for a translation!!

  26. Anonymous11:22 AM

    yep, its true, the link to the video is on soompi and it hasnt been removed from youtube, and also there is one at youku...

    I also want this to died quietly...

  27. JenSen, sorry need to remove you comment because of the last paragraph.

    They're friends i supposed since the boys don't know chinese or english.


  28. I saw that too, aww they stir this news with bad words.

    Smell something strange.. If the paparazzi has been already tailing them, their likely to follow through the night... and the best footage they can release is HJ and YS waiting for the two girls maybe their stylist or dancer to arrive...????

    Most likely they tailed them and got nothing... just boring shopping, talking and eating (somefans saw them in mal) So thats why only an "insinuation" of a possible scandal footage is released with voiceover implying that there's something more.

    Don't forget HK 'dogs' are hardcore.... they are the same ppl who rang Rain's house doorbell, only to have his sister open the door, shoved aside and rushed in to take numerous pictures of his home...

    Just want to positivist..

  29. JeNSeN11:32 AM

    oh it's ok! now i know..they're just mind's all peaceful now..haha.

    thanks again! :)

  30. Japan is close to HK. May be Leader & YS just took a break there before they were back to Korea. I think 2 girls in the vid were the dancers in the concert.

  31. Hi liezle thx so much for your info.
    I think you must post this info in soompi to, to help protect them from this ridiculous web. You know many fangirl start to react negative than positive.

  32. wen060712:33 PM

    Hey liezle,

    This morning I received my korean friend's sms about this news issue, I'm still quite surprised what was she trying to tell me? Until I found out what's going on?
    Anyway, glad liezle has deleted the clip, its not really good to see them in this situation...sigh! I'm really speechless now!

    p/s: Even now the korean sites also shocked about the news!

  33. Anonymous2:47 PM

    FYI, the video on YT was removed. Hope this will cause any further damages.

  34. Anonymous2:48 PM

    sorry, typo, I meant "this will not cause"
