
Friday, September 04, 2009

Awesome Photos from Warner Malaysia

and they're posted on TripleS Malaysia to use these and put their logo on it.

Thank you so much Jen for sharing. ^-^

I'd like to post here my message to you on your blog...

These are AWESOME photos!
Thank you so much for sharing Jen.
Whoever took them is SOOOOOO LUCKY.
Thanks to Warner for sharing!

Jen, hugs and kisses for you.

You did a wonderful job.
TripleS Malaysia is lucky to have you.

When reposting please credit TripleS Malaysia photos courtesy of Warner Music Malaysia.

And if you can drop by Jen's blog and leave your footprints there for sharing these you may click HERE.

Message from Warner Music is also posted on TripleS Malaysia blog. Click HERE to read.

Oh Leader, you almost fainted. Take care of yourself.
Get some rest. But despite that you still remain professional
and finish the event. Everyone said that your very handsome
and that's so true. You're so popular in Malaysia and so loved.
You made many many many happy.

Jung Min ah, you made so many happy with your charisma.
You're the most consistent amongst the members and so considerate
from the many fan accounts i read. One even said that you represent
every members smile. You've gained more fans because
of your sexy charisma.

Maknae, you're getting thinner. Eat more.
They said that you are sooo handsome and look
in the eyes of fans. I'm a witness to that.
You made many fans happy with your smile and stare.

Young Saeng, you hardly smile? You're shy again?
But some fans said also that you've given them
angelic smile. They love you so much for
doing that to them. Smiling or not they said they
love you still. You're they're Prince.

Kyu Jong, I was right when I said here that your photos and videos
don't do justice to you. The fan account I've been reading said that
the you are soooo handsome and really nice in person.

SS501 you are so ADDICTING!


  1. Thanks Liezle,

    You are a better blogger than me...ahaha I really dunno what to write ^.^

    thanks for the links.. do check on us more, will have more photos to poison all of you soon... I'm abit slow. heehehe


  2. oh yes.. YS is really very shy.. is hard to catch him looking at you. You look straight to his eyes, he will faster look away.. My shy Prince. I'm so happy that finally i manage to meet him and be close to him... Shake hand with him, wah his hand so big like wrap around mine.. Ah a dream come true. Thanks


  3. spring2:51 PM

    liezle.. u really making us to check yr blog every sec, min...refresh and refresh..
    i just wrote very long comment story in last post and now see new post with good written again...
    hehe.. ya.. all u said there is right.. i also make exactly like same comments in last post.. ya.. YS is really shy..i shout YS YS YS in airport when they leave..i am just in front of him. he can look up.. but his head is just down..heee..he is really shy??:P confirmed to be "our shy prince". leader at least look back to me when i shout leader leader so many time..:-) JM is the best..whenever i shout, he look at me with his charisma smile..i am feeling his smile is representing for all...thank you our Mal..hehe..:-)
    hahaha..jen... r u going to kill me again just after i reach back home??heee..i am telling myself to cool down after this already...hehe..thanks for all the good pics.. i dont have any well taken like this...some clear vid only. all r in my uneraseable memories...hee..:-)
    jen is really lucky to shake her prince hand.. i just shake hand with JM and Kyu only for few sec while they walking out from can i forgot to shake leader hand during signing?? hee.. it is a worth trip...:-))

  4. there's a news of them on a msia news web

  5. wen06075:17 PM

    Wow~ this trip to me also worth cos I can see HJ up close....
    Just dun talk about the queues for the autographes session, it made me BURST!
    Other than that, I already feel satisfied~ I able to shake leader's hands..OMG!
    I also didn't take much photos, more focus on the video....
    Will upload and share with you gals soon~^^

  6. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Actually for me, i feel that kyu looks good in photos. He is 2nd most handsome after LEADER. Maybe he was chubbier last time compared to now, so he didnt look good in photos then. I like his current built. Haha.

  7. Anonymous11:46 PM

    ahhhh kyujong is so cute and goodlooking! i think he's as quiet as youngsaeng right? is he? omg i so so so wish i was in kl yesterday.

    thanks liezle. its a daily dosage to visit your blog whenever im online! thank you VERY MUCH (:

