
Friday, September 04, 2009

Let's take a break...

Hee, yeah let's take a break first on the the KL signing event that happened yesterday. Let's go back to Taiwan when SS501 held their fan meeting a few months ago by watching this Backstage Pass clip from Arirang. Thanks to shirbogurl21 for uploading on her YT channel.

But before you watch, Shirley corrected some of the translation that Arirang made as according to her the translation was a little off ^^

Take note of the following mark when you watch the video below.

1:25 JM: (pretended the bottle is his gf and kissed it) "do it again"
1:30 HJL: (line from BOF) Pretty girl, please buy an ice cream
1:34 HJB: love you more than my own life
1:40 SS501: Everyone scream together!

Here's the video...

Just before yesterday's event we all know that SS501 was in Beijing for another fan meeting. Here's a short clip that laeline211 on YT where shy Young Saeng, did a Jung Min imitation when he's drunk. ^^ So cute!

Alright, since I'm at it, let me share this Le Coq Sportif Season 2 Making video. shirbogurl21 put together all 6 videos that came out early this week to come up with this 4.28 minutes video. It's better than watching less than a minute clip one by one. ^^ Thanks Shirley for putting them all together and making watching this video a lot easier. ^^

Now, i'll go around to look for more goodies from KL signing event.


  1. shirbo7:44 PM

    haha i provide break time videos!!! haha so short of a break and now u r bak to KL event!! haha

  2. hahaha, i just sent you an email to let you know that i used your vids. ^^

    hee, can't think of any good title to use and since like i said i'm at it i thought of posting the le coq too. hee, it was a good excuse for me to post it finally. you've had that vid since wednesday, right?

    thanks again! and keep them coming please.


  3. spring7:48 PM

    thanks shirbo and liezle, give us a break from current hot KL suprise event...hahaha..
    i like both vids.. thanks to all uploader..:)

  4. Tiffany8:13 PM

    hello!do u know wat song was playing when the video showing the le coq sportif season 2?that song is very nice i like it alot.........

  5. you're very much welcome spring.

    i've added another vid. ^^


  6. Tiffany, hello! The title is 'Play' it was release after the 1st season of Le Coq. You can find the complete version on YT.


  7. YS IS SO SO SO CUTE doing the Heart omgggg :D :D Thanks Liezle for posting! THanks Shirbogirl for the lecoqsportif video too.

  8. Tiffany5:46 PM

    hello......can you post the full song of the le coq sportif on your blog because i cant find it on yt..thank u
