
Friday, September 04, 2009

clear signing event photos & departure 09.03.09

Someone on soompi shared the link of 4huntress blog and I saw wonderful photos that she took. I'm shoving some here but I suggest that you go over her blog too to check and leave your footprints for she has shared some beautiful photos. You may click HERE to go to her blog.

Here are few photos from her blog. Thanks 4huntress for sharing!

At the signing event...

Probaly a gift from fan. An alien ballpen. ^^

At KLIA departure area last night 09.03.09 ...

Here are some fancam of Hyun Joong. Haven't watch them yet so i don't know if they were taken nicely. Anyway thanks to Kadchan07


  1. finkle888:25 AM

    Hi Liezle, the fan cams are really short but have clear close up shots of Leader at the airport, he was at the check in counter, should be doing paperwork to get his passport back..

    Have u seen the fan accounts on soompi? OMG Leader almost fainted again! When are they gonna give him a break???

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    I read this on Baidu,

    Right at when we tried to get the boys' attentions, and negotiated with the securities, something HEARTBROKEN was happened right before our eyes; LEADER ALMOST FAINTED. He lost his balance and leaned for the wall. YoungSaeng who walked behind him jumped forward and held leader to prevent him from falling into the floor. His manager even tried to flash water onto HJ's face. Everybody was panic and rushed over Leader. We could still see his head, so I believed that he didn't really lost his consciousness. The whole group moved into the room right after that. We stood at the end of the hallway for hour to wait for them anxiously, but then got chased away by the hotel security. My friend cried her eyes out, she's a big fan of Leader since 2005. One of the event coordinator was nice enough to inform us that everything is ok with Leader, he just need to rest, but then she also said that they still have interviews with the press.. I feel so sorry for the boys, especially Leader. They all looked so tired. Their schedule is ridiculously packed. We didn't get to take any decent picture to share with you all. Our plan didn't come out as good as we thought. Still, we were happy to see the boys, but also feel horrible at the same time because of Leader's incident. I hope they will get enough rest.

  3. hello finkle! thanks for letting me know about the vids.

    someone posted the fan account in the comment box of beijing fanmeet page that i posted last night. and i just read it.

    yeah poor hyun joong. I hope today they DSP will give the boys some break before leaving again tonight [?] or early tomorrow to go to japan.

    i understand that it was sooo hot in KL yesterday and that the venue is also not condusive for such event.

    anyway, i noticed that it wasn't only him who looked tired, even Maknae from the photos of 4huntress. also all of them seems to be getting thin.

    DSP should give them a break and the boys when given a break should really take a break [hee, i hope you know what i mean. ^^] to recharge.

    btw, thanks for always dropping by and leaving your footsteps from time to time.


  4. hello Anonymous! Thanks for shoving it here. Another Anonymous share the same story on the previous page but it's okay.

    Like what i just wrote to finkle, i hope that the boys will be given a rest day today before going to Japan. I'm pretty sure DSP would want any of the members getting sick, it would cost them a lot I'm pretty sure of it.

    thanks for dropping by.


  5. finkle9:22 AM

    Hi Liezle, I just saw this on SS501ufo blogspot, that their Shanghai concert is on 14 Nov (don't know if is really confirmed).. And there are some fan cams there as well of the boys at KLIA departing to Seoul

  6. finkle, that's confirmed i;ve the details given by shirbogurl and i'm about to post it now. thank you so much! are you watching?


  7. finkle9:35 AM

    Liezle, you mean the Shanghai concert? I can't, I am from Singapore and it is near my exams :( I am banking on them coming to Singapore in Dec and that I will be in Singapore at that time :S

  8. oh dear, finkle the one in cagali's blog is SHANGHAI not TAIPEI. I thought TAIPEI!

    WHAT SHANGAI?! Nov 14?! Whoa!

  9. btw finkle, i'm not too keen in going to china in nov my plan for china is january. Singapore for me is already 90% yes. i'm just waiting for the finaly confirmation.

  10. finkle9:58 AM

    Hi Liezle, the info on the link I gave above says Shanghai on 14 Nov, but then when click on the BBH link it says Taipei, Oct 17.. I think the BBH made an error..

    OO do come to Singapore! We can meet up and go together (if I can go)! :)

  11. finkle10:00 AM

    Hi Liezle, the info on the link I gave above says Shanghai on 14 Nov, but then when click on the BBH link it says Taipei, Oct 17.. I think the BBH made an error..

    OO do come to Singapore! We can meet up and go together (if I can go)! :)

  12. quizzy10:01 AM

    whew! he must be really tired,, they're schedules are too tight!
    they should always get some rest..
    i feel bad..:(

  13. finkle10:01 AM

    Oops double posting sorry!

  14. finkle there are 2 Persona in BBH one is for Tw and the other for Shanghai and both dates are correct. You may check my post about them. ^^

    looking forward to meeting many Singaporean cyber friends when I go to SG for the concert. ^^


  15. spring1:20 PM

    wowow... u r really fast....
    i just back home and see yr blog before go to rest...amazing catching all the update so fast..
    my feeling now is mixed.. happy and a little sad... so happy to see them in person so nearly..they are exactly like what you mentioned... YS and Kyu much more handsome and pretty in real...leader is so handsome as in screen and face is sharp and small...want that kind of small face...hehe.. baby is so cute as in screen... the person who left deep impression on me now is the one you can guess... that is our Mal...JM..hahaha... he is really super friendly and never fail to smile...when i pass present when they come out, smile and say Hi... and continue wave and smile smile..Hi Hi...i even forgot to take video and forgot to focus to leader...haha..

    when they come out from arrival hall, leader is holding black small video cam and taking back all the crazy fans..hehe..wonder he will put in YT?? hahaha.. just kidding!!! i like it that he takes back to his fans how are we crazy..:P he is smiling a little and as usual with his no expression face..

    in the signing event, i should take video instead of photo. all my photos r not nice.. the photo u post here is really well taken..
    in this signing, hope i didn't give wrong impression to leader...that time i was very nervous and forgot what i prepare to say.. i only focus to get 2 signature one for me and my friend. after he sign one,i passed present to him and he said Thanks you. then i show the card which written in korean to sign for my friend as well. he want to read, but time is really short and can't read. the person behind is rushing and his eye is saying like he cannot do, sorry.. i was seeing him like please.. and then i slowly his usual cool style, he didn't really give big smile.. like a sorry smile i think back, worry he might think oversea fans only want to get his signature. i want to say i love you, hwaiting. but i forgot all these.. as u said, when we see them, we forgot everything and dont know what to say nervous and exciting..

    aw..i passed my video to wendy..i don't have blog and i never upload in YT before too. she will choose some good one and upload in her blog when she can. i want to send some to yr mail..but file is really big like at least 40+MB..

    our mission is accomplished and will never forget this experience of chasing them, seeing them very close in person and fighting for signature. hahha.. this trip is for me to cool down and back to myself. never done like this before. I and some of my friends plan to go taiwan. so we will see them back in taiwan again.. hope i will see all 5 sweet smile in concert.. in this trip, i saw JM smile most (i am thinking JM is not tired to smile all the times?? it is like he is smiling representing for all members...haha..) baby and kyu smile a little more. very hard to see leader smile. feel like he smile more friendly in korea than oversea. may be he is more comfortable in korea.. YS is really shy boy and didnt even look at fans.

    ok...should stop. yr blog comments will be like our story sharing...hee:-)

    now, i need to catch up new post slowly in weekends.. now go to rest and refresh memories in dream...hehe..^-^

    as usual, i will leave with 'Thanks you' note for all the posts.. have a nice day... see u again..bye!

  16. spring1:41 PM

    i didn't really know that leader nearly fainted.. i was in queue quite far behind... lucky didn't happen any.. i am so sorry to them now... they come to us from their very very busy schedule.. ya.. leader look more tired...hope staff will take care his health i feel like our tiring and hard time to see them is nothing compare to how much they are tired to give us best songs, MV and smiles... they used up all their energy.. sorry our boys.. please take care well your health first.. thanks so much for dropping by in KL...

  17. wen06078:15 PM too~ T.T Didn't even know Leader fainted again...@@
    So sad to know about this...when did this happened? Is it before us or after? Just wondering?
