
Thursday, September 03, 2009

vids from the beijing press con

While we are waiting for photos from the KL fan signing event, let me share first these videos from the Beijing Press Con of SS501. I don't think I have posted any vid from the presscon yet sot here they go.

As always thanks to shirbogurl21 for always tipping me. ^^

[Fancam] SS501 Hyun Joong Focus at Beijing Press Conference

Leader looking handsome though he looks kind thin again. I thought in 1.25 mark he's going to yawn because it sure looks like it but he didn't. Instead he sneezed! Hehehehe.... And the 'ah... ah...' mic test he did it twice! ^^ Cute!

Young Saeng looks cute seating next to him.

[Fancam] SS501 Jung Min Focus at Beijing Press Conference

Jung Min always seem to have so much energy. Can't help smiling watching him here even without knowing what's being said. Did you notice that JM keeps on making face and he's such a camera whore but I love it! ^_^

Btw, don't you think the Kyu Jong seems thin too?


  1. Thanks for the fancams Liezle ...

    Was Leader playing again with mic? Had to replay again and again that 1:25 part ^_^

    Hmm, seemed I always saw Leader and YS being together lately or perhaps I now pay more attention to the two of them being together lol

    Love the new YS with his new haircut and there are times he seemed more naughty than I thought before. He interests me more now ..

  2. Hey there Nicky! You're not the only one noticing don't worry. ^^ I was actually comparing the Beijing fan meeting and the one I attended in HK. In HK i didn't see the 2 talk much even YS talking to JM was hardly seen JM was seating next to YS too. Seems like something happened that things changed. I don't know... let's observe more. ^^

    About the hair, we're both on the same wave length again. He looks naughty and sexy in his short hair. Likewise more manly. I like!


  3. Anonymous4:29 AM

    ahhhh....someone posted this in soompi..

    "Right at when we tried to get the boys' attentions, and negotiated with the securities, something HEARTBROKEN was happened right before our eyes; LEADER ALMOST FAINTED. He lost his balance and leaned for the wall. YoungSaeng who walked behind him jumped forward and held leader to prevent him from falling into the floor. His manager even tried to flash water onto HJ's face. Everybody was panic and rushed over Leader. We could still see his head, so I believed that he didn't really lost his consciousness. The whole group moved into the room right after that. We stood at the end of the hallway for hour to wait for them anxiously, but then got chased away by the hotel security. My friend cried her eyes out, she's a big fan of Leader since 2005. One of the event coordinator was nice enough to inform us that everything is ok with Leader, he just need to rest, but then she also said that they still have interviews with the press.. I feel so sorry for the boys, especially Leader. They all looked so tired. Their schedule is ridiculously packed. We didn't get to take any decent picture to share with you all. Our plan didn't come out as good as we thought. Still, we were happy to see the boys, but also feel horrible at the same time because of Leader's incident. I hope they will get enough rest. "

    sad....leader's tiredness is so detrimental to his health. hope they can rest..even for a day...before flying out to japan.

  4. Anonymous4:31 AM

    ^ forgot to say that it was a fan acct from bbwakiyama@ SS501 soompi.

  5. hello Anonymous. thanks for sharing bbwakiyama's fan account. poor hyun joong he really needs to rest and so are the other boys. i saw maknae's photos he doesn't look good too. and it looks like everyone is getting thinner.


  6. spring2:56 PM come i didnt see any link or vid here to wacht?? is it deleted already?

  7. hi spring i read your post and will put my comment later. ^^ i enjoy reading it.

    the link is dead for the beijing presscon. go to shirbogurl21 YT it's there. you've to see it they're nice videos.


  8. spring4:22 PM

    hahaha.. liezle...
    now i can see it.. will watch it now..hee.. am i really going to cool down??haha..since back home, have not rest yet thought i was saying going to rest.. still looking around here and there and enjoying pics.. am i not enough just seeing them yesterday???hahha.. they r really so addicting... help me....hehee...
    ok... i will enjoy this vid soon.. thanks for sharing..:-)

  9. spring4:41 PM

    hehe..they r really great.. well taken vid. i wish i can share back my vid well like this too... i think i will have 2 or 3 good one only.. i always enjoyed other fans cam and how can i not share my cam one huh...hee..sorry for i am not used to in bloging and uploading in YT... am i like babyHJ?? he said he has to eat when JM cooked food..that's why he doesn't cook..hee..i use baby excuse.. i will be the person who appreciate all yr posting...hahaha... hope wendy will help me upload 1 or 2 when she can..or if i can reduce the file size, send to u..
    we all really not enough seeing them??hehee... i like leader and JM playing with microphone. wish i can see malaysia conference soon too.. wonder what they did inside conference while we queue outside..hee..
    thanks for sharing link and who uploaded in YT!
