
Thursday, September 17, 2009

considerate leader

I'm shoving here another translation from Quainte501 shared by xiaochu. It's about the news of Hyun Joong's arrival from Japan yesterday.

09/16 [news] Kim HyunJoong at Gimpo Airport “Recovered from H1N1

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


SS501 Kim HyunJoong returned back to Korea at Gimpo Airport on 16-Sep at 2.25pm. Having recovered from H1N1 influenza, he was discharged from hospital on 15-Sep and came to show himself in front of his fans on 16-Sep.

Kim HyunJoong arrived at Gimpo airport on 16-Sep at 2.25pm on flight OZ1015, he appeared with a light blue mask and black cap. Kim HyunJoong looks a little thinner and his face is pale, he talked about his current condition to the fans.

Kim HyunJoong said “Thank you to many of you who came here. I will become healthy again soon, so as not to let many of you worry, I will show it through my activities.” Kim HyunJoong has recovered from H1N1 influenza, but is still having slight fever resulted from the accompanying sore throat. During the short interview on this day, he is unable to raise his voice to talk. He seems to be haggard and still not completely recovered yet.

After a short interview on his arrival, Kim HyunJoong was escorted out of the airport by 4 managers. Even DSP Entertainment CEO Lee HoYeon came to the airport for Kim HyunJoong’s arrival. The company took extra precautions to take care of Kim HyunJoong’s safety.

Gimpo airport considered and suggested for Kim HyunJoong to use the secret passage instead of the main door out, however Kim HyunJoong said “I have to go and greet the fans who are waiting” showing strong will to use the normal passage way on his arrival. There are about 300 fans at the airport on this day, waiting for about 1 hour prior to his arrival. There are huge banners hung in the arrival hall, wishing for Kim HyunJoong’s good health. Kim HyunJoong’s parents who went over to Japan to look after him, returned first on 15-Sep after he was discharged.

SS501 which Kim HyunJoong belongs to, will be releasing their official album end of this month, all activities are put on halt for the time being so that he is able to rest.

Kim HyunJoong attended to KBS drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’ promotional event in Yokohama Japan on 5~6 Sep, and developed high fever which later confirmed to be H1N1 influenza and had to be admitted to hospital to receive treatment. One member from SS501’s dance team was also diagnosed with H1N1 influenza on 10-Sep.


  1. finkle8:25 AM

    Hi Liezle, thanks for the update! Btw, do you think he really went to Jeju?? Or is it just a decoy so that he can rest in Seoul in peace? Cos he left the airport ytd and so far we havent heard anything about him being sighted at any Seoul airport or Jeju airport..

  2. hi finkle. actually yesterday i thought that his flight was a direct flight to Jeju. then i thought again that he'll probably take another flight from gimpo to jeju but as we know it didn't happen. anyway, probably he'll rest first in their home and then later on will go to Jeju. but then again he didn't mention yesterday anything about Jeju only the newspaper were writing about it. whatever the case, i hope that he gets to rest well and recover soon.


  3. mel_12239:46 AM

    Thanks for the news, Liezle, and also to + + (English Translation) xiaochu @ for the source.

    Lets hope he will take his time to rest more. His body is in dire need of alot and alot of rest. I guess it does not matter whether he is indeed going to Jeju to recuperate or not. The most important thing is Leader does rest well, irregardless of where in Korea.

    Since he is now back at home, at least he will be even further cared for by his family and friends and he should be more comfortable taking a good rest in his home/country. And hope he eats more good nutritional Korean food and supplements while he rest well and long, so he will indeed return back Healthy and Strong.

  4. wen06079:46 AM

    Hi liezle & finkle

    Thanks for the news updates^^
    What I was told from my korean friend, she said the report about him going to Jeju was not accurate... not very sure whether he will go Jeju or stay in Korea
    I will check out from them again.... ^^

  5. finkle10:54 AM

    Hi Liezle, I posted a news from Baidu on soompi thread feel free to repost :) anyway from that news it seems that he really didnt go Jeju and is to rest at home, but I doubt he will really be resting, more like starting his practice :S

  6. hye liezle,
    thanks alot for the update..
    hope to see more from you...

  7. spring1:57 PM

    i am so touched reading this.... i think no one will guess this might be happened behind the scene before he come out from the main door...
    truly truly amazing love and care from our leader KHJ.....
    "Kamsahanida Thanks million billion Kim Hyun Joong" i am relief and happy as he is with his family and friends now.. so, he will be able to recover even faster... please rest more before think to come to us... Kamsahanida again our perfect leader...:)

    Thanks liezle sharing back this quickly and the person who started to share this touching behind story... u all r the best as leader too....i really amaze you all... i can't even finish following all the post yet..hehe... put in my homework for weekends enjoy reading...:P

  8. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Liezle thank you for the update...i agree with everyone that HJL does still look tired and still needs more rest and probably medication.. he has to take time to recover so as to prevent a relapse or further complications hence value his health.

    on him recuperating in his home rather than in jeju,- i believe nothing beats a mother's touch and care, he will be up and about pretty soon because he is still young and strong willed. HJL/SS501 fighting! (A)
