
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

another round of kyu jong

HeStory [] sure is spoiling us with hottie Kyu Jong's photos from Seoul Drama Awards. Another set of photos was sent to me by Shirley and Mariposa almost at the same time.

This is a killer smile!

Oh dear... that smile is the sweetest.

I guess he's conscious of the camera
from HeStory aimed at him.

If somehow you failed to check the other HeStory photos from SDA you may click HERE and HERE.

P.S. Guys, I've read all you comments on 'cute little moments' post, thank you so much for liking it. I'm so happy to learn that I've again put a smile on your face.


  1. sorbet4:26 AM

    hi liezle!
    have always been here to look for updates. thought i should give back something..
    im sure we all saw the clip where SS501 acted as girls..
    but the link below is the "making of".. so if you havent watch it below..go click it! haha love it when leader was saying "1 2 3.. cue!"


  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    love his smile.. so angelic.. thanks liezle! his photos nv fail to kill me early in e morning haha

  3. aigoo..kyu so cute and manly in these shots!! i esp like the 3rd pic. i really love kyu's side profile..thnx!!

  4. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Once again, thank you for sharing HeStory pictures to us Liezle ^.` Kyu whatever angle or view taken..front,back, side,standing, sitting...-SS501 fighting! (A)

    Jst a quick question: why is it i read SS501 "hwaiting" rather than "fighting" in some posts/texts?

  5. Jennifer11:12 AM

    Oh my goodness.... another cute pictures of Kyu today. His smiles is killing me again. Haha.... :P

    Thanks for sharing HeStory pictures. They really captured nice views of Kyu. I love it too.

  6. quizzy5:49 PM

    i don't know if its my eyes or something! haha.. but the 3rd pic!! him looking down, very similar to leader!! haha.. i must say in some pics, at first glance they have similarities.. haha:)

    thanks for the updates liezle!! and also to mariposa and shirley for the pics.. keep it coming..!!
