
Sunday, September 20, 2009

'Green Gold' Episode 2 Preview

Alright, I want that news about Yong Joon out on the top page. I really hope that he's out of the hospital now and just recuperating at home.

Geez... blood poisoning.!Darn, he is so stubborn. Being a perfectionist and hardworking has its toll. He's been working so hard since he started doing 'Beauty of Korea'. The last time I saw him at the wedding of his manager, he was so slim and it's really alarming [he lost 10kg!].

Currently, Yong Joon's figure looks the same as the rest of the SS501 members! Geez, and he's one of the actors voted before as one of the best 'Momjjang' [momjjang a person with the best figure of body].

Sigh... I need a diversion...

I hope that YT will have the FO by now otherwise, i'll d/l the link that cute girl gave even without subs to watch.

Meanwhile, i'll just watch this preview of 'Green Gold' for tomorrow's episode.

much thanks to the uploader.

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