
Sunday, September 20, 2009

sigh.... happy... sad.... happy... sad...

Sigh... why does this news has to come out while I was watching 'Family Outing'. Yes, this news came out at the same time as the airing of FO. Geez, if only you know guys know how i'm having this 50/50 feelings. Darn! Hyun Joong makes me happy, Yong Joon makes me sad... darn and I hate this feeling. My only consolation is that I think that Yong Joon is no longer in the hospital and already recuperating at home.

The news doesn't say if he's at home or still confine in a hospital and it was belatedly reported. It seems that he had been sick since Thursday and we didn't have any idea about it. BOF is really good in keeping secrets. Had we known about this fan will get worried. sigh.... i hope he's already recovering and not worrying too much.

Darn, these actors work as if there's not tomorrow. Didn't they know that if they get sick while in a middle of something important there is more danger of not finishing their project because of their deteriorating health? I'm getting mad... they should think of themselves too!

Sigh again... and Yong Joon has to attend a presscon on Tuesday.

Oh dear, this morning's news about Yong Joon is all about his book 'Beauty of Korea' really, it's unbelievable that we didn't know of this. Darn again!

Hallyu Star Bae Hospitalized

Korean top star Bae Yong-joon, 37, has been hospitalized to get treatment for blood poisoning, according to Bae's management agency Sunday.

"Bae was taken to a hospital in southern Seoul on Sept. 17 as he collapsed amid an abrupt fall in his blood sugar and blood pressure. The initial medical check proved that he was in the earlier stages of blood poisoning. He has become weaker in immunity due to overwork and stress,'' said the Boundaries of Forest (BOF).

"Bae seems to have gotten stressed about writing his book recently. He seems to have lost weight and is exhausted mentally as he has been consumed in writing his book for over one year,'' the agency said. "There are no other problems. He is taking it easy, receiving Ringer's nutrient solution, at hospital.''

Bae has lost more than 10kgs in weight during the past one year, while writing his photo essay: "Journey Seeking Beauty of Korea,'' according to BOF. Bae is scheduled to hold a ceremony for the publishing of the book at the National Museum of Korea in central Seoul on Sept. 22. A similar event along with the one promoting the animation, "Winter Sonata,'' is scheduled in Tokyo from Sept. 29 to 30.

"We believe that he will be able to leave the hospital by the publication day although we are worried a little,'' the agency said. "He has gotten fatigued a lot due to a series of overnight work sessions to finish the publication. It seems that he really took it hard ahead of two big events in Seoul and Tokyo.''


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh, after KHJ's sickness, now BYJ's..... Really heartbreaking...sighs......

    Keep praying hard for his quick recovery. May God keep him well in his hands!

  2. Ah, this is sad too...
    Hmmm, what is happening to all male celebrity in Korea... so many things just continue to happen

    Hope for his fast recovery.


  3. wen06079:47 PM

    Haiz~ hope Yong Joon will speedy recovery soon...

    I think Hyun Joong and him look abit alike.....

  4. i Read about this in allkpop yesterday and I really felt sad too...

    they work too hard because their fans are wants to see them and yet they compromise their health by doing so.. fans love to see their idols and they know that its just that they should also know that fans hate seeing them unhealhty, fatigued and fainted even it was done to please us fans..

    I really hope idols would think of their health more like jung min oppa..haha
