
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Le Coq Photos Galore ^^

It's 3am and I'm still here infront of my computer. ^^ Well, I'm actually not doing anything related to SS501 a few hours hours ago, I'm actually editing episode 10 of 'Dream'. As some of you know I'm part of a subbing team. I'm doing this to thank that particular group for bringing good quality subs. Anyway, I'm almost done, with a few more touches, a bit of tweak here and there then the missing spots then it'll be out of my way. I hope to finished it tomorrow so that I can concentrate tomorrow night on 'something else'.

Okay, before I log out, let me share these photos of SS501 from their latest Le Coq Sportif ad. This was scanned and posted by yyy148 on I had this set of photos prepared [and placed in draft] but wasn't able to post because I haven't written anything yet for this post. Hee if you noticed the videos that i posted earlier about Le Coq too, I didn't write anything because I haven't watched any of the vids yet. I just posted them right away when I saw them on SS601 to share because I know a lot have been waiting for the making vids.

So here are the scanned photos. Btw, below the individual shots are nice background photos that you can use on your computer.

Geez, i just noticed that this post is too long bec of the photos. I''ll edit them later and use thumbnails instead. Hee, sorry if it made the page a little heavier than usua.

The following are nice background for your computer. ^^

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