
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

UPDATE : SS501 @ KLIA at 1.10 pm on 09.03.09

I just received this LATEST INFO...

SS501 latest flight sked for tomorrow

Here's the fligh details again...

The boys will arrive from KK at KLIA at
1:10pm via MH 2605

boys and company decided to take a later flight. so they will set off from KK on the 10:45am flight instead.

Thank you so much to Sg TripleS for the information above.

Yes, I know people have been asking for this. So, there you have it above.

Those who are NOT going to the signing event I hope that you'll go to KLIA to welcome the boys. They need to have a warm welcome to know that you're anxious to see them!!! Let them know that they are also loved in Malaysia! Let them know that you're all excited to see SS501. Likewise, I'm pretty sure SS501 will be happy to see all your happy and excited faces at the airport.

So, TripleS Malaysia, tell your friends who cannot make it to the signing event that they have a chance to see them at the airport to welcome the boys. Please tell them the more TripleS at the airport to welcome them the better.

Show SS501 your warmth, your passion and your enthusiasm.


  1. thanks!! i've been looking for this!!

  2. Thanks for the news liezle..
    Now I gotta think of a way to cut myself into two. :P

  3. Hey liezle !
    Thanks for the news.

    But any news for them coming to Singapore ? :X
    I did ask this before, sorry i couldnt find the reply if you did reply.

    Cheers ! Continue with your posts on SS501 ! ^^

  4. wen06076:30 PM

    Hi liezle

    Now I'm in One World Hotel with Spring...^^
    Already got the information upon their arrival for tomorrow..
    Can't wait to see the boys damn close tomorrow~hehe:P
    Will update more once I'm back to SG^^

  5. oopsies!

    just got confirmation from the peeps at KK... boys and company decided to take a later flight. so they will set off from KK on the 10:45am flight instead.

    MH 2605
    arriving KLIA 1:10pm

  6. spring9:49 PM

    hi... liezle...
    i am in one world now..hee... i was so busy to visit all the regualar blog that i go since monday... i was working nearly like 24hrs to able to go today to KL...finally, i got leave and quickly come...i worried they will reach today then i tried to reach today.. now i am waiting them at hotel.. last few days so busy that cant even come and say i am going to KL.. now come and do my homework of checking yr site then see a lot of update... i cant even check all yet... hope we will have momerable day with them toml... i will go to airport to welcome them as well... so exciting now.. will try to grap much photos as i can... i am so exciting and looking forward toml now... hehehe...:-))

  7. whoa! spring you're in malaysia. wen/wendyis there too! wow! now i'm envious. ^^

    oh geez you'll go to the airport too. and make sure to be there at the venue before 4pm since i think that's the time the cds will be available for sale. that's your ticket for the signing with a bit of a fan meeting.

    i'm so excited for all of you!

    i bet you guys won't be able to sleep and will think of what to do tomorrow.


    bb, thanks for the info!

  8. Haha liezle, wendy and spring are in the hotel together now, they went to KL together from singapore this afternoon! :) I was supppppppppppose to be there with them......but thanks to my commitments of being a student and my exams, i'm still stuck here in singapore!!!! ]:

  9. spring10:40 PM

    hahaha.... liezle.. u r right... u win the bet...hee.... i cant sleep and eat now..hahaa...
    wendy too cannot sleep but she can eat...hehee... wendy beside me going to kill me now...hahaha.. before we have fun with our boys.. we r having fun ourselves....hee.. tripleS is the best... i like them all and love as much as to SS501..
    ohh.. Susan..haha.. u r cute.. u r stuck in s'pore....heehee...ya...student commitments.. if i am still student, i may not go too... school is more important.... u make good decision... they will come to spore again.. then we enjoy together again too...:-))

  10. oh susan don't worry you'll get your chance in SG.

    i'm pretty much stuck here too in my country and just relying on the net. thank God we now have this wonderful invention.


  11. AHHHHHH spring!!!! and wendy!!!!, I'm so so so upset and feeeeling super down. I could have been there in the hotel with you girls having FUN and dreaming about them! ): ): ZXZXZX really hate hate hate the fact that i'm a student!!!!

    Anyway, must eat!! And sleeeep wellllll, so that u all will be on your best looks tomorrow when seeeeing the boys! :) :) Send my regards to them toooo if possible! Enjoy and i'lll meet u girls like REAL soon once your are back alright!

  12. wendy and spring, you guys should strategies on the signing event. if you want photos you should not queue together so that one can take photo of one another during her moment with the boys. ^^

    btw, i bet just right now you are getting giddy talking about these five good looking species from SK.

    wendy, i know you like leader who's your second?

    what about you spring, is it leader also?


  13. Yeah liezle, i'm grateful for the invention of the internet. And all of your hardwork with the updates and first hand news for all of us fans.. appreciate it alot! :) Msia is SOOOO near and yet i'm stillll not being able to be there, really a pity due to exams! ): Nvm, i shall look at it on a brighter side and pray hard i get to see them soon too! Is your internet server working fine now?

  14. xiaochu, you're welcome. good luck tomorrow. hope you get the signature of all.


  15. Don't know if wendy and spring are still online now anot..haha envious of them so much!!! and i hope im not leaving too many comments LOL!! Wendy's second is baby!!! Spring is leader and then Jungmin... but she like all 5 alot tooooo :) Hehe did i get it right spring or if there's any changes??

  16. you're very much welcome susan. i love sharing and spreading the wonderful God given talents of SS501 that is why i'm doing this. hee, and they give me joy and forget all my worries.

    hee, i hope to meet you in SG if i go.


  17. so for wendy it's leader and maknae and spring leader and jung min. aahh jung min so nice and looks in the eyes. baby is nice to but a bit shy but very nice when i said my bye bye. leader is also nice though his presence is too intimidating because he's so handsome.

    young saeng very very shy but so nice too. kyu jong soooooo handsome in person [i've said this many many times]


  18. Haha i like all 5 of them so much!!! But of course leader holds a special place in my heart with his OH-SO-PERFECT smile from every angle!, followed by Jungmin!! He's so so so adorable, and i just loove the captions u included tgt with the photos u posted of him's so funny and suited to the photo! :)

    Lucky you got to be in the group photo with them and see them up close! Yeah i'm hoping for a chance to see Kyu upclose and see his super handsome look in reality! YS became so much more cheerful during the BJ FM and i like him that way, though i do miss his Prince-charm and shyness! Baby is playful and he became more Man as compared to the past..i like Tom and Jerry moments!

    How about you? You like Leader, followed by Jungmin too yeah? :) Yeah i hope to meet you around soon too! Cant wait for DSP to confirm their schedule for the concert in Nov/December.

  19. susan, my #1 is leader [but other members can be # 1 too] and my #2 is jung ming, maknae, kyu jong and young saeng. there's no #3, #4, #5. At times my #1 is all of them or hyunsaeng, hyunkyu, hyunmin, or hyunjoon ^^ or a mixture of any of them. weird, right? they make me crazy!

    about the SG concert don't worry you'll get to know it soon. meantime, you study first. ^^


  20. Hehe i see, i get what u mean!! They're all cute and attractive in their own ways :] Haha they make all of us crazy and all i do now when im back from school is to check your blog and BB's blog and the forum haha, like a routine!

    Yeah, i'll have to study for my prelim exams now in sep and then my actual exam in november!

    Alright, i'll be heading to bed now. Take care and rest well, waiting for news from the girls tomorrow after the session and i believe we'll be exercising our cute little fingers (quoted from you) once again then! =) Talk to you again soon! Goodnight!

  21. alrighty susan, good luck to your exams and good night. i enjoyed exchanges notes with you.

    looking forward to tomorrow. ^^


  22. Thank You! :) I enjoyed very much chatting with you too, at least i can forget about the fact that im stuck in sg all alone =) Haha Goodnight and rest well!

    Yipeee tomorrowww!!

  23. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hey liezle, you saw SS501 real life before? Like where and when? Care to share? (: Or maybe you can direct me to a post on your account of meeting them (if you did one one it). Really interested to know how it was like! :D

  24. hello Anonymous. Yup seen them. first was in 2006 when it was my very first time in seoul. That's were I got to know them.

    The last was the fan meet in HK. You may read <HERE AND HERE. ^^

  25. wen06071:52 AM

    Haha~ liezle and susan, both of you chat alot tonight wor...kekeke :P
    Miss us issit?

    Liezle, okie...will try not to queue together, so inorder can get the other party to take the photo for me....keke^^
    Hope everything go on smoothly~

    Susan answered for me 1st is LEADER of cuz~ ^^ 2nd is BABY, 3rd is Jung Min, followed by Kyu Jong and Young Saeng~~^^

    Dear, I update our photo taken from the hotel, go and see if can^^
    Spring will leave her message after me~^^

    Got to go to bed now...zzzZZZZ -.-

  26. wen06071:53 AM

    Susan, cheer up and dun be sad as I said, nothing is impossible~ you will get to see them soon in SG! Keep our fingers crossed okie!! >.<

  27. spring2:05 AM

    hahahha.... now then see susan and liezle exchange note here..hee...just now wendy loading our pic in one world in her blog.. so we didn't know about yr 2 conversion here...hee..
    firstly, thanks liezle for tips and about our boys when we see in person..hehe..i wanna reach toml exciting.. we will go to airport welcome too.. so a little worry when we back hotel queue is long and we can't get into sign..big worry...hope we can as well..
    secondly, susan thanks for replying me.. ya.. u r right.. i am not shange yet.. 1st is always leader...2nd is JM, sometime YS, sometime Kyu, baby is last for me..hehe...i like to bully baby too...hahaha...i like tom and jerry couple most too...hehe...
    liezle, ya.. hope to see you in s'pore when they come to SG..yes..i also always thanks you so much for fast update of our boys news in english..i cant reach chinese, so usually for quick check i always see yr blog and wendy...but now i have a lot homework to review yr blog update..hee.. i cant do yet..slowly need to clear in weekends..hehe..
    ok.. now should go to sleep soon...2am already...can feel sleepy a bit..hhaha..i guess u two sleep already... see you again... toml we will not be online.. i am thinking after sign event, follow to airport and stay there..haha.. but not sure yet...heehee...see you two back again when we back to spore...hope we can capture good photos...i also worried i will forget to take pic when i see pretty 5 boys...hehe..
    ok.. good night!!

  28. mailene10:50 AM

    oh wow, wendy and spring are in Malaysia?!? you guys...goodluck. haha.. i could imagine how u guys cant eat, cant sleep and cant breathe knowing you have a chance to see the boys.

    liezle, thanks for all the updates.. havent been online that much coz i was so darn busy with work..

