
Sunday, September 27, 2009

More from Wonder+Full Korea Concert 09.27.09

Alright, now that I've finished posting all eight parts of 'Family Outing' from shirbogirl's YT channel. I'm going to post next another set of photos of Kim Hyung Joon, Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng and Park Jung Min from the Wonder+Full Korea Concert that was held earlier.

Thanks to shutterbut Muderer_Q for these photos which originally i think came from DSCS.UUEASY.COM and posted by cite on

This is the first time the only four of SS501 are doing activity and I think this will go on until their concert in Taiwan on October 17. According to some news report, they said at the concert that for the meantime that Kim Hyun Joong is still trying to recover, only the four of them will be doing activities. But I'm assuming that this will only be in Seoul [TV guesting and public appearances]. Likewise, they also mentioned [confirming the news that the Taiwan newspaper reported] that the album will be released last week of October [and this makes me sad because I was anticipating the release of the album 1st or 2nd week of October, while I'm in Seoul].

Sigh... what can we do. We can't force the issue, Hyun Joong got sick.

But Kim Hyung Joon said that, let's be more patient and wait for their coming and see a SS501 new image.


  1. finkle11:43 PM

    Hey liezle, do you think the Taiwan concert will be unaffected? I don't want just 4 of them to have the concert! :(

  2. finkle11:44 PM

    Cos the news report stated that KJ said HJL will rest all the way till their comeback..

  3. hello finkle. if DSP is planning to postponed the concert they would have done it ahead of time. it'll be too risky to postponed it now that many have already made plans.

    i'm thinking that probably they'll just do some adjustments on the program that would entail less strenuous activities for Leader. I'm also thinking that he might lypsynch so as not to stress his chords.


  4. finkle12:08 AM

    hi liezle, i sure hope so, how can double s have a concert with anyone missing :S

    DSP should faster release an official statement regarding the group's plans for now, so that pple won't worry..

    Thanks for all the updates and pics!!!!

  5. photos from

  6. Anonymous4:31 AM

    oh is so skinny. can you eat more baby??

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    is this for real? take a closer look at their faces, then look at their whole goodness! they all sooo skinny! HJB's face is gaunt! will someboday please advise them to put some meat... its unhealthy looking... lean is good but not skinny..aigoo (A)
