
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trans Articles re : SS501 appearance in Wonder+Full

Much much thanks to finkle for informing me of her rough translation on soompi and giving permission to report her translation here.

Here are two articles regarding the appearance of Kim Hyung Joon, Kim Kyu Jong, Heo Young Saeng and Park Jung Min in Wonder+Full Korea Concert held earlier. The boys revealed the plan when their album will be released and that they'll be doing activities without Hyung Joon temporarily until he gets better.

Like what I wrote in my previous post, we can't force the issue. Leader got sick [and from what I understand from the interview is again under the weather]. Let's all be good fans. [boo hu hu... i was planning to buy my album in Korea... but who can it be now?... boo hu hu hu...] TT TT TT

Article #1

Kim Hyun Joong absent from SS501, New album to be release end of October
Source :
Korean to Chinese by tkdska@
Chinese to English by finkle88 [Please credit when re-posting, thank you]!

SS501's leader Kim Hyun Joong did not participate in the performance; the other 4 members hope that everyone would anticipate all 5 of them together on a brand new stage

SS501 was the last performer at the 1st segment of the Wonderful Korea Concert.

After performing 'U R Man', 'I am', 'Cannot do', Kyu Jong said "Preparing the 2nd album now, Hyun Joong hyung is not feeling well, so he will be resting all the way until the comeback, during this period only the 4 of us would be participating in activities"

"In a very short while, the 5 of us will make a comeback with our 2nd album"

Kim Hyung Joon said " This is the music that the 5 of us came out with this 2 years, and we have prepared, in a month's time with will meet everyone with a brand new concept/image. The album would have the songs we are singing now and new songs. Please anticipate!"

SS501 gave the fans a chance to ask questions today, and the fans had a happy time.

SS501 will make their comeback after the 3rd week of Oct.


Article #2

Source :
Korean to Chinese by tkdska@
Chinese to English by finkle88 [Please credit when reposting, thank you]!

SS501 will comeback on the 4th week of 10 Oct. [liezle : this is confusing ^_^]

SS501 performed many songs including 'Because I'm Stupid' at the Wonder Full Concert on 27 Sept, 6 pm at the Olympic Park.

But, Kim Hyun Joong was nowhere to be seen.

The members said that Kim Hyun Joong has not been well recently, and today he is also not feeling well so he couldn't perform on stage. "We are in the midst of preparing for the 2nd album, the album will have new songs, hope everyone would wait."

When the host asked about the album, Kim Hyung Joon said "This is the album we have been preparing for 2 years. Everyone will be able to see it within a month, the style is different from previously, hope everyone would not be shocked and please support us!"

Heo Young Saeng was asked about the Personal Tour. "The Seoul and Japan stops have ended. Was a bit nervous when the tour first started. Will go to countries that we have never been before, quite excited, hope that we will quickly go to other countries and show our best to everyone."

When asked about the members' ideal type, Kim Hyung Joon said "Girls who put in 100% effort when doing things are charismatic and sexy. We must thank all our fans here, you are our ideal type". This won applause from everyone below the stage.

SS501 said that their album would be released on the last week of SS501, please anticipate!


  1. miss tota1:50 AM

    hii lizly long time nt posting a comment
    i wanna to ask u when this concert happened
    is it last week or today ??

  2. Anonymous3:55 AM

    hey liezle, i am curious...wich song is cannot do????? i thought they sang "because im stupid".

  3. wen06076:51 AM

    Hi miss tota

    I answer on behalf
    This concert was happened on yesterday, 27 sept~^^
