
Thursday, September 03, 2009

SS501 at Hi Seoul Restaurant in KK & KLIA

Here are some great shots of the boys!

Lifted from Hurmutube blog since i can't access much much thanks to Rina 리나 Mazni for the first set!

SS501 entering Hi Seoul Restaurant

SS501 @ Kuala Lumpur International Airport

For the next set, original credit goes to &


  1. mel_12231:30 AM

    Liezle, I need to tell you that I am truly mesmerized by cute sexy JM today! Truly 501% mesmerized!. I am too tired, just got back from a long day after going to the airport and seeing him a feet away from the time he exited up to the moment he got into the van, then rush to the signing event which was totally chaotic and mad rushed! and then rush back to the airport for the final sights of the boys and him of the day! I'll share more stories later, though I didnt take much pics (will let u know why haha!)

    I will sleep with a HUGE smile on my face and his image plastered to my mind! And he gained a whole lot more fans today with his very very friendly demenure towards everyone!

    Annyeong for now first.

  2. oh mel i'm so happy for you! he's sooooo charming and nice, right. such an adorable creature.

    ok i won't ask question because i know you're so dead tired now and that you want to think of what happened awhile ago. hee, i was just like that when i saw him in HK. he was totally on my mind. i got the jumg min bug when i saw him that Ruby kept on teasing me that I love him than Leader. ^^

    Ok go and sleep we'll wait for your story tomorrow.

    Dream of Jung Min.


  3. wen06071:53 PM

    Hey liezle,

    Just back home....
    So tired.... but still enjoyed myself~
    I thought I won't be login today but I couldn't stop myself to come to your blog first.....^^

    Btw, glad to meet up with some malaysian friends such as Mel, Baby S, Serena, Jen etc..... esp. Mel for taking care of Spring and me, so touched and we had funs with them too~^^

    I will share my stories with you all later lah.... will update in my blog soon~
    Btw, I'm quite disappointed with this autographes session.... its really in a mess and not in proper queue.... the organiser never do a proper job at all...goodness! T.T
    And somemore, we also bought extra albums and ended up only signed by 1 member each and depend on your luck.... As mentioned, Leader's queue was the longest, I saw the staff very fierce and shouted to some of the fans, asked them to get out if they insisted not going according to what they said, all jammed up just because of the long queue under Leader....

    At first, we were told that they defintely will sign all, I dun mind signed by each member but at least they should keep their promises.... I even saw someone bought more than 5 albums, just because to get them signed, in the end, many fans are very disappointed.... When I think of it, I burst up!~~

    Liezle, will share with you more later~

  4. spring9:49 PM

    hahha.. i slowly reading all the last post and wanna leave comment for this about JM...
    ya.. liezle.. when i said about how JM left deep impression on me then wendy said u go to JM.. no more leader..hehe.. no like that.. may be that's why yesterday i lost focus and i run to all 5 of them but most of the time i stuck in is JM smile..hee.. cos he is really friendly and smiling back you all the time... i am like even forgot to take focus leader vids.. heee... that's how JM friendly smile is power.. now i believe...hahaha...
    wish to get that kind of smile from leader in live... i mean we saw leader friendly sweet smile in screen.. hard to see outside in live.. the person who get to see leader live sweet smile is super lucky one.. he is super cool guy...

  5. hi wendy. i'm happy that you've met up with some of your malaysian friends. i'm happy that you've seen jen and mel too. ^^

    i think that you should be thankful that you're able to get one signature. as you already probably know there were some who weren't able to get any signature.

    thanks for sharing your story.


  6. spring, i know just who you feel about JM because i felt it too in HK. like what i said he took my heart that night i saw him in HK. and he's the sweetest and keeps playing with the fans in the crowd either by smiling, waving or posing. such an adorable creature.

