
Thursday, September 03, 2009

another surge of SS501 pix

I hate when the boys have activities on a weekday! ^^

Anyway, what can I do but to do things in moderation.

For this set thanks to Venice Cheah's FB and again Hurmutube's blog. I'm kinda limited where I'm at can't access FB, YT, imageshack, photobucket and more so i'm kinda dependent of blogs and fora.

In this set of photos the lady staff at the airport is sooooooo lucky!

Hee, time for our cute little fingers exercise again. ^_^ All together now... click... click... save. Click... click... save. You're doing good!


  1. April4:04 PM

    OMG..times like this..i wish i was working at the airport/s! LOL!!

    i so envy the girl..and the other staffs..hayz..

  2. That lucky staff!! She get to take it with leader!! *envy*
    Mi too can't access FB,YT at the moment... >_<

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    thank you very much!! im recently a quiet fan of your blog and i cant thank you enough for posting photos of the boys, especially updated and fresh and hot photos of the boys (esp kyujong!). omg i appreciated it so much. im sure the rest of the readers too!

    thank you once again!


  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Really envious of the lady officer.

    Well.. where's that manager who likes to stop fans from taking pictures of the boys? hmmm.... dare not say NO to the security officer at the airport??


    Thanks liezle, for keeping your blog so updated with the boys news. Really enjoyable reading your blog. :)

  5. thanks for the pictures!

    I do hope they visit manila soon!

  6. Belle5:36 PM

    Dear Liezle
    Once again thank you so much. Doing the click & save exercise ^.^ I'm actually tingly with excitement just thinking right about now Triple S must be queuing outside the event venue to meet the boys.

    Waiting here too, can't really concentrate on work. Dropping in here every now and then all day.

    See ya later Liezle ^.^
