
Thursday, September 03, 2009

read why SS501 wants to spend summer in a bank ^^

This is a very interesting article that SS5014ever/rj translated and shared on Quainte501. Much thanks rj!

While waiting for few more hours, I’m shoving this here to kill time before the boys arrive in KL. I’m pretty certain their airborne right now.

This article from the August issue of Color is different from the other we’ve been reading lately. Very interesting and enjoyable to read. I laugh wheneverI read Hyun Joong answers. It's so 4D! Go to the bank during summer! lol! I can imagine them doing the interview live. It must be hilarious.

I can’t view the photos on Quiante since it’s hosted an image hosting provider. I’ll upload them later when I get home. Just picture the boys in your mind while reading the interview. ^_^


[trans] August 09 COLOR No. 177

Credits: (photo) as labeled + (English translation) SS5014ever @ WS501quainte501

Please take out with full credits

SS501 Why do they want to spend summer in the bank?
Bold experience GO! Fully staying close to Summer part 1!

Exclusive no distance interaction Q & A !Looking into their private life 100% expose!
Debuting in Korea with the song "Warning" in 2005, they went across the ocean to Japan to hold their concert the next year, officially releasing their album in Japan in 2007, their first single "Kokoro (Heart)" went into the Top 10 charts, and they got into the Best 10 New Artist award in Japan Gold Disc Award that year, Japanese single "Lucky Days" released later even achieved a good result by becoming Top 4 in the Oricon charts, their first Japan tour concert since their Japan debut even attracted 12,000 people, the song "Lucky Days" really brought luck to them, not only in Japan, but even gaining popularity in Korea. And recently, after releasing "Super Hits", "Solo Album" in Taiwan, they've grabbed the chance to release their "2009 Solo Collection" during the summer vacation, SS501's influence has spread to Taiwan!

Q: Are there any hardships when recording songs?

JM: Sometimes we have work in Korea, so Japan's staff will have to fly over to Korea to record. Basically Japan and Korea's recording work flow is different. Time, for example. Japan records in the day, Korea starts at night, concentrating on recording from midnight till morning, so its tiring for the Japan staff.

KJ: Recording in Japan will be separated into a few days, whereas 1 song is recorded per day in Korea, its very different, we're a very fast-paced country. Like when we recorded the song "Lucky Days" , we also took 1 day, recording till 4am.

HJB: This could be because we were recording in our company's recording studio, so everyone sang in a more relaxed manner, that's why we could end earlier.

Q: For whom is recording the most tiring?

(Jung Min and Hyun Joong both point to Hyung Joon)

HJB: Me?

JM: Because I complete very quickly. I remember that when the producer said OK~, he said the K~ word very exaggeratedly, everyone is still imitating him!

HJB: Like what I said just now, because we recorded at our company's recording studio, so it wasn't very difficult, except I'd get stuck with pronunciation. For example "za" and "zu", sometimes I'd sing "za" as "ja".

YS: That pronunciation is also a headache for me. It seems like the pronunciation as we imagine it is different from how the Japanese hears us pronouncing, so we must sing it a few times.

Q: Then has anything happy occurred during recording?

HJL: Finding my lost wallet, it turned out my wallet was in our manager's bag, I'm not sure if he helped me take it, or I placed it in myself, I don't remember it at all, regardless I'm very glad I found it, because there was 1 million won (1 million won = 801USD) and 130,000 yen. (130,000 yen = 1400 USD) [liezle : why does he carry such big amount of money? hee, no wonder the rest of the boys always ask him to treat them.]

KJ: You're really a rich person!

YS: If you'd really lost it, you'd break out in cold sweat! It's really great you found it.
JM: For me its nothing as big, simply something lucky happening to me when we went to eat with the staff. In total 6 of us went, we brought 30,000 yen (30,000 yen = 323 USD), in the end when we asked for the bill, it was slightly more than 20,000 yen.

Everyone: Oh! You're talking about that!

JM: 10,000 yen remained, we didn't know what to do with it, in the end we played a finger guessing game, winner takes all, 1 round to determine the winner, Young Saeng was the first to lose.

HJL: Young Saeng almost cried.

JM: The second time Kyu Jong lost.

YS: He was dumbstruck!

JM: Only the 3 of us, me, Hyun Joong and Hyung Joon, were left. Everyone started being hopeful, Hyun Joong had a look of anticipation. Actually the finger guessing game was suggested by him, he probably was very confident of winning as he suggested it!

KJ: Hyun Joong's an enthusiastic person, especially towards money (laughs)!

JM: In the end, I won the finger guessing game.

HJL: I was really shocked, after that Jung Min was making a lot of noise at the side.

JM: Because I won! That was my most recent Lucky Days!

HJL: I'll win it back next time!

Q: What do you feel is a sign of luck?

KJ: For example, a yellow cab is a sign of luck in Korea. Because there are very few yellow cabs in Korea, so in my hometown there's a saying "Something lucky will happen if you see 3 yellow cabs in a day."

JM: Are there yellow cabs in Seoul?

KJ: Occasionally you'll see one. Oh yes! Japan and Taiwan's cabs are all yellow, so such a saying doesn't apply in Japan and Taiwan.

YS: I've heard the saying that if you ride on a yellow cab, you'd be lucky that day, but what if you're the driver of the yellow cab? What happens then?

HJB: It's difficult for drivers of yellow cabs to see yellow cabs thrice too! So the saying should be applicable.

JM: In any case it's only a symbolic saying , there's no need to think too deeply! Young Saeng, you'd grow fat if you think too much!

YS: I'm thinking about reality, it has nothing to do with being fat or not!
HJL: Personally I feel that stepping on dog poo, that's the worst day. (Everyone burst out laughing) [liezle : i agree!]

HJL: It's really bad isn't it?

JM: That isn't unlucky, it's a really bad day!

HJL: Is that so!

JM: For me its when I've styled my hair, then when my hair dries, my hair would become messy again, then I'll start to feel down that day, feeling as if something unlucky will happen.

HJL: I've also got something regarding hair. I very seldom style my hair, in private I'd normally not style it, simply wearing cap. But occasionally when I decide to style my hair, that day will definitely rain, a perfect hairstyle would become flat, I'd feel upset too.

HJB: I've also thought of my sign of luck, that is when I meet beautiful people,. that day will be a lucky day.

Q: That's easy to understand. but is that a sign of luck?

HJB: There are times where I'm unlucky too! If I'm too extravagant, recording will be problematic for me.

YS: That's obvious.

Q: All right! Let's talk about summer then, when you think of summer what would you think of?

HJB: Watermelon, swimming

YS: Ocean, swimming pool

JM: Parasol, beach ball. I'd think of things related to the beach.

HJL: Worms, cricket. [liezle : insects are really his worst enemy]

(Everyone becomes silent)

HJL: Sorry but I only think of bug, oh! And dragonfly

KJ: That's a bug too! Its summer vacation and summer homework for me.

Q: What Kyu Jong thinks of is all related to a student's life, during your time as a student, do you have any special memories of your summer vacation?

HJB: When I was a student, there'll always be a lot of homework for the summer vacation, because I hate studying, so I'd always get my whole family to complete my homework for me on the last day of summer vacation, entry after entry for my diary must be written differently for each day, finishing 20 days worth of entries in 1 day, in the end I got myotenositis in my hand. [liezle : Maknae... you're dragging your family to do your homework.]

JM: You're really a bad child, even dragging in your family.

YS: But there'll always a few people like that in class! Using the same pen, writing with the same strength, you'll be able to tell it was completed in a day immediately.

KJ: When I was in my 3rd year in high school, I went to Komatsu in Osaka, Osaka's high school and my alma mater were sister schools , so we'd exchange students. Even though I didn't understand Japanese at all then, but I had many interesting memories, playing basketball together! Playing football! Going past language barriers, we played happily everyday.

Q: You must have been popular among Japanese girls!

KJ: Absolutely not! Its a pity that all I remember of is playing with boys. We don't keep in contact now either, I miss everyone!

Q: Summer is about friendships, youth, summer love, where do you recommend visiting in summer?

HJL: Bank, go to the bank. [liezle : LOL!]

Q: Bank?

HJL: Because it's the most cooling!

Q: Indeed! (wry smile with 3 lines) (probably )

KJ: Best to stay at home, it's too hot to go out, it's best to stay at home in summer.

KJ: I agree! I don't go out either! (Note: it's not a typo, they really printed KJ's name twice! )

HJB: I don't feel like moving at all in the summer.

JM: I want to get tan in the summer, then I don't need to go to a salon to get tan. [liezle : JM wants a tan. Hee, I want a tan too! Actually I gets tan easily but my color returns to it's original color after a few weeks]

HJB: I don't get tan, I'll only turn red. [liezle : i like!]

Q: Then what do you want to do the most in summer?

HJL: Rent a villa, and hide from the heat with friends in comfort.

KJ: I want to go to the amusement park.

HJB: The 5 members going to the beach together.

HJL: Must I come along? [liezle : Hyun Joong is really hilarious]

HJB: Of course!

HJL: I'm not going, I'm definitely not going.

Q: Why?

HJL: It's too hot

(5 wry smiles)

JM: Then it's decided, let's all go to the bank together!

KJ: All the readers, please have a more interesting, and better summer than us!

YS: But don't forget to listen to SS501's songs!

SS5014ever : by the way, i realize that Komatsu isnt in Osaka, lol, but I really have no idea what else it could be, haha. perhaps it was the school's name, but that's not a really important point? XD

Thanks again rj for this enjoyable article!


  1. hahahaha.. leader is really so funny.!! ^^

    but then why is carrying that big amount of money.!!

    thieves would be targeting him when they read this article..joke ^^

    he really wants to hide in the bank during summer..hahaha
    leader is sooo 4d. its the first time I heard that answer.. normal people would answer beaches etc... really love him much haha

  2. quizzy8:28 PM

    interesting!! hehe.. i love this aricle!!! its funny!
