
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Exciting day for all the TripleSes in Malaysia

It's the day that all TripleSes in Malaysia are looking forward to. Yahoo!

Honestly, though I'm miles away from Malaysia, I'm kinda feel their excitement especially because Jen and Mel are my regular visitors here and they've been sharing their excitement with me. Then there's spring, wendy, xiaochu and more who are also in KL today will be meeting the boys in few hours.

I'm sure everyone is so anxious and hardly able to sleep and eat. I bet right now almost all wants the time to fast forward. ^^

I read on soompi that there are fans in Kota Kinabalu that will be seeing them off at the airport. Then exciting fans will be welcoming them in Kuala Lumpur. Really quite exciting though I learned that the weather is not good.

Anyway, good luck to everyone again. Hope you all take care. Make SS501 feel your love and support. Give them your most warm welcome! ^^

For the meantime, while we are waiting for more news let me share these photo and story that I found on Quiante501 and SS501 thread @ soompi.

I found this photo posted on Quiante501 by dil. Thanks dil, i hope you don't mind me sharing it here.

The photo is dark but you can actually see Hyun Joong sitting on the widow seat. Beside him according to dil is Maknae and the one if front is Jung Min. This was taken in Kota Kinabalu yesterday.

thanks to dil for sharing the photos on Quiante501.
Proper credit please when taking out.

Here something that honkified shared on SS501 thread at soompi. Much much thanks and I also hope you don't mind me sharing it here.

According to honkified, SS501 and their entourage checked out from the island today at 5pm [Sept 2, Wednesday], they are currently staying at Le Meridien and that they also went and have dinner at this Korean restaurant in Likas. honkified also shared that, the boys seemed to be having a lot of fun shooting in the private island resort.

She also shared the she saw Leader half naked [changing shirt] for a few seconds. Kyu Jong and Maknae having good time and Jung Min to be really really nice to fans. ^^

shared by honkified on SS501 thread @ soompi.
please give proper credit when re-posting.

That it for now... let me busy myself first so that time will be ticking fast. Later again...


  1. mel_12238:30 AM

    Morning Liezle,

    Ah am really anticipating the events today! I start to get nervous abit now haha. Am preparing to go to the airport shortly. I really really do hope there is a large group of fans there and also at the autograph signing event later ^^

    Shall keep you posted after today!
    Luv Ya!

  2. Mel! Hey, don't forget to eat, k? You need the energy.

    Hugs and kisses to and Jen.


  3. wen06078:38 AM

    Good morning Liezle

    Thanks for the news information and photo^^
    I'm still in the hotel room checking updates...hehe^^
    Can't wait to see them later...
    Will take more photos and share with you all ^^

  4. wendy! did you sleep well? hee, i went to you blog but i couldn't see the photos our IT is blocking it. I'll check on them when I get home later. ^^

    like what i said to mel, you guys should eat plenty this morning to have all the energy you'll need later. ^^

    take care.


  5. wen06079:23 AM

    Hehe...liezle, we just slept a bit, woke up at 7am this morning..... dunno why, I couldn't sleep at all.....
    Maybe too excited to see them soon....hahaha :D are some photos to share^^

    Hope to meet you in SG soon...>.<

  6. Good morning everybody...

    Hope everyone has a good rest last night and today is gonna be a real exciting day for those who are in Malaysia now...

    Wendy and co and TripleS Malaysia, please take tones of pictures.

    Guess I will be flying past them during that time and I will trying to "see" from the top.. LOLx.
