
Thursday, September 03, 2009

scenes at the signing event 09.03.09

Lifted from Baidu. Thanks to finkle and liliya for the links.

Let's see how were things at the fan meet earlier. ^^

This is the trolley that contains the cds to be sold to fans.
I wonder if they didn't have any cd station where fans can
just go there and buy.

The long queue at the parking.

Crowd outside waiting for their turn.
Is there any line?

Queue at the entrance where the boys are.
I read that only 30 can enter at a time.

Very catchy signage.
I wonder if Leader was able to read it?

Kyu Jong

Kyu Jong and Hyun Joong

Hyun Joong... fixing his hair?

Here's a fancam that I got from Let's see how was it inside. Oh, wait before you watch you can't see any members in this vid just the situation inside while the boys are giving autographs. It's only a 17 secods vid. Much thanks to the uploader on YT.


  1. liliya1:43 AM

    I heard that each fan could find their favorite to sign, not all of them.

    Around 700 people went to the event!

    A rumor was going on that the leader lost his passport on the plane.

    He is the legend!

  2. hello again liliya.

    yeah it was mentioned by someone that leader left his passport on the plane from KK to KL. I'm pretty sure it was returned to him since he's able to fly with the the rest.

    Only 700? I thought more than since not all were able to get to buy the cd. I heard that Warner has about 1000 to about 1500 cds for this event.

    Unfortunately there were fans who weren't lucky enough to get the any of the members signature because the boys have to rush to the airport. Some of them I read are from Thailand and Singapore. I hope none of them we know from my blog.

    thanks for dropping by again.


  3. liliya3:40 AM


    always welcome. this is a great place to share info of these cuties.

    Thank you!

    I really wish that there is one day I could meet them for real.


  4. liliya4:29 AM


    Again, I noticed a YT video by jjtan01

    Here is the link:

  5. I can't stop smiling when I'm watching JM^^

    thanks liezle!

  6. liliya thanks for the YT video. I'll check it later when I get home.

    khin, it seems like you're liking JM more and more. ^^

