
Sunday, September 06, 2009

SOFF CF & few more KHJscanned photos

Whew! I finally managed to finished posting all photos of Hyun Joong from Stories of Four Flowers photobook HERE that were lifted from It took me hours to upload those photos in my blog because of the high resolution of each photos. But looking at it it's worth it. They're awesome. If you haven't grab them yet, better do it since I might take it out if ask due to copyright issue.

Here are few more photos not included in the batch that I posted earlier. These set are from khj0606 and king again..

Here's cf of the photobook from shirbogurl21 YT channel.

Another one courtesy of KoreanAein YTchannel


  1. finkle10:11 AM

    Hi Liezle, here's a short fan cam of them singing a song calling for you at the BOF meet

  2. Hi Liezle,

    I found a YOUTUBer who uploaded a lot of BOF FM yesterday.

    Check this out!

  3. Hi Liezle,

    any idea where i can get pics of the photobook on Kim Bum, Kim Joon and Lee Min Ho too?

    i've grabbed all that you posted for Leader but i like to do a collection for the F4.

    Appreciate your great help and advice.

