
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Updates from the signing venue

Good thing that I didn't bring my car to work today. Otherwise, I won't be able to exchange sms with bb who is at the venue together with the rest of SG TripleS queuing.

At around 5pm fans were already queuing for the signing sessions at the carpark. According to bb there's quite a big crowd and it's too hot in KL. Warner staff were pushing trolleys with cds down the queue. As i've mentioned there were many fans who turned up for the event TripleS Thailand are also present. Because it's too hot i think there were people who fainted.

A little past 6pm the signing has started.

Thlanks to bb/SG TripleS for the update


not sure where this was taken but didn't see the boy holding roses at the airport. photos from TripleS Malaysia shoutbox posted by anna. Original credit as labeled.


Another update from happiebb...

It's super madhouse at the venue. There's pushing and shoving very dangerous. [liezle : i hope no one will get hurt]

As for the signing, one fan can only get one signature. So fans have to choose 1 and queue. Hyun Joong has the longest line =) and Young Saeng has the shortest = ( [liezle : i think someone has to do the traffic of the queueing to balance.]


  1. Susan7:52 PM

    Oh dear, pushing and shoving? That's really dangerous! Hope the girls are fine. And yeah i hope they will do something about it, i dont want our Prince to feel sad ):

  2. Liezle, I think the photo was taken when they arrived at the hotel. haha.. still can see HyunJoong at the back doing the video recording.

  3. Hello Susan. Yeah quite dangerous and bb thinks that Warner didn't do a good job about safety. I just hope everything will go well.

    And i think they should really manage the line.


  4. xaxa, thanks for the information. yeah he seems to be holding a camera. he also did that at the airport according to bb.


  5. Susan8:09 PM

    Yeap, thanks for the update Liezle :) I was so excited the whole day trying to read through my notes but kept popping by to check if there were news. Must really thank you and BB for the fast update! Hope everything goes well and SS501 will leave happily and with good memories of malaysia! :)

  6. finkle888:18 PM

    Oh wow it sounds really exciting BUT dangerous over there!! Thanks for the update liezle! Sure hope no one got hurt!

  7. Woah bb is in KL also! I thought she was not coming from what I read in her blog ..can't wait for her update lol

    Thanks Liezle for the update love stalking your site :)

    Hope Leader and the boys will visit Manila soon. I'll make it a point to go home then ^_^

  8. Liezle, I went at 1.50pm, and it was a long long queue >_<, I heard some people reached there at 8am =__="
    and i got autograph from leader hyun joong, and shaked hand with him, he is so HOT!! his smiles is SO SO sweet!! 5 of them are really HOT!!

    Each of us only can have autograph from ONE MEMBER! you can choose which member you like. aaahh!! so sad! and we cannot take any pictures of them! =____="

  9. LuvEiEi you're home now? Is it over? Will there still be media inteview for the boys?

    sorry got so many questions.

    i'm so happy for you. so you saw him up close.... SO HANDSOME, right? what about the others what's your impression on them?

    no pictures? no took?


  10. Nicky, i was surprised to when i received sms from her late lunch time. ^^ she probably cannot resist not going when SG is so near Malaysia. I would have done it too.


  11. finkle888:42 PM

    LuvEiEi.. u r sooooo lucky!!! Ahhh to see leader 5 cm away from u !

  12. they had press conference from 3.30pm-4.30pm.

    The autograph session from 6pm to 8pm.

    Yes I'm home now, i have no transport to KLIA!! My friends waiting in KLIA now.

    I didnt manage to take any pic of them!! im so sad!! the guards kept saying no camera please! no camera please! if not they are not going to sign for you.

    My friend went to KK this early morning, and took the same flight with them back to KL. She was the only one followed them back to KL.

    She sat next to the DSP officer. and hyun joong leader was sitting behide him.

    She said Hyun Joong super duper friendly, not the cool cool and black face type, and kept saying hi, hello and smiled to her.

    She said hi to Jung Min, and Jung Min was like so unfriendly, not even say hi and smile, she was so surprised.

    She said Hyun Joong is the most friendly among them, 2nd is baby, 3rd Young Seang, 4th Kyu Jong, last one is Jung Min.

  13. finkle888:56 PM

    WOW ure fren sat right in front of LEader in the plane!!! She is soooo freaking lucky!! I think I would be totally speechless if I were in her shoes!

    Great to hear that he is very friendly! Maybe JM was just preoccupied?

  14. Finkle88, ya was very close!! AHHHH!! *scream*

    I fall down when I went up the stage, he was so caring! and wanted to hold me.

    I like the way he said Hello, Thank you and Bye bye, sounds so cute!!

  15. Anonymous8:58 PM isnt' a great idea to have autograph session like tat right? let them choose only one boy, end up the one with the shortest queue will feel "weird"...

    Luveiei: JM doesnt say hi? im quite stunned...isnt him supposed to be the friendliest around..or maybe he din see your friend?

    but i'm sooo glad that HJ is really the real person he portrayed on screen! heez.

  16. LuvEiEi, thanks! really Leader is the friendliest? hmm... it's a reversal. ^^ hee, probably when the camera is around JM puts his charming outlook and leader the opposide but when no cam they change personalities. :)

    your friend is sssoooo lucky!


  17. finkle889:00 PM

    LuvEiEi.. Leader actually wanted to hold you up!!! OMG OMG! I will die of jealousy if he does that.. haha just joking..

    He spoke in English??

  18. Im not sure, My friend she is so disappointed with Jung Min, maybe he wasn't in the mood or what.

    They were having coffee in KK coffee shop before departure to KL. my friend went in to say hi, but she was too shy, dare not to go so close, and the manager said no no. the boys get scolded by the manager.

  19. Anonymous9:02 PM

    In airport now.. Thrutfully i'll took same flight to korea with them, because my job in korea.. Lucky me TT
    i got hyun joong leader signature too, his smile omg! And really his eyes really dangerous.. Couldn't see his eyes ><

  20. Hello Anonymous, you're going back to korea tonight taking the same flight as SS501?

    btw, congratulations you got leader's signature!


  21. LuvEiEi, that mean manager again. ^^ Hehehe, i was told by a friend just to ignore them and don't act as a fan. ^^ geez, how can that be, right?


  22. Susan9:07 PM

    Huh? That's really surprising, i thought JM is the friendliest among all of them! Haha from the usual fancams etc he seems to be the friendliest!! That's really a shock to me ):

    Leader!! Haha, did he display his 4D-personality? :) Omy, i'm so so so envious of you Luveiei, being able to shake his hands and get his autograph!

  23. Leizle, My friend also thought Jung Min is the friendliest, she went in front of him n said hi, and he just looked at her. thats all! she said he gave her sour face.

    she went to leader n said you are so handsome, and i think hyun joong doesnt understand what she was talking about, den she said your face, good good *thumbs up*, then leader ohh~ thank you and smiled sweetly. he just kept smiling to my friend.

    then she went to baby and said you are so cute, then baby shy shy, and touched his head. haha xD

  24. Anonymous9:10 PM

    LuvEiEi, your fren talked to them in the KK airport or on the flight??

  25. Yes, talked to all 5 members, only said Hello, but didnt talk much, cause communication problem.

    When she went on the stage to get leader's autograph, she asked him can recognize her or not, he smiled n yaya you you and pointed at her.

  26. "Leizle, My friend also thought Jung Min is the friendliest, she went in front of him n said hi, and he just looked at her. thats all! she said he gave her sour face.

    she went to leader n said you are so handsome, and i think hyun joong doesnt understand what she was talking about, den she said your face, good good *thumbs up*, then leader ohh~ thank you and smiled sweetly. he just kept smiling to my friend.

    then she went to baby and said you are so cute, then baby shy shy, and touched his head. haha xD"

    LuvEiEi, JM must be feeling down or something. it's so unlikely of him.

    and leader ahhh that's so cute i wonder if he blushed.

    baby i want to see that expression. cute so cute i can picture him!


    p.s. you're friend is so LUCKY!

  27. finkle889:14 PM

    WOW Leader sounds sooooooooo sweet... totally not resembling his emotionless face :P

  28. Susan9:17 PM

    I just checked soompi, fans were saying that JM was being really friendly and kept telling them apa kabar or smth and sayang? Haha, he's so cute :D

    And grrr that meanie-mean manager x:

  29. finkle889:18 PM

    LuvEiEi, why don't you post your experience on Soompi? I am sure many there are dying to hear from those who went :D

  30. Yes, Leader is really sweet, he drives me crazy. After 6 hours of the queue, its all worth it. Leader has killer smile and eyes. ^_^

  31. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I am not surprised about leader when camera not around, i have read many fan account, and based than my friend experience backstage in japan (budokan), hongkong, and thailand, the friendliest with the crue and the fans, the most talkative, and the most active is hyun joong.. Especially with the crue, he is really close even not the crue from korea.. And the most quiet is kyu jong..

  32. hello Anonymous, i've read that Leader does appreciates people working behind them. i heard about that too. he takes care of the staff.


  33. anonymous, you are right!!
    my friend said he is the most active one.

    For Kyu Jong, my friend said hi to him, he just looked at her only. but no sour face.

    Young Seang did wave back to my friend.

    Hyun Joong was together with Young Seang * the awkward couple*. My friend said they not awkward at all, they were having fun together. hahaha xD

  34. LuvEiEi, how many do you think attended. did every got one signature? were all cds bought?


  35. LuvEiEi, could it be that JM is joking. he's a prankster you know and he does make a lot of facial expressions. :)

    when i saw him he's really really nice and looks around.


  36. the CDs all sold out!! i think got people didnt manage to buy the cds. i saw this chinese lady, bought a box of album, more than 100 i guess.

  37. Anonymous9:28 PM

    WOW that is one hardcore fan! How much was each album?

  38. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Yes i will go to korea with same flight with them. But not as lucky as luvieie's friend..
    Me and my friend gave leader gift, herbal medicine like vitamin for his health and for his grandma too. He seems happy because i could see his sparkling eyes. In heaven now ><

  39. Liezle, Im not sure about it, this is what my friend told me. hehe.

    the album cost RM70 each.

  40. To Anonymous with same flight as SS501.

    What time is the fligh? are you at the airport now?

    Still you're lucky to we in the same flight with them.

    'Yes i will go to korea with same flight with them. But not as lucky as luvieie's friend..
    Me and my friend gave leader gift, herbal medicine like vitamin for his health and for his grandma too. He seems happy because i could see his sparkling eyes. In heaven now >< "


  41. Liezle, incase u hasnt seen yet. Soompi THread SS501, page 1157, someone managed to upload 3 picture of JM and Kyu. Not extremely clear, but it's not too bad :) She sneakily took the pics and she managed to get YS's signature!! Hehe

  42. Susan, thanks. I'm actually. will shove them here. my computer is slow again.


  43. Hehe i think more updates will me streaming in soon..probably after the girls send them off at the airport! :) I'm going off to bed now as i've an exam tomorrow morning. Will be back in the noon to check for the updates. Thanks once again and rest well :)

  44. quizzy10:10 PM

    wow, thanks guys for the sharing, i just had my dinner and i missed a lot of updates.. hehe

    i cant believe mal acted that way... :( maybe he's not in the mood, or feel bad.. ohhh i still like jung min!!! hehehe:)

    hope there'll be more pictures! hehe

    thanks liezle, your blogsite really helps me to keep in touch with the guys..!!

    and also thanks for the accounts!! its keeping me excited!!

    thanks much!! xoxo.. :)

  45. Anonymous10:11 PM

    I am sorry just finished something. Yes i am in airport now.
    The derpature to seoul is 11.45 pm, i took KE O672.
    But i hear the boys crew split to 2 teams, some of them took MH 9072. All korean fans took KE 0672 like me.

  46. finkle8810:14 PM

    Hi Anonymous! So did you get to see who is on the same plane as u?

  47. Read a fan account that Hyun Joong was very cold towards her. He didn't say nor do anything to her other than signed her TWO albums. She's rather pissed about it

    Our boys are human beings afterall, can't expect that to smile 24 hours. Read that Hyun Joong looks really tired. Poor him ):

  48. hey again Anonymous. if the you're taking the same flight as the korean fans i think you have a chance of having the same flight as them. ^^ you see DSP treats korean fans very special. i'm a witness of that in HK.

    and korean if korean fans demanded something the managers will have to do something to do that. i saw myself korean fans shouting at the managers in hk bec they didn't get good seats. they're being hit but they're not doing anything. it was humiliating but fans are fans they're treated special by dsp.


    btw, and i think these fans are seasoned fans of ss501.

  49. hi hello! i guess all fans has different stories to tell. ^^ thanks for sharing.


  50. finkle8810:20 PM

    Hello.. sorry to hear about that.. it's interesting how pple have conflicting accounts .. prob a case of luck :S

  51. Susan, good luck on your exams and thanks for being here.^^ it was fun.


  52. hi Liezle, i'm shienyin just want to share something during the autograph session.....

    after queing for more than hours, finally come to me and mel's turn to go into the function room for nother queqe to get one of our favourite to sign....and i manage to get leader's signature. i took the chance to greet him and said thank you to him and ask him to come again he just nodded his head and said thanking after the signature....didn't seems to be in good mood....finally got to know that he left his passport in the plane this afternoon when he flyed back from wonder. But to be able to see the boys with my own eyes in such a short distance there is really a "life time chance". I still feel that JM is the friendliest kyo jung also cos even though i'm not queqing in their line they smile to me when i wave to JM he also do the same to me i'm soooooo happy. As we we are not allowed to take photo i can keep all these in my memory.

  53. Towards the latter part, fans are not allowed to choose which member's signature they want anymore.

  54. So surprised when I saw the number of comments ..been refreshing the site for update ^_^

    Leader is so sweet ..thanks for the updates guys *so envious here*

    I only come to know now that Leader is the friendliest among the boys love him. About JM being a snob, perhaps he is just being playful but got misinterpreted? JM seems so jolly and social to be snobbish ...

  55. Anonymous10:26 PM

    hi byj! Oh no how come he is soo blur! So do u know how he managed to get back his passport in the end? How did u find out that piece of info?

    Ahh envious! :)

  56. shienyin you went! i;m so happy for you! oh another story...

    leader left his passport inside the plane. i'm sure it was already returned to him. hee i once left an important doc too inside a plane and when i was about to exit the airport i realized about it and returned. they bring stuff right away to lost and found. ^^

    the boys are really all nice, right? they're so ADDICTING!!!


  57. hi again hello! i'm sure if fans were all to choose leader's line would be endless. ^^


  58. finkle8811:07 PM

    Hi Liezle.. I saw some photos of the crowd at Baidu, don't have the boys but if you want to see how many pple turned up

    Haha to think we were worried about the lack of fans :)

  59. thanks finkle! i was just at baidu too checking. ^^ i'll check on the link you gave.


  60. thanks liliya for the links. ^^ yay! quite a number of people for a small venue.


  61. mel_12231:36 AM

    Liezle, we bought the flowers at the airport and almost all of us passed it all to JM as he is the nearest to reach and he shaked my hand too , OMG! I posted a longer comment about 2 min earlier in your earlier post, I just got back. catch up with you more tml or sat. realy tired but damn happy!

  62. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Wow, thanks to everyone who have shared their wonderful fan accounts here. Aren't the boys just so handsome and cool in person?! Even after seeing them 4 months ago in LA, their smiling faces and waves are still fresh in my mind. It is definitely such wonderful memories to keep! Btw, what a lucky lucky fan to have the same flight as them...I know I would probably go crazy if I was there...LOL! Thanks again for sharing! Love your blog Liezle! *hugs*

  63. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Opps...forgot to sign's me Shrimpy (anonymous)

  64. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hey Guys, Thanks for sharing all your stories. lol Really enjoyed reading it; especially LuvEiEi. You're so lucky you got to shake HJ's hand. :)

  65. wen06075:08 PM though I feel tired but couldn't stop myself to come in here~hehe^^

    I think leader was very tired and also partly becos of his passport issue, so he was not in a mood...
    Anyway, I'm glad to see him up close and managed to pass my present to him and also got him signed my album.. plus shaking his hand and asked him to take care~

    Will share more while updating my blog later...^^

  66. spring5:08 PM

    now i back... ya.. there is pushing each other in the end.. at first, look like proper queue but in the end no... do not worry.. although ppl step me a bit here and there, i am still fine..hehe..:D hope other will not get hurt too..
    all really scare will not get in and i think all just do not care pushing to front.. if there is proper line control then will be better...whoever late have to go back since they came late... not fair to earlier one.. in the end, mess up and i also fighting for my place already..that's not good and right..
    may be they have less time to arrange for proper queue control too.. news is really sudden and shock everyone.. not enough time to prepare.. try to think that then i can forgive... who will think sudden news in week day will ends up with a lot of fans.. "SS501 power!!!"
    there is some cant get sign.. hope they are not the one early queue.. we didn't get sign cos of late, have to blame ourselves.. but those come early and didnt get sign is really a sad thing.. hope no one like this happen...
    this is my comment for pushing and shoving.. i left comments about our boys in last post... seeing them the moment is very short but cant take out from mind one...hee...:-)
    complain is right.. but i just think we also should thank some to ppl who bring them in.. if not, our dream will never come true...and will not even able to show there is this much crazy fans in malaysia and near s'pore...
    they have very short time to prepare... hope our boys are not disappointed and has good impression on fans..

  67. Liezle, My senior gave them the pink roses bouquet (please look at leader in the picture)
