
Sunday, November 22, 2009

5 Men's 5 Years DVD released earlier

I've blogged earlier HERE that the release of 5 Men's 5 Years DVD will be on the 26th of November. I was just informed today that it was released earlier. The DVD was actually released last November 20.

The DVD really look interesting and by looking at these posters which was sent to me by a dear friend [sorry not sure if she wants to be identified] makes me want to ask a friend to buy me in Seoul.

Oh yeah which reminds me, if you have friends or relatives going to Seoul you may ask them to buy them for you at any Kyobo bookstores. It's really much cheaper that ordering online.

Btw, thanks for those sending me well wishes. I'm okay now my migraine is gone after taking my pill. I should have taken it at the first sign.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    hey, do you know how to cancel orders from yesasia?

  2. Hi Anonymous! I hope you are canceling because you found someone going to Seoul. ^^

    You may check HERE or HERE [if you can't find the answer on the first link].

    Btw, I think that the English version might just be available in HK too. If you know someone or if there's anyone reading this please let us know.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    thanks a lot, lielze :) i can just call them right? i'm from malaysia.

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

    oh btw, does U R Man Special DVD comes together with a poster? hehe :)

  5. Anonymous3:21 AM

    the dvd comes with a poster with signatures right? is it for a limited time only or not? coz i might buy next month..wahhhhhh!!! thanks! :)

