
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

[guessing game] guess who owns this pair of legs

Anyone wants another guessing game? Hee, whether you like it or not, I'm going to give one since I'm a bit bored and nothing much is going on.

I was rummaging through some of my folders and found this photo and thought of making another fun game. I'm sure some of you will find this very easy. Let's see how easy this one is for you.

Can you guess who this member of SS501?

Don't be too confident, you might get a shock when you learn who this is? ^_^

Tick the member of your choice below.

Who do you think is this member of SS501?
sexy hyun joong
cute young saeng
funny maknae
conservative jung min
adorable kyu jong free polls
Now, let us see if your guess is correct.
Okay, we are almost there...


Too easy? Sorry, I just got bored. ^_^


  1. ya....Bingo!

  2. SEXY! lol~

    Anyway, next week, wednesday, December 2, on KBS World (Philippines), Kim Hyun Joong's appearance on Dream Team II will be aired (with subs already). It can be watched at Channel 75 (Sky Cable with digibox subscription only) around 5:30!! YEEEHEEY! And yes, they will also show Champagne (with subs too) but I still don't know as to when. But it's during wednesdays too. :)

    Just a heads up! :)

  3. mel_12238:03 PM

    Hehe it is indeed easy for me, Liezle! :P

    Nice one!

  4. spring10:31 PM

    hahahahahahaha....... liezle......
    good one....

  5. andydandy thanks for tips.

    mel, i knew that it'll be easy for you. :) what do you think of that legs? hee, i wish i could see more ;)


  6. mel_122312:58 AM

    Haha gosh Liezle, where more you want to see there? :P

    Wish it is nearer and a bigger image though ^^.. I do know he has hairy legs though too lol.. baby's one really like totally hairless! haha

  7. mel, you are still awake? we're on the same time zone! hee, i've insomnia that is why i'm still awake.

    anyway, i want to see the thigh. a little teaser would is fine. ^_^

    yeah i know i've a picture of that somewhere [i mean his hairy legs] but can't find.

    hee, i was actually thinking of a guessing game where in you'll all have to guess whose legs belong to who. but i couldn't find the picture that i want to use. :)


  8. mel_12231:36 AM

    Yup, we are on the same timezone tonight :P

    haha thighs nvm, i dont want to think too much of that teaser now lol. ah..haha getting all the boys legs up will be fun to guess.

    Oh, you know what. there are a set of the boys half naked backs fr the 5men5year DVD fr the KK shooot on the boat, right? Haha i m still guessing which one is JM, not sure if I got it right. lol. cant see the other boys faces except Baby n YS..
