
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the king of pout part 3

Oh yeah, it's already part 3 but I only got few on this page.

Alright, if you're new to my blog you probably have not seen my collection of photos of Jung Min caught on cam pouting. I've already have two pages of that. You may click HERE and HERE to view them.

I am pretty sure that most of you would agree that he is such a cutie, a 501% cutie when he pouts, right? Okay, I'll be honest with you, I tried doing the kind of pout that he does and I tell you, I look ugly doing it that it makes my hair stand. ^0^

Anyway, here are few more photos of the king of pout. Oh, if you guys happen to have some photos of him pouting that you think is not in my collection yet, please shove them to me, k?

alright, almost a pout ^_^

Following are photos of Jung Min not pouting but I just love it when he does cute cute things with his lips [actually all 5 of them seem to have this habit of playing with their lips and tongue. i wonder if they're aware that they make us crazy watching them do does cutie acts].


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM


    I love Park Jung Min pouts!

    He is <3!

  2. Jacqueline3:05 PM

    Hey there!

    Thanks for continuing your "King of Pout" series. Like you I have tried pouting the way he does but it just looks so wrong.. Heehee..

    I think I also commented on one of your earlier posts about how I could not believe the girls voted him off the aegyo section when the boys went on Champagne. If only they could see our "King of Pout" in action, they would definitely have changed their minds..

    Jungmin is LOVE! Everything he does just makes you swoon.. :-P

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM

    ihhhhhhhhh so cute!!!!!

  4. Totally agree with you, liezle...JM is soooooo cute~~

  5. mel_12238:06 PM

    Ah Liezle!

    I been so busy the whole of today and only came in to peek here awhile now before continuing again with my work later..

    And, it brings such a BIG smile to me after a tiring day cracking my head at work the whole time! These pictures brings back very very fond memories of Mal..ah ok..missing him again now :P


  6. mel_12238:29 PM

    Ah....really missing him....haha ok i better get out now first...

  7. spring10:27 PM

    arr.... JM pout is the cutest...
    his signature....
    i saw leader pout few days ago.. i hv to say not so cute as JM pout...hehe...
    i am sure liezle make all Mal's fun to happy and give BIG SMILE... including mel..hehehe... saw she is hard to leave from this pg..:p

    thanks liezle for all nice pics...:)
