
Thursday, November 26, 2009

[guessing game] on kim hyun joong

I have wanted to put this in a game because I’m so curious to know how many of you know the Christian name of Kim Hyun Joong.

Actually his Christian name has been mentioned on several programs and lately it was also mentioned on Star Secret.

So, what do you think is Kim Hyun Joong’s Christian name?

Is it Richard, French origin which means 'one of great strength'?
Is it Bernard, German in origin which means 'brave as a bear'?
Is it Leonard, the name originates from Germany which means ‘brave lion’?
Is it Raphael, which in Hebrew means ‘God’s healing’.
Is it David a Hebrew word means 'beloved'?
Tick your answer below...
David free polls

For the answer...

Hyun Jong’s Christian name is [highlight the space with your cursor] RAPHAEL.

His fans sometimes call him ‘Superior Raphael which I think originated when during the 2006 MKMF he came out wearing a white costume. Splendidly looking like a perfect sculpture.

Not referring to the meaning of the name, do you think Hyun Joong Christian name suits him? I think so. I always think that Raphael is a name for handsome men. ^_^

This was event where his fans started giving him the nickname 'Superior Raphael'. Thanks to violet for providing the photos.

P.S. If you are bored while waiting for some news about SS501 and haven't participated in any of the guessing games i've created, just click on the 'guessing game' at the label above and you will be directed to all guessing game pages. ^_^


  1. Wow! Raphael sure fits him so right. It is one of the angels like Michael and Gabriel. Quite an uncommon name and I really like it. Good thing it's not Richard or any others.
    So it's Raphael Kim! How nice.

  2. I agree with you. It suits him best :)

  3. Anonymous3:03 PM

    in MBC's Secret, his church friends had nicknamed him as Raphael... it didn't mention but was written behinds his name in their memorable book...

  4. shirbo4:49 PM

    hey liezle! just wanna make sure if u got my email or it didnt go through?!?! thanks

  5. hi shirley! i didn't get any email from you. what time did you send?

  6. shirley, i sent you two emails just now.

  7. Jennifer5:55 PM

    Wow, Leader's christian name is Raphael. I didn't know that. His christian name is so spiritual. So nice and suits him. :D

  8. Anonymous5:56 PM

    wowowowow... Raphael....
    i wanna name my son Raphael!! hopefully he turns out as handsome and manly as wuri Leader~~!! ^-^

  9. Anonymous6:33 PM

    wowww...its really suit him

  10. Anonymous6:36 PM

    ah~~~same as the actor named in the movie "City of Glass" , i like it..suit leader.

  11. Anonymous6:58 PM


  12. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Raphael... it really suits leader well. As leizle quoted, he himself is 'God's healing' to our daily life!

  13. Anonymous7:28 PM

    wooaw...Raphael really fits for leader well! as leizle quoted, he himself is 'God's healing' to our daily life.

  14. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Raphael, nice name!

    just curious - was this a nickname given by his church friend, or is this his baptized christian name?
    does anyone know?

  15. Anonymous9:09 PM

    just curious..Can anyone tell me Hyun Joong is a christian or a catholic?

  16. hi Anonymous. I was told that he was Catholic before. But now he's Christian.


  17. violet9:33 PM

    Liezle! i sent you photos of MKMF. check your email, please.

  18. hi violet!

    i haven't received any yet. i think there's a problem with my other email address, even those that Shirley sent earlier, i still haven't received.

    may i ask you to please email it to



  19. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Thanks liezle,
    why change to christian? Is there any different?
    (sorry, i'm a catholic, and always curious ppl like to shift from catholic to christian) shows that christian is a more modern religious in the world, haha.)

  20. hi liezel! thanks for sharing this one.. RAPHAEL really suits him.. but my guess is richard.. haha.. i love your guessing games.. but i think i never had any correct answer.. hehe.. but i really enjoyed it. thanks again!

  21. Raphael is a great name.
    suits him so fine.
    name as handsome as his face..vice versa.

    coincidentally both my idol's name starts with "R"

    Anyone knows the religion of other 4 boys ? thanks

  22. carletMA7:13 AM

    I soooo love the name RAPHAEL! If I have a son I would name him this or RAPHAELLE for a daughter.

    The name definitely suits Leader<3333

  23. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Raphael is such a dignified name!

    Does anybody know whether the other members have Christian names as well? :)

  24. Joanne5:41 PM

    So, since he is a Christian, does he go to church every Sunday?

  25. Anonymous3:49 PM

    What kind of christian is he?
