
Thursday, November 26, 2009

alright no more complainig... here's kyu jong ^_^

Hee, so someone noticed that I haven't been blogging about Kyu Jong. ^_^ And I just got the funniest remark of the day, she said "after 6 hours and 3 tries!! kyu is getting harder to get!!" I think you know from whom this remark came from. ^_^

Shirley, I finally got your email. Alright here's Kyu Jong and thanKYU! If not for you it'll take more than 6 hours more for me to blog about Kyu Jong. ^^

Photo sfrom HeStory were from November 11 Visiting Korea Open Concert performance.

And these two are sponsor photos. ^_^

Btw, I like the sweater too Shirley!


  1. shirbo6:22 PM

    check ur email again!! i think kyu is getting REALLY hard to get!!

  2. why shirley? :)

    Thanks liezle for these photos. :) Our dashing center, I must say!

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    very cute^^

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Liezle, thanKyu for sharing Kyu's pix

    and to shirbo thanKYU for trying hard to get hold of him^^

    is the hoodie only available in SK? i'd like to get hold of one..

