
Thursday, November 05, 2009

latest news on 'strong heart'

I'm pretty sure regular visitors of my blog have already read HERE my post regarding the recording of 'Strong Heart' today.

As earlier reported, Leader, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng were supposed to record at 3pm. Apparently, from the post that violet posted HERE, she wrote that 'Leader didn't record strong heart today for reason of health. It's not clear whether he will have a recording on 17 with jungmin and hyungjoon.'

Thanks violet for the information, really really appreciate you for letting us know.

Geez, what could have happened to Leader? I understand that it's really really cold in Seoul now. And with all the outdoor activities it is likely that he'll get sick.

I hope that DSP will soon release a statement as to what happened to Leader.

Thank you again violet and please keep us updated if you hear/read anything about Leader's health.


  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    oh no!!!!!!!! just when leader was looking happier and healthier, this is reawi distressing news!!!!! =( ToT
    hope that it is nothing serious and that he does not overwork again......
    leader, pls pls pls take care!!!!! i'd rather see u healthy and happy and appear on less shows!!

  2. finkle7:58 PM

    Hi Liezle, thanks for sharing! Sigh I really hope he is ok.. prob the recording ytd caused a cold? Btw do you mind me posting this news on soompi? :)

  3. hello finkle! go ahead please share. ^^

  4. finkle8:05 PM

    Thanks lots Liezle I just posted :) Anyway I saw on quainte and soompi that ss601 checked with the production company and found out that the news about Leader filming the movie is untrue.

  5. thanks liezle!

    i was kinda worried when i saw him layering himself during "Dream Team" filming...and now hearing this - my heart ache!
    oh! please be nice to us and stay healthy!

  6. Hi again finkle! I thought so. Because what I know is that they're just in the process of looking for possible projects [individually] and that they're very busy with their comeback, persona and possibly their 2nd album.

    hee, the news seemed to have stirred some sensitive issues. anyway, fandom can be stressful. one thing i learned from being a byj fan for a long time is that [to avoid getting stressed with all the news. fandom can be stressful as we all know] not to believe in everything that is written unless it came from byj or his management company. i hope ts can also do the same.

  7. Thanks Liezle,
    Oh no, i don't want to hear this kind of news. Hope he's just tired and needs rest. Take care Leader!!! Please, stay healthy!

  8. Oh, you are so right Liezle about the stress of fandom. Anyways, I'm like you, never believe anything I read unless they come from official source. Already learned a big lesson from all those rumours about album release,etc.

    Oh, do hope everything is okay with the boys though. Thanks for always having the most up to date info to share and dear Shirley for the latest and greatest vids.

    BTW, Cagali (Mini UFO) just posted and translated a very cute interview that SS501 did. Go have a look ... it will cheer you up for sure.

  9. I hope Leader's ok. They have to stay healthy. Health is wealth :)

    Thanks for sharing Liezle!

  10. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Oh, no....leader.... please be healthy!!! To hear this kind of thing breaks my heart... hope it's just being too tired.

    Always praying for your being healthy, leader. Please take care of your health for us fans who love you so badly!!!

    Thanks Liezle!

  11. thanks Liezle,

    been stalking your blog on update about Leader's "health reason" situation.

    argh .. wish there are some forecoming news or statement from DSP.

    thanks again, and ya will be checking back again. :(
