
Thursday, November 26, 2009

of buns, legs, hands, neck and jaw ^_^

I thought I would never post any Persona in Shanghai photos since I've posted enough great shots already. But then, I saw this set on SS601 from the post of shina. This set of photos are from taleoppa lifted from Baidu.

Whoa! Jung Min's rear!
Maknae's has flat one. ;)

I guess you already know who owns
this pair of flat buns. Hee, It's Maknae. *_*
[highlight the blank area with your cursor to know]

The long legs is a dead give away.
Of course it's Jung Min. ^0^
[highlight the blank area with your cursor to know]

Can you guess? It's Maknae ^_^
[highlight the blank area with your cursor to know]

And who do you this is? It's Jung Min ^_^
The thigh is a give away.
[highlight the blank area with your cursor to know who]

And the following are close up shots from taleoppa. But you know what? I seem to focus on looking at the neck and jaw.

And this is one cute moment of Jung Min and Leader.

Leader's fingernails are long.


  1. Hi Liezle!

    I enoyed reading this post of yours, along with the captions. But I am not good at guessing games. SO i guess I just have to wait and confirm if my guesses are correct.

    thanks for sharing!

  2. hi marge! highlight by using your cursor the blank space below the caption and you'll see the answer. ^_^


  3. Miss Lizzie! aww.. no Saeng-Saengie? hihihi... am i being so greedy... wa i'm just so into YSS (young saengie syndrome) for how many weeks now....

  4. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Hi! Liezle

    I think you admire most Jung Min, just my instinct. Anyway I do like your blog. Did you know the 3 BEWITCH PRINCESSES they start spreading their new bewitching blog about the star. They're going to bring their broom in order to reach for the BIG STAR. Correct me if I'm wrong you know one of them or all of them.

  5. Hi Anonymous. Thanks for liking my blog. ^_^

    Actually it's not only Jung Min that I like, ALL of them. It's just that I'm so fond of Jung Min's legs. ^_^

    Actually looking forward to it. ^_^


  6. Omg... That last one there! I'm soo in heaven, my two boiiss!!! <33 Love it, and liezle... who could blame you for loving Jung Min's legs, they're like.. perfect! <3


  7. Liezle!

    I was right. hahaha. :)

    And I know how love jung min's legs. By the way, I'm watching in hongkong too! haha :) I am soo excited!

    Thanks for sharing these once again :)
    I hope to meet you soon!
