
Sunday, November 29, 2009

SETI 15 and 16 [subbed]

Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence [SETI] is over and here I'm bringing you the last 2 episodes with sub-titles courtesy of Shirley's shirbogurl21 YT channel for you to watch.

Episode 15

Episode 16

If you want to watch Episodes 1 to 16 just click on SETI on the label and you'll be directed to all SETI posts on this blog.

Btw, there's something to look forward to with regard to SETI after this, Shirley and a dear friend is working on the comics strips and hopefully they can bring it to us soon.


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    As Liezle would write her thanks to you Shirley thanKYU! I will look forward to the comicstrips.

    I <3 <3 <3 KYU JONG TOO!

  2. Liezle !
    Both are Episode 16, haha.

  3. kimmy5:52 PM

    reena29lim from YouTube has already subbed 1-7 episodes of SETI comics ^_^

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    thanKYU Liezle for sharing and thanKYU shirbo for all the vids you have uploaded!!!

    KYU is super romantic and a sweet boyfriend...will be missing your SETI episodes but kinda glad as well since i won't see you kissing on screen!!! (A)
