
Sunday, November 29, 2009

this kinda sadden me

Thanks Shirley for the subbed video. Yeah I've heard of this but just keep quiet until i get to see your trans.

I believe the 'Champagne' episode did it for him. I mean it's okay if friends [the other members] make fun of him [they've been doing that for years] but the MCs of 'Champagne' I really think went overboard to call him 'loser' too.

You know what guys, even without knowing about this issue at first when I first saw the subbed video of 'Champagne' I was shocked to hear the hosts calling him 'outcast'. But i give the two thumbs up to Maknae for still putting up a good show. He is really nice... really nice and sweet.

I wonder if the the members were able to resolve this issue after Maknae expressed his frustration on Music High on the 11/17 broadcast. Should we see some changes in their other guestings and shows in the future?

So, let's see what happened after the airing of Music High on 11/17. On the same day if i'm not mistaken they had a recording for Intimate Note. Then recording for Music Bank and Music Core. Let me go back to my other posts then i'll check if there are other shows other than musical shows they've recorded after this. I just want to establish that everything is okay with the boys after Maknae aired his sentiments on Music High. We all know that Leader once said in Music High that one thinng that he likes about SS501 is that they settle issues on the spot.

P.S. Please let us refrain from using the word 'loser' but instead outcast. As what Shirley has posted on the video the word loser was not used but outcast.


  1. candy4:03 PM

    awww..dont be sad, baby..we know it's not true..cheer up sweetie! :)

  2. Anonymous4:11 PM

    yeah... even me also feel it is unfair coz they treat magnae like that...
    when it first broadcast without subs,n suddenly I heard the word Jji-ji ri, I've said to myself "OMG!!!! how could they say that to magnae..." it is so heartbroken... I know magnae will feel a bit frustated when they had finished the recording... anyway Hyung Joon oppa, i will forever support u...saranghae <3 green peas forever =)

  3. wen06074:13 PM

    Oh!~~ thanks for sharing this... I could understand how baby feel..... I hope he cheers up and dun feel depressed....

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    baby, fighting...dont be so sad, we understand u.
    i also dont like people except ss501 call baby as loser, it's so mean.
    baby has a wonderful heart, people just misunderstand him.

  5. He has been called a 찌 질 이 almost four times in the show.
    But not only the MCs.
    The members too ..............
    Kyu even two thumbs up too, when he heard the MCs saying he is a 찌 질 이.
    Leader himself called Hyungjoon a 찌 질 이 too.
    The members really rofl hard when they heard all this.
    I think Hyungjoon was being too nice all this while.
    He's the only member who always get disturbs.
    Poor him ):
    He's the maknae after all.

    And, Oppa !
    You're not a outcast ! :D

  6. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I understand how Baby feels. To be always teased like that and laughed at.He's just working hard, wanting to show his best to fans. He's really nice, look how he always sided leader or covered for him in times of need.

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Baby knows when members call him a 'loser', it's for fun as a maknae and never means a 'real loser'.
    But other than the memebers the others shouldn't call him that way thou they meant it jokingly.

    Baby, don't feel bad. Everyone knows how nice, adorable, talented you are!

  8. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It is really a shocking news for us coz we oversea funs already seen and known about most of their variety shows and talks but we already understand and cheer up when seeing hyun joon baby yungest charming character and always bullied by elder members as a stingy person, an outcast one, the one who wanted to stand out apart from 5 members group somethings like that. But We can see clearly that other members did it only to show their closeness and sweet moments to their funs and also gave a sweet pleasures to the youngest brother. Upon these, we love him more than before and happy in their moments. So don't worry too much baby! just value your youngest position and think only from a positive side, OK

  9. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I don't think it hurts when he is being called a "loser or outcast" by his members since he knows they are only joking, but when he is called this by a stranger on a show, of course it is upsetting.

    I just hope that he will somehow resolve this with his hyungs. I sense that often Baby snap at Jung Minnie because he gets tired of being picked on.

    Although, sometimes, with the way Baby acts, he is just asking for them to pick on him since he can be a bit immature. I just like it when his hyungs pick on him but when someone else does, it's a big HELL NO.

  10. finkle6:13 PM

    I agree that I think Baby doesn't feel hurt when the members make fun of him cos' he knows they are just teasing. In fact, in a way he is probably very happy with the teasing cos' it is a show of 'doting' and love by the members. But imagine someone you don't know just scolding and insulting you, that must really hurt!

  11. I'm scared that one day, Hyung Joon will leave SS501. :(

  12. Anonymous7:46 PM

    ahhhhhhh andydandy!!!!!! noooooooo
    okay maybe I'm getting such a big reaction because I thought of the same thing. it would really break my heart if that happened.
    no hyung joon will forget it...I really hope and maybe the teasing will become milder..i dont know. but I don't really like the picture when joonie is being called a outcast and kyu pointed his thumbs up. that must have hurt if you pause and see..maybe i'm over-reacting.

  13. ehhh.....err... people.. relax.. relax...

    like what Maknae has said in Music High.....the joking image on variety shows are often mixed with his real image, to be precised it's often mistaken to be his real of the reason he voiced this out is because he just want to put a stop to this joking image...he's now a grown up... nothing destructive has happened or going to occur/happen among the boys...

    so people.. relax ok... don't get so negative or depressed or worked up or whatever on this issue...OK?!?!?!


  14. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Hope baby boy don't take it so hard,he shd realised this circumstance will happen sooner or later as his character always mistaken by surroundings.
    It really need your IQ & EQ to put back your situation when comes to entertainment shows,that's how entertainer can survive in this circle.

  15. It really breaks my heart to see this post. Like you Liezle, I will wait to see if the members will do something to clear things up. I recalled after watching Chocolate & then Champagne that I posted somewhere (maybe on Cagali's blog) that I felt that the "joke" about Maknae is only funny when said once. After too many repetitions it will no longer be funny. I too felt that they went overboard with the "teasing" of maknae. Hope everything will be fine and Maknae will get some TLC from the members soon. He really is the sweetest person for "tolerating" all the jokes to date.

  16. spring10:26 PM

    Ohhh.... my dear babyHJ..... we all know it's just a joke... u r so kind and nice taking all the teaser from yr big bro..... as we said, u all 5 has unique charm... of course u r not outcast... just a love teaser from lovely bro always... sometime I also want to tease u cos u r so adorable... but it is true that when a lot ppl teasing so much on same thing then we will get hurt... some time ppl who tease it, didn't notice it will hurt another person... understand how u feel.. now for those ppl who don't know you, they might just misunderstand..but if they know u more, they will sure know it is not true.. you 5 r the best!!! i am sure after this hearing, your 4 big bros will clear it to ppl and will cheer u more... stay strong as real babyHJ always.. don't care ppl who don't know u yet.. u have our love and 501 support forever... LOVE YOU baby LOVE LIKE THIS..... i am sure u will cheer up again..:-))
    hmmmm..... i know u will not read this comment.. but i am really thinking how to cheer you baby...hehe... uri baby... here L.O.V.E sign and *HEART* shape for you... can see it?? hehe..;p

  17. Anonymous11:42 PM


  18. I want to watch the vid when he said this things....
    really wanna know his expressions that time... I dont wanna see him crying... I cant stand it even I'm not him... Oppa, we triple s will forever support u... just stick with the group, I believe the other members will n must settle this... saranghae oppa <3

  19. Anonymous9:21 AM

    hello!!!! geez!
    so many response.
    good. then everyone agrees that name-calling though intended as a joke has a negative impact....

    Maknae is standing up and letting everyone know (including the members) that he, as a normal human being, is hurt with these kind of comments. The members can share moments of closeness without really describing him as like that... its the choice of words that we ALL should be careful about.

    well i hope maknae was able to release and let go of all his frustrations and things would be resolved eventually. (A)

  20. Anonymous12:10 PM

    warm hugs for you oppa~~ =)

    triple S always with you~
    cheer up!! ^^
