
Saturday, November 28, 2009

short videos from 5 men's 5 years dvd

I have these videos in my draft since yesterday. I got the link for the YT of hjdoll [thanks for the upload!] in my email sent by candy21. Honestly, I hesitated in posting these. But then, after giving it some thoughts [see, it took me 24 hours to decide] I decided to post.

Alright, I'm posting these videos because I believe that these are good teasers that would encourage you to buy a copy of 'Five Men's Five Years DVD'.

You've seen some photos, you've seen posters, now these 'teaser' videos. Don't you think that it's a good buy? Well, I do.

Okay, don't be satisfied with these short videos, don't be satisfied by just saving scanned photos, if you have spare money, go order. If you lack the funds, It's Christmas season, make a wish list and place it on your Christmas tree or on your refrigerator for everyone in you house to see, that you would want to received any of the following as present for Christmas :

1. Five Men's Five Years DVD
3. U R Man
4. Solo Collection

Support the original, k? ^_^ Be a good green pea. ^^


Btw, someone was asking earlier which got the biggest sales between 'U R Man' and 'REBIRTH' albums. Well, according to violet [I've to confirm my answer] 'REBIRTH' sold more than 'U R Man'.

P.S. I think some got worried with Hyun Joong after watching the videos that I posted HERE. Well, I asked a friend in SK to know if there is something that happened that we didn't know. According to her, she watched the video with other Korean fans and it seems that Leader felt shortness of breath because he just finished performing. If the Korean fans were not worried then I guess we've nothing to worry too.


  1. quizzy5:06 AM

    yes lets support only the originals!!
    its one way of showing our support and love for them :)

    cant wait to have my copies!! :)

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Can't agree more to what Liezle and quizzy said!

    Support the originals is the way we show our support and love for the boys and also the way to see them for a longer, more time. Thank you Liezle for sharing the clips.

  3. I really do hope I'll get my hands on a copy, it's an absolute must have to me! <3 Esp now, after these amazing teasers!!*_* <33

  4. liezle:
    actually how much this dvd cost? do uhave any info about it?

  5. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hey liezle,
    i've already placed the order for the dvd but im kind of worried now.
    i saw it somewhere that the running time for the dvd is 305 mins?
    its like not possible for all the titles they have listed to be only 305 mins...
    are they cuts?
    do you know anyone who already has it to enlighten me on this?

    thanks a lot,

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hey everyone...
    first of all, its great to see them interacting to each other like this again. its been long since ive seen this (exceptions of variety shows, which doesnt have much on the boys, instead only on hyun joong)
    second, i would like to know, where i could get this dvd. im going back to sigapore soon, so anywhere i could get it from there?? and if i buy it online (if there is) i wont be in melbourne(where i live)when it comes

  8. finkle11:35 AM

    Hi Kayrinne, I haven't gotten my copy yet as well but I believe they are just cuts or behind the scenes of those variety programs.

    Hi sha filan, hope you don't mind me answering on liezle's behalf :) if you buy from the Korea websites like, it is 38 000 won which is way much cheaper compared to YESASIA etc. YESASIA, depending on which version you buy, is at least US$55

    Hope this helps!

  9. I am fr the US, the DVD is Region 3does it mean I won't be able to play it on a regular DVD player in the US. What about the laptop DVD player? I hope somebody would be able to give an answer about this because I would really like to buy the DVD.

  10. Lovelikethis3:42 PM

    Hey Liezle, hope your weekend is good!

    Anywho, just wanted to let you know that SETI eps 15 and 16 up on Shirley's account?

    No more KJ ~~ V___V It's so very sad.

  11. hi everyone and thank you finkle for answering some of the questions.

    with regard whether it can be played on laptop you may click HERE or HERE and HERE . Check the comment boxes since i believe someone has already answered that question there.

  12. hi finkle,
    thanks for your help...
    really appreciate it very much...
    so does also charging according to the versions?

  13. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Please support SS501 by voting for them here! (

    There are total of 3 segments to vote for (including their BOF OST)!

    Hope they win the award!
