
Friday, December 18, 2009

a bit of a pix spazzz on jung min

Alright, I won't call this spazzzz on Jung Min though there are many photos of him here and from the other sites I've been visiting. But, how come most of the photos that I'm seeing are only those of his solo? Where are the other?

Oh well, I'll be waiting and waiting until they come out. ^_^

Here, I've two sets of photos.

First set is from HKTripleS. Hmm, I wish they've another set coming just like that of Kyu Jong's set... close up.

Thanks for this! Different from the rest.

This one too! Though quite far.
But can perferctly see the long legs.

Enlarge thumbnail by clicking on the photo.

Second set if from Charlotte. Like I said in my post 'I have sinned...' she has about 2000 photos from Persona in Hong Kong.

Charlotte! Thanks for this! At least this is different from the rest. I believe that Jung Min is facing on our side. This was the time that he's asking fans to move back because everyone was moving front because of him.

Oh btw, there's this joke from Kadd that really cracked me up when I first saw her and we were discussing how we should go to the venue and secure a good place in A3. We planned not to go early and be not on the the first line so as not be on the very first row or very near the stage because if we go early if you've a Cup D bra when you enter the arena, you might just have a Cup A bra after the concert. ^0^

You may click on the thumbnails to enlarge.

I know, I know this post is sort of boring. Hee, you don't have to tell me because I know. Same pictures except that they're from different angles.

To spice up this page a bit let me post these set of photos from khin myint. According to her she took these photos with me on her mind. ^_^ Hee, isn't it obvious that she knows that I just love Jung Min's legs and rear. Actually, I've asked other friends [of course] jokingly to take a shot of JM's long legs and rear. Hee, just don't know if they take me seriously though.

See how it was if you've a ticket in any of the standing area? Who would not have sinned? ^_^

Amongst the members of SS501, I guess... no I believe that he wore his tight pants the meanest that at times it gives me a scare.


  1. Anonymous2:34 AM

    I lol at this "See how it was if you've a ticket in any of the standing area? Who would not have sinned? ".

    I love coming to your blog Liezle so many information and you have quite a good sense of humor.

  2. najlaa3:15 AM

    wat a 'funny' post~
    love readin ur post too...

    n bout dat sinned... it just cant be helped~~

  3. "... no I believe that he wore his tight pants the meanest that at times it gives me a scare." hahahahah
    So hot JM!

    Thanks a lot Liezle!

  4. I just love Jung Min's legs and rear too!!!! OMG sooooo hot!!! thank u so much for post the pics =D
    actually i have been waiting for these pics since you speak about they in an other post...hehe
    thank u very much!!!!

    ps:sorry for my broke english, i'm brazilian and don't speak english very well yet... :b

  5. Hi everyone! I'm glad that you like this post. ^_^

    Sinthia thanks for leaving your footprint in my blog. ^_^


  6. Anonymous11:50 AM

    bwahahahhahahah! jugmin's butt was captured so well :)

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    you really crack me up, liezle! hahaha! LOL

  8. Anonymous1:49 PM

    first thank you for your kindness, it really help Park Jung Min thread. Thank you so much!

    and OMG...
    i though just me who always pay attention to those long leg and nice back, kekeke....
    and yea it sinful for them to wear that tight pants cos that make us, hump..hump...hump..., and scream out like crazy, and for me Jung min tight always catch my eyes, kekeke.....

