
Thursday, December 17, 2009

major pix spazzzzz on kyu jong

Time to exercise those cute little fingers of yours ladies. As I've here big time spazzz on Kyu Jong. About a hundred photos of handsome Kyu Jong. But believe though Kyu Jong looks good in all the photos and videos these are nothing compared to seeing him live in person. I've said this many times and I'm not only one who says so.

The following photos which you are about to drool ^_^ are really good and most of them are close up. Honestly, I had difficulty choosing which to upload in large size and which in thumbnails.

First batch of photos are from Kyu's []. Huge thanks again. Kyu's has been giving us really good photos of Kyu Jong. And I think that they are big. Kyu Jong I think is lucky to have them supporting them.

Second batch is from HK TripleS. This fanclub is another one which gives us great videos and photos not only of one particular member but all of them.

Click the following thumbnail to enlarge.


  1. My fingers will give up on me already. hahahaha!

    Thanks for sharing liezle :))

  2. thank liezle!

    gosh, it sure topped up my nite with these photos. keep up with these great post!

    i shall now dream of kyu jong oppa. LOL.

  3. qwerty11:53 PM

    thanks for posting photos of kyujong! he's so so handsome :D

  4. Kyu's always take good pictures.. Kyu has got so many different expressions in this set.. kyute~ thank you! ^^

  5. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I have sinned 2
    I'm always imagine Kyu's naked body
    wish someday he will dance naked like leader, hehehe

  6. Cheryl8:37 AM

    @amoymous yeah i am waiting for that too...

    thanks for the pics.
    love it so much.
    esp it is my kyu! lolx

  7. kyu is becoming more and more handsome day by day... ^^
    thank u for sharing!!!!

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "cartwheels" jumpin up & down!
    havin s.o.b
    thanKYU ssooooo much!

