
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Persona in Bangkok... Postponed to Feb 13

When everything went good yesterday [didn't blog the whole day, went Christmas shopping and had a blast of a night with friends] until I got to the computer and received info via sms that Persona in Bangkok has been postponed to Feb 13, 2010.

I've my plane ticket [good thing that my ticket is not restricted], I've a good area for the concert [BHT5500 sponsored tix]. Everything is all set... then this news.

Well, actually everything can still be arranged. I can still go to Bangkok on the 13th of February. But then... sigh...

According to my source [not sure if she wants to be named] DSP and Do [the organizer] will release the instructions for the refund on Monday. Actually I was told that it can be refunded or re-printed [if you decide to watch on the 13th].

According to my source also, SS501 will be arriving on the 11th of Feb in Bangkok. On the same day there will be presscon, meet and greet, fan sign session. Then rehearsals on the 12th. Also, Bangkok might be the last Persona stop before the encore which might be February also.

Sigh... i'm in dilemma! What to do! February might be two Persona! Bangkok and Seoul! This news has it's bad side and good side. Darn!

But regardless whether I go to Bangkok or not, I will definitely attend the encore. ^_^

Btw, Persona in Bangkok change of date I was told is the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year. How do DSP and Do expect the Chinese fans to attend? I know for a fact that many SG TripleS are going and in fact has already arranged for their hotel, air tix and even transportation to the venue.

P.S. Read from the post of bb that all those attending will have a chance to the lottery [hmm, how many will be allowed to this event? impact has 12,000 capacity. what is the chance to be able to be in this one] for the meet and greet/fans signing. Also, a free gift will be offered to compensate for the change of date.


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    is there any way to petition their decision (DSP) since 13th of Feb is the eve of CNY how do they expect overseas fans to go and watch Persona Concert???? - ashyira

  2. hello ashyira! a petition i think can be done but will DSP reconsider?

    with this development, i'm pretty sure there will be lots of cancellation especially to the foreign fans. i wonder how the TS in Thailand are handling this change.

    With regard to the meet and greet and fans signing, I wonder too who are entitled as in the previous news only those are buying, i think starting last week, have the chance for the meet and greet/fans signing. what about the others? especially those with the 5500 tix?

    Anyway, I hope that DSP will also make an announcement on Monday about the encore. In this way they'll be giving us fans something to rejoice about after the bad news about the BKK concert.


  3. me thinks i can help to answer some of these questions....

    looks like it's final, so yea, you can petition, but chances are nothing will change. the fans had a rather long meeting with the concert promoter today apparently, so it's all final.

    i understand that some of the thai fans/fanclubs have already started preparing to help promote the boys' concert, etc... including contacting the media, ad agencies, etc... with this postponement, plans will have to be changed, and there's also a likelihood that additional costs will be incurred, etc etc etc.

    i think no one is happy with the date change, but if there's no way to change it back, then the best is just to accept it and manage the consequences to the best of their ability.

    mel has shared that they're tired, but do know that there's still plenty to do. so... hmmm... think the boys are lucky to have such doggedly loyal fans (despite how uncaring and disorganized DSP is, and despite how cold and impersonal Mays Ent is... am speaking from real, actual experience, and not from hearsay or rumours...)

    as for the meet-and-greet session, i believe all ticket-holders are entitled to the draw. (the earlier info seemed to indicate otherwise, that only peeps who bought from totalreservation were entitled) but again, let's wait for confirmation on this one.

    also, there could be an autograph session as well, but i think it's for those who have purchased the Endless Melody Photobook. (heard there's abit of an unhappy story behind this one... something about the thai fans were 'misled' into buying this coz they were told that the boys were sign their books, but eventually the autograph session didn't materialise, or something... so some fans were still sore...)

    sighs... although DSP doesn't seem to be as 'whatever' as SM, and appears to give the boys quite a fair bit of freedom (by idol standards, i mean...), me thinks they have a lot to learn and catch up in terms of artist management, artists/events promotion, and also about treating fans right.

  4. shirbo6:22 AM

    liezle, i was wondering where u went all day!! i think i might be the only one happy about the date change...cuz i just might be able to go!! especially after hearing the good news from our super friend whos in JP right now i'm more inspired to go!! hehe

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    what had happened to persona in Malaysia and S'pore? I still waiting for the concert date annouchment so that I could fly back to attend their concert........

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Personally I don't like the date change, but I think it might be better for SS501. However, could be very bad for oversea fans.

    I don't know if they planned to change it a while ago is that why there are no promotion whatsoever for this concert. I live in Bankgok and people I talked to have no idea that SS501 is coming to Bangkok for a concert. Less than a month before the concert and they are less than half of the tickets sold. It is sad that the fans has to do the promotions instead of DSP and Do Concert companies.

    BOF has just finished in Bangkok. They could have easily capitalized on the popularity of the show and use that to promote SS501 concert. Yet not a peep. When Kim Joon stopped by a few weeks ago with T-Max, more people know about it than people know about SS501 Concert.

    liezle, thank you so much for the info. If I don't follow your blog, I wonder when or if I will ever find out about the date change.

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Oh no, oh no, ohnnnoooo..why did they change to that date? Bad move by the promoter, planner or whoever that is.

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I read from another blog that there could be no more Malaysia/Singapore/Philippines concert after Thailand Persona. It doesn't help when Thailand Persona going to happen on Chinese New Year's eve. So I guess we have to gear up for Seoul encore.. or there'll no more...

  9. finkle10:17 AM

    DSP is being really dumb, out of all the dates they choose CNY eve?? Do they wanna make money or not? I couldn't care less about DSP, but I don't wanna see the boys disappointed faces if very little turn up for the concert :S

  10. thanks bb for the information. right now, i'm 80% going and 20% not. what is holding me back is that there might be fewer fans who are going to watch. i don't want attending concert with less fans.

    SS501 are lucky to have Thailand TS. They're 501% supporting them. Though I'm pretty sure too that they're disappointed but they yeah what we/they do.

    To Anonymous #1 : SG and Malaysia might just be impossible now. But still let's wait.

    To Anonymous #2 : There is really pluses and minuses to these changes. The change actually is favorable to other and not to others. But with regard to the image of DSP, well there it goes again... another taint to them.

    Shirbo : Honestly, I still want to go despite the change in date. Let's talk.

    Ashyira and Cecile, let's finalize tomorrow.

    I hope that DSP will also make a final announcement with regard to Seoul. But then if they do make an announcements at the same time as BKK, the Persona in BKK might just have less foreign fans attending.

  11. Such a shocking news. You know, TripleS VietNam also plan to go to Thailand Concert. However if the concert is postponed until Chinese New Year Eve, none of us can come. We, the same as China, also celebrate the Lunar New Year. This is a very important event during a year. How sad it is.....

    Morover, I heard that SS501 will stay in Japan until Jan 2nd, that means they won't have time for their family. And on Chinese New Year Eve , they also have to hold the concert. Don't know what DSP is doing. Really sad....

    I'm waiting for the official announcement from DSP. Let's wait whether there might be an encore one.

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    oh wow after all the false hopes, this happens. i guess they should have considered the fact that people actually have a life outside going to some concert. sheesh. sorry if i sound hostile but i feel kind of angry especially after hearing about no concert in SG/M'sia.
    anw, thanks for the news! ;D

  13. Nette4:56 PM

    I actually met you @HK right after the concert with some TSPH was nice meeting you in person...

    I so still wanted to watch another Persona but i was hoping for SG or Malaysia but reading this news really made me sad coz i am afraid i might not be able to watch in Bangkok or the encore hu hu hu...hopefully it is not the last stop for Persona please.....still hoping for some good news....

    Or i still hope that i can make a miracle and be able to watch Bangkok.....

    Waiting for news.....

    thnx for always keeping us up to date....


  14. Hi there Liezle

    When I knew about the change, the first thing that came to my mind was... what am I supposed to do with all the contacts I have made...

    Second thought.... OMG it's CNY... I am also half chinese and I'm also celebrating with my family.

    Third thught ... how will the oeversea fans, esp the chinese TS.. be able to attend??? Is this change really worth changing or not??? Will they win or lose more???

    I know that BKK SS501 Persona concert is quite "Quiet" and yes there are many tickets to be sold... Postponing this time may cause more damage than creating more support. However, I just hope that we as ThaiTS will be able to help the boys with this change of plan. I also don't want to see the concert venue with half the capacity.

    The real reason behind the change ... I don't want to know anymore... whatever will be will be... I have been waiting for something like this many times this year and all have been postponed.. This time I've learnt to accept it and just trying my best to give the full support.

    I feel sooo sorry for those Chinese TripleS from neighboring countries and I do hope that some of you may be able to come (though I know it rarely looks like it will happen) ..

    We ThaiTs still have lots of things to talk about and to plan what we should be doing to support the boys.

    Aaarrrrr.... just don't know what to say...


  15. Hi Liezle,

    This was the first site when I logged online after more than a day of not going online. I'm sad to know that there might not be a SG or an MY concert, as they have promised MY that they'll be having a concert there. And I think that SG fans have been waiting too long as well.

    I hope that DSP and everyone who's organizing could just really brainstorm on this and give us a concrete and final update. If that was the case, I shouldn't have watched in HK, Instead I should've waited for BKK. I was supposed to go to BKK. But they moved it to 1st week of Jan, so I had no choice, since I wasn't available that week of Jan. And then, these are all happening. I might have to reconsider and check my plans. Hmmm.

    Thanks for all these updates Liezle. Been of very great help!


  16. Anonymous7:11 PM

    DSP!!!!!!! (speechless)
    Mine is package and cannot change...


  17. I still want to go for the concert. But it's CNY eve. I wonder if my parents would allow. Then I may sit beside you again like HK concert and get busy standing up and sitting down with all the Triple S.

  18. SSsufi8:34 PM

    please dont change!!!!!!!
    i wanna see them badly!!!!!!!!

  19. Hi Mel!

    I admire your spirit. Despite the changes you still think of how this concert will be successful. I like it very much. With that kind of positive attitude positive energy will definitely looms. We need more of that.

    I believe that the Koreans also celebrate Seollal on the same day as the CNY. Seollal is the first day of the lunar Korean calendar. It is the most important of the traditional Korean holidays. So not only the Chinese are celebrating this important day also the Koreans.

    Which also means that SS501, dancers, staffs, crew and the korean fans will also be affected. They would miss being with their family. A real big sacrifice for them too.

    Sigh... I wish some thing good will come up.


  20. Anonymous11:46 PM

    This is seriously a nightmare for lots of TS. I'm really disappointed that Sg may be out afterall and i seriously think BKK is the last stop. Coze leader may get busy next year with his movie....
    I guess seoul's encore will be my choice as CNY's eve is like totally out.
    I feel sorry for all the TS who has major disruptions to all flights n hotel bookings...
    Liezle, thxs for all info n pls update asap if u hv further news...

  21. Anonymous12:22 AM

    There goes DSP again. Disappointment after disappointment this year. I feel so bad for TS who already made plan to come see them. Seriously, DSP do not consider the feelings of TS when they made these changes last minute which is so unprofessional. It seems that TSJ always get the better treatment compare to the others which is so unfair. Fans need to be treated fairly and I don't have that much respect for DSP atm. DSP is really testing TS patience with so many things happening this year. The fans and SS501 deserve so much more, if DSP don't step up to the plate, they'll always be behind.

  22. Anonymous12:49 AM

    sob wonder MEL wrote that she shed tears for this....

    Liezle - cecil and I despite the changes were planning to go....

    Mel - any help we can lend to ThaiTS please let us know.... but not all Sg TS now can go and support the BOYS....
    im very unhappy with the changes of the date itself.... how come of all the dates in the calendar they choose the eve of CNY??????

    To all TS / Greenpeas

    if u can make it please come to Thailand and support the BOYS....

  23. Ashyira, are you the Anonymous above? If yes I just sent you and Cecil an email and I wrote I STILL WANT TO GO!!!

    I hope you guys are reading this.


    Mel, yeah if you need anything please let us know.

  24. Anonymous1:18 AM

    hi dear.... so sorry i forgot to type my name on it..... yes at your service m' ..... ^-^
    it's me ASHYIRA

    ok.... although my heart still ached.... let's try to brighten up everything..... if overseas fans are suffering how much more the THAI Fans.....

    ok me saying hook or by crook i will go....

    i know our BOYS are suffering also they choose to be with their fans rather than with their families.... 13Feb is also an important event for them.... I think they have CHOICE (free will) as well... choice to perform or not to perform but since they (DSP)will be announcing it PUBLICLY for my point of view OUR BOYS choose to perform....

    i do believe for every changes made there are tons of reason behind it.... (whatever reasons reasonable or not)i made up my mind i will stand still for them...

    gals - let us be constructive in any ways ^-^

  25. Same here, by hook or by crook, I want to go for the concert. I too want to give my 501% support to them:)

  26. i heard it's Do-Concert who wanted to change the date..Whatever reason it is, I have no idea.
    Stop blaming it on DSP because Koreans celebrate lunar new year too. It's the MOST important festival in the whole year. Our boys and the Korean staffs are going to miss it too. I don't think they'd be happy about it as much.
