
Sunday, December 20, 2009

SS501 2nd Christmas Show in Japan

One dear friend was very lucky to be able to attend the SS501 2nd Christmas in Show in Tokyo yesterday and see SS501 [hee for her especially Young Saeng] in gray and white tux. She sent me at 2am today [3am in SK and Japan] a brief story on what happened in the party.

Before I post that, let me apologize first to her for just posting this. Told her that after hearing the news about the Persona in Bangkok i was not in a mood to blog. But hey, can't sulk about it, right? Either i go or not it's really up to me. I can't do anything anymore.

Anyway, here's the short story of this dear friend. Btw, there are photos but we're not allowed to post them. ^_^

From dear friend...

Of course the dinner starts on the dot and the food sucks.. hahah.. to me..=p
then around 8 the show begins with Love like this... then a few songs then talk and play games with some of the fans... then the most exciting part is candles lighting services, the boys were going to tables to tables to light the candles, it's like Hyun Joong will start to light table 1 candles and fans in that table will pass around and the last person in table 1 will pass the light to Young Saeng and it went on like that.

The boys of course are nose bleeding and salivating.. haha..they are dressed in grey and white tux... ho ho ho...

so these are songs that the boys sang during the party
1) Love like this
2) Snow Prince
3) Coward
4) Always and Forever
5) Hoshizora
6) Green Pea <--- now this is a real surprise.. in Japanese.. it's not in Korean...
7) Because I am stupid
8) All My love
9) Distance ~君とのキョリ

Btw, Shirley, I'm happy to hear that our friend in Japan gave you good news!

Oh yeah, dear friend, you owe me a lot of stories :) I'll be out to do more some Chirstmas shopping but will be back again later. So better, let me in on that stories, k?


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    You are lucky to attend! It's an intimate fan meeting? I still have to attend my very first fan meeting or concert. I read in one of Liezle's post earlier that fan meeting is more fun because of the interaction with them and that fewer fans are gathered.


  2. shirbo11:02 AM

    haha super good news that can make me happy for a LONG TIME!!! hehe i'm WAY TOO HAPPY today...cant stop smiling!!

  3. Geez, because you have good friends to back you up girl. ^_^

    Hahahahaha....remember once in Seoul then in HK courtesy of me then this one courtesy of our dear friend. ^_^ Hee and of course you've that charm! Btw, you're like a winner already!

  4. shirbo11:09 AM

    haha i'm waiting for our dear friend for details on the whole event(s) too!! hehe

    yes i'm super thankful for u, our dear special friend!! also thankful for jen, mel and all other ts that have been so nice to me!!

  5. hey liezle, thanks for sharing. thank your friend too :)
