
Sunday, December 13, 2009

[Text and Eng Subbed] SS501 : who misses who

Hey finkle, you rock like Young Saeng! Thank you for the translation! ^_^ I'm making a page for this since it's a really sweet of them to talk about missing each other. Whoa! We've been to to much revelation lately.

Chinese to English translation by finkle

At 3:17 mark this is that translation:

Maknae: I missed every single member. (But) the persons I missed most are the two who always bully me - Leader and Jungmin

YS: When the three of us released our album, I was the leader, so I gradually understood the difficulties of being the leader, and understood the pains that Hyun Joong goes through as the leader, so I missed him a lot.

Leader: As the leader of the 5, I was more worried about Young Saeng, the leader of the sub-unit. He did much better than expected.

Kyu: When we were carrying out activities as 3, I especially felt the void left by Jungmin, missed his joking demeanor.

Jungmin: When I was acting in the musical alone, it feel very lonely.
When Maknae is with me, we always fight and play. There is a happy side to that, and also an irritating side, although the irritating feeling was a bit stronger. Because of these feelings, I missed Maknae very much. Also missed Leader and Young Saeng. Very happy that everyone can come together to perform again.


I'm shoving here English subbed video of the above video. Thanks to Winnie's email for letting me know that the translation has been sent to Hurmutube so that it can be combined with the video.

Winnie thanks again for your hardwork. We're able to understand what's said on this video. Love hearing/reading stuffs like this.


  1. trippi11:05 PM

    hyun saeng loove! thye missed each other! LOL.

    heyy. how come no one missed our KYUtie?
    dont worry kyu jongie, we always lub you! :P

  2. tetsu girl11:13 PM

    hm, i thought i read another news clip translation where JM said he missed KJ because he always takes care of everyone. <3 it probably just got cut from this clip. ;P

    love their closeness. love them all!

  3. no one missed Kyu? :(

  4. awww.. thank you MC!
    for asking the right question for us :)

  5. awwww where's the love for kyu!? i missed you! hahahaha

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    First of all, thanKYU to finkle, winnie and hurmutube and most especially to you Liezle for making it possilbe for us to understand the vids....

    so sweet of them to acknowledge their closeness on tv but how come no one misses sweet, kind and thoughful Kyu? hmm,

    anyways, Kyu - we're here for you and for the group 24/7

