
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Youn Saeng's Find Rock Version [full]

Thanks to ivy for the tip on Young Saeng 'Find' video from YT. I've to replace the vid with Shirley's since she up her vid on HQ.

Young Saeng's moment last night was wonderful. He surprised everyone with this new rendetion of 'Find'. I like it and everyone in the arena loved it. He rocked the house!

Thanks to shirbogurl3 for uploading on her YT.

SS501 Young Saeng Solo "You Are My Heaven"(Feat. Hyung Jun)+"Find (Rock Version)" at Persona in HK

I wonder what Young Saeng thought when he read the banner that we flashed to him last night. ^_^ Btw, thanks again to J_Girl for flashing all my banners up. She's towering everyone in our area [she's i think 5'8"] and with her help the boys were able to read my banners. ^_^

영생아 새로운 네 모습 쪼아!
이걸로 밀고 나가자!

[Youngsaenga we like you as a bad boy!
Keep it up!]


  1. finkle9:51 PM

    Hi Liezle, I translated a short extract from a clip of their press conference, because I thought it was really sweet..

    TVBPV news:

    (From 3:17)

    Maknae: I missed every single member. (But) the persons I missed most are the two who always bully me - Leader and Jungmin

    YS: When the three of us released our album, I was the leader, so I gradually understood the difficulties of being the leader, and understood the pains that Hyun Joong goes through as the leader, so I missed him a lot.

    Leader: As the leader of the 5, I was more worried about YS, the leader of the sub-unit. He did much better than expected.

    Kyu: When we were carrying out activities as 3, I especially felt the void left by Jungmin, missed his joking demeanor.

    Jungmin: When I was acting in the musical alone, it feel very lonely.
    When Maknae is with me, we always fight and play. There is a happy side to that, and also an irritating side, although the irritating feeling was a bit stronger. Because of these feelings, I missed Maknae very much.
    Also missed Leader and YS. Very happy that everyone can come together to perform again.

  2. Karren16810:03 PM

    Hi Liezle! So nice to hear that you had a grand time at Persona HK :)

    Hope you can also share with us the pictures of the banners you showed to our SS501 Men :)

  3. finkle, much thanks! i made a new page for your trans. it deserves a new page. ^_^


  4. Hello Karren168! It's just a very very simple banner because i don't want to be carrying anything before and after the concert. It's just an A4 size banner in hangul that i flash to each member when there's an opportunity [approximately 2x just to make sure they read it].

    i'll be showing all banners when i post my persona account once i'm done with it.


  5. whoa, the rock version of ''find'' is really awesome. especially with youngsaeng's great voice! he looks like he's really enjoying it, especially when he stood beside the guitarist and pretend to play the guitar while moving his body to the sound of the guitar! awesome much!
    sigh, if only i'll be able to attend such an awesome concert, i'll be really contented.

  6. Now, I really hope YS become a bad boy ^^

  7. i haven't see all the videos yet.
    seeing all comments.
    i thnk our ysaeng really2 did a good job.
    i really cant hope ysaeng become a bad boy.
    bcause when i hope it.
    the HK incidents came into my mind suddenly.
    im afraid that he'll smoking again.
    n he'll ruin his health.
    thats what im worried about.

  8. Anonymous12:55 AM

    cant say anything but W-O-W!!!

    thanks liezle and shirley for sharing

  9. Anonymous10:13 AM

    thank you for sharing this vid to us..
    PrinceYS turned Badboy is sticking up to his nu image and i can't help but be amazed coz he's doing a superb job!

    hehehe one of their managers peeping from the curtains probably anxious? =)

