
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Did he or did he not?

I’m sure you all know by now the issue surrounding the ‘message that hyun joong left on dsp webby’.

Well, as of this writing, the issue still remains to be an issue. Fans still doubt the authenticity of the message that was left by ‘hyun joong’ at around 12:40am on DSP webby. Fans are saying that it seems that his ID has been hacked again.

What’s the message is all about? Apparently Leader wrote his frustration to the media for not verifying things. I posted last night that he was seen attending the 80th birthday party of South Korea’s former President Chen Doo Hwan in Gangnam. But a few hours after the article came out, DSP vehemently denied it saying the Hyun Joong did not attend such event.

From what I read, there was a visitor who is the name sake of Hyun Joong and holds a position in Hwanha [a big company I think in SK] and they have mistakenly reported that it's SS501 Kim Hyun Joong.

At this time, I’m not sure if the message is still posted on DSP. But last night on when the message was posted for the very first time [actually i first saw the message on the sidebar posted by an anonymous visitor] the admin deleted the post. Then a few minutes after the message was again posted. Until I slept at around 2am, the post has already gathered about 30 replies. And when I returned this morning to check on the latest, the post has been locked with 60 replies.

Honestly, I think it’s very unlikely of Leader to vent his frustration over this matter on DSP webby when DSP has already cleared that he was not in attendance and news about the mistaken identity was reported right away. Oh well, I may be wrong too in my assumption.

Hmm, now I wonder if DSP will release a statement regarding this matter [the message]. I guess everyone is waiting if it’s Hyun Joong who really posted the message. It’ll surely be a long day and this news will likely be in many major portals [which already is].

For the meantime, let’s wait for any development. I’ll keep you posted.


  1. the post is back up in DSP webby if I'm not mistaken.

    yeah. sensitive. I hope DSP will release a statement about it. But I think like what others have said, it might be leader venting out his thoughts on the wrong report made. :)

    thanks for sharing your thoughts on this liezle. somehow, we as readers get glimpses of what's happening.

  2. Harley9:54 AM

    I posted this already but pardon me reposting here to clear up the misunderstanding abt Leader. HE'S NOT MAKING A FUSS OVER NOTHING!

    I'm not an expert on Korean politics but I kinda know that ex-president Chun Doo Hwan is notorious for issues relating to bribery/ plot treason (perhaps assassination as well). I'm not too sure about this but this ex-president used to be summoned and fined by the Court. So, the matter is really serous if Leader attended the party for real (he may be misunderstood as part of some rebellious treasonous party). I can get the reason why he is hurt by the false news.

    Though it is something sensitive, it's definitely not about Leader's side.

    Some more extra info: In 1996, former presidents Chun and Roh were jailed on charges of corruption. On December 16, they were also found guilty of treason and mutiny as part of their takeover of power. Chun was sentenced to death. That sentence was changed to a life sentence. He and Roh were pardoned a year later.

  3. finkle10:08 AM

    Hi Liezle,

    Thanks for keeping us updated. Although this is kinda of a worrying news :S

    And thanks Harley for the explanation. I had been wondering why it was such a big thing to attend an ex-President birthday.

    Can I just clarify, so netizens have been attacking Leader because they think he is attending a corrupted ex-President's birthday?

  4. finkle10:11 AM

    And not because of Leader's DSP message right?

  5. I ask my korean friend as well. No, he just korean people, not big fans or anything. I ask him for translated for me. And about the behind story, who is this ex president. And he said, his attending if he really did, not just regular issue, but this all about politic. So its so sensitive to korean people. We arent korean so we doesnt understand very well. From his ranting, he ranted because his name use as politic tool. As politic issue. Thats why he really pissed off.

  6. Hi Harley. Thanks for your post. I also did a little research last night in wiki about the former president.

    Many actors in KR i think really do not want to get involved in politics. I remember that BYJ was on the news too several times last year due to meeting with some government officials and even the first lady. But things settled after a while.

    As for Leader, this will be settled too. The anti just found something to talk about again.

    What's bothering is the irresponsible reporting of the media. They should have verified it first.


  7. Hi finkle. You got it right. But again DSP denied it and that should have been the end of it. But you we all know how netizens are and they found something to attack an innocent person.

    With regard to the message, there are some doubting the authenciticy of it but since it's still posted [which means it's possibly true that he wrote it due to frustration over the irresponsible reporting] replies are being moderated.


  8. I hope DSP do something concrete about it and FAST. DSP is notorious for not walking the talk and lack of PR.

  9. There is already a notice from DSP will post later.

    From what I read, Leader and some members of SS501 had a photoshoot and a pre arranged dinner.

    Will keep you posted.


  10. finkle12:32 PM

    Thanks Liezle! =) You are always so updated! You mean they had a photoshoot and dinner at the time where Leader was supposedly at the birthday?

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    at present it is not clear what happened. Leader is always very respectful of his seniors, bosses inclded and might not hv question where he is going

    1 thing is clear - he does not need to b invlved in politics to carry his dream -definitely he does not need to b involved with a "loser"

    I am a grandmother in Vancouver, Canada and hv flwed him n his members after watching BOF

    What had really impressed me most r that these young people have all suffered or struggled to hv reached their status today . It is not a small matter. It requires a lot of courage . I was esp. touched when I just read 2 days ago, the interview of leader's mother - how he worked when he left school and how he worked to survive n later to give his savings to his brother. Previously, I had thot he came from a well to do family n did not hv to struggle poverty like the other members. I understand now why he is the way he is, kind, honest, sincere. That is from his parents His mom talks abt her heartache to see her son struggling but let him hv his way, This is the greatest love a person can give.

    Leader, hold your head high, it is a lesson of life and u r young Life have always its ups and downs and when u r down, u will see all the REAL PEOPLE with u.

    I am sure u will receive many msges of love and encouragement


  12. it was really a surprise to read that news(true or not)... like what the others said, as a non-korean, we don't know how they think(the netizens).. the only thing we could do right now is give our support to Hyun Joong, he really needs all the comfort he can get.

    Hyun Joong, don't let the netizens get to you. just do what you like/love doing. i can say that this is what you get for being SO POPULAR not just in KOREA BUT ALL OVER THE WORLD.

    Hyun Joong Fighting........

  13. I'm really not good at English and I don't know how to express my feeling now :(( but I really, really want to send supports to Hyun Joong oppa.

    Hyun Joong oppa
    :((..Please don't be sad :(( I've felt very bad when I know the new
    If you sad, all TS will be sad too
    I just want u know that : "No matter what happen, all TS and I are always beside you and .. always support you. Please be strong coz you have many people who always take care of you and love you sm :D"
    We're beside you forever!

    Sincerely, thank to Liezie so much
    Chik from Viet Nam forum

  14. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Here's the truth.
    Kim Hyun Joong has been unjustly put in a very difficult situation due to the negligence of DSP Media. As DSP Media pretends to ignore Hyun Joong’s position, not even protests on his behalf in public, Hyun Joong’s attendance itself has been harshly criticized by web surfers claiming that it was not appropriate. Dear foreign fans who support Kim Hyun Joong, please do read the declaration dated 18 January published by the coalition. Please do pay attention to what the declaration wants to say to you. We need your every support.
