
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

DSP's Message 01.18.10

Here's DSP's Notice.

I'm posting this since it's posted on as well but i think the replies are being moderated.

We already know for a fact that Leader got badly hurt by the accussations hurled at him by the netizens. I've read his message and I can feel his hurt. At first I really thought it was him who wrote it since I didn't know the story. But after reading DSP's notice, I know understand where the frustration and hurt is coming from. He's asking not to be judged and said that what he wrote is the truth and he's very sincere about it.

Sigh...Hyun Joong is well known and I guess this is the drawback of being very popular.

I hope that Leader is okay now and not minding what others think.

Leader... Fighting!



DSP's Message
Korean to English translation by -someone-

Hello everybody this is a DSP Media
Since last night, many people has used different ways and means to inquire this matter
after reading the reports on Mr Hyun Joong
We think every TS should at least knows the process on the place that Hyun Joong went, which is reported in the news
This is how is happened:

18 Jan Yesterday was Lee Ho Yeon's birthday
This day at night other than Mr Jung Min who is filming Life Theatrer,
Hyun Joong, Kyu Jong, Young Saeng and Hyung Joon have arranged to have dinner togther at night

Before arriving at the venue at night
Hyun Joong who initially has other schedules, went together with boss to the arranged venue
Boss received a call while on the road
Taking this opportunity to go in for a while and will leave for the arranged venue as planned

There's no plans And it just happened by chance There's no choice
Somehow Mr Hyun Joong felt hurt by those bad criticisms by people who are not familiar with him

Irregardless whether it's staying for 1 min or 10 mins
Irregardless of the situation at that time
Whether to make a fuss or not, even if it is not what we hope for
Hope everybody can understand
But hope everybody will write after knowing the true fact


  1. thanks for sharing this infos liezle. It really got me confused, all the comments and the like. I just know that Leader did pour his sentiments on this thing. And it is likely of him to do so when a thing like this happens.

    I hope after their statement, things, will be better and be put to rest. :)

  2. What a misunderstanding.
    Thruthfully i think his message is real. And i am proud about his message. I dont think there is any problem about that. Its the right thing to do. He just express his frustration towards media to get their facts right first, because it could cause problem and hurt. I think with his message, he really did clarify straight to netizens who bashing him bcoz they thought he attended that party intentionally (politic issue here) because he is the victim by media.

    i just felt uneasy now, i felt worried bout him. He did really get hurt alot!!

    Are the netizens really bashed him alot, because they think he attended? Poor him! Really!

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Obviously Leader is hurt, hence he leave a personal message to clear things out.

    Knowing his personalties, he is someone who hates to tell lies, and he also dont really care about what other people think. As long as he believes he did not do anything wrong.

    He is hurt but I dont think he is still worry/sad over the issue. Let just hope that this issue will calm down soon.

  4. Anonymous2:25 PM

    actually, i dont really get thisss T_T

    so DID or DID HE NOT go to the party? cause didnt DSP said he didnt, but know they said he did?
    & now khj's message on the website, i dont really get it.

    but anyway, i dont really get whats so wrong with him going to that party.

    what the freak, netizens could be so UGHH sometimes -___-
    idols have lives too & are human, netizens need to learn to have respect -____-

    i just hope kim hyun joong's okay ! <3

  5. from what I understand he was with the CEO when the CEO got a call and they droped by at the party. Hyun joong was caught in the middle of the situation. Him being there was purely coincidental not planned. Felt bad for hyung!!!

  6. some news reports say Chun Do Hwan, some translations say Lee Ho Yeon. = =||

  7. Anonymous5:07 AM

    hi dear ledar (khj)
    dont be sad and smile
    we support u
    evry iranian fans support u
    im from iran

  8. Anonymous5:12 AM

    hi dear hyun joong
    ledar dont give up
    iranian fans support u
    fighting fighting
    my grupe full in love u my grope name is ss301
    by the way im melika i support u
