
Sunday, January 31, 2010

he's tattooed...

...on our mind.

I like this shot. There's something about it that makes you drawn to it. Is it the tapping of hands on his 'tattooed' thighs? Is it the way he seems relax and enjoying the photoshoot?

Oh well, whatever it is... I can hear 'I miss Hyun Joong.'

I know, I know saying/hearing it is redundant --- kind of like saying 'We breathe air' or 'We eat food'. But no matter what, I think I will never get rid of hearing declaration of love to Hyun Joong [or to SS501]. He is already tattooed on the mind of many.

Photo lifted from the post of 증자마누라 on Original credit to


  1. margaux1:57 AM

    Leader is absolutely tattooed on my mind. You are so right about it Liezle. You can also hear me say 'I miss Hyun Joong badly.'

  2. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Miss Hyun Joong like crazy. He is the best vitamin for me.

  3. Karren16810:04 AM

    It's a very good thing God created HyunJoong :) ... Thank you very much God!

    It seems a lot of us have been inspired by HJL in different ways... Let's continue to pray for HyunJoong's good health, happiness & successful career... I know this will make HJL happy... and when HJL's happy, we're happy too :)

    Anyways, I like this tattoo outfit on HyunJoong... he can pull it off very well... still looking so handsome & very manly... HJL, you will always be in our mind :)

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I'm agree with Kareen168. I was so depressed at one point in life, i thought I went crazy; then i found HJL, SS501. He becames my daily stress relief dosage since then. It may sound obscure, but it's the truth. Thanks God!

  5. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I can't agree more to Karren168 and above anonymous 12:29! HJL is my daily dose of vitamin and stress relief. I thank God greatly who created such a priceless creature into earth!!

  6. there goes my daily dose!

    Thanks girl!

  7. nothing has really changed though, i still have reservations with those "tattoo" stuff. he he

    but! he is still the best looking guy for me! :)
