
Sunday, January 31, 2010

quick one on kyu jong, young saeng & leader

Let me start off with Kyu Jong.

Someone actually sent me last Friday night a photo of Kyu Jong taken from the wedding of a relative [not sure what relation Kyu Jong has to the newly weds but as Sinnyi mentioned on the sidebar it's his cousin's wedding].

Anyway, I didn't blog about it at first because I don't have any details. But since Sinnyi shared the news on the sidebar, I might as well post here the photo that was sent to me by levieSS501.

Seems like Kyu Jong's hair has grown longer since the last time we saw him last December. Also, looks like he's been eating much. He's cheeks have become puffier. ^_^.

Next is Young Saeng and Leader. I just came from Yen's blog and saw her translation of a fan account on Leader and Young Saeng.

Seems that the two were seen together some few days ago in Jamsil [this is the area where Leader lives]. When a fan recognized them, she then went to Leader and gave him some encouraging words. Then Leader said to her, 'I'm SS501's leader Kim Hyun Joong, I'm Kim Hyun Joong, don't worry about that.' Then Leader and Young Saeng left.

Hee, see... Leader won't be Leader if he's not strong. ^_^


  1. SanaS5014:14 AM

    oooooooh!! its been too long since we saw kyujong!!
    <3 he looks good =D

  2. Glad to know he's doing fine! Hyunsaeng!! Hehehehehe...nweiZ, seems like Kyu Jong and HJL have long hairs recently. :)

  3. Anne J5:32 AM

    Thanks Liezle. You and Cagali are my only source of news on SS501.
    Love Kyu is healthy Late last year he seems to be sick and lost weight. Glad to hear HyunSaeng together. I thought leader abadoned him for JJ. We worry too much for Leader but glad he has moved on regarding that incident. I hope fans don't remind him time and time again about that like reminding him of that painful event. Let us all move on with him. Just greet him and tell him we love him and all the SS501 members and support them all the way.

  4. kyu!!!!!!!finally! a glimpse of him after quite some time...hope we'll see a pic of saeng too...i miss them so much!!

    'I'm SS501's leader Kim Hyun Joong, I'm Kim Hyun Joong, don't worry about that.' wow those are some powerful words...hjl, ss501 fighting!!!

  5. I love those high spirited and powerful words. :) Thanks for sharing Liezle. I hope we could see a glimpse of Young Saeng.


  6. shirbogurl11:22 AM

    haha kyu's pinchable cheeks!! so cute!! ok ok i'm bias!! haha and yeah...our strong leader. of course he'll be ok

  7. How am I? I'm ss501 leader Kim Hyun Joong!...... That sounds like the one we know! Stand strong and tall Hyun Joong!

  8. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Alright!! That's our Leader!! Leader, you're the best!..Fighting!
    Ohh..HyunSaeng are back together! How cute!
    Kyu..long time no see. Miss him so!

  9. Hello Anne J! Leader won't abandon YS and it's not the character of Leader to abandon friends. Friends for him are for keeps. Btw, if you missed what I wrote in one of my posts i did mentioned that YS was seen going to the house of Leader during the time when netizens are really giving Leader a hard time. I'm sure the other members have their share of stories too it's just that we don't know about them.


  10. Hi Shirley, I knew that I can make you come out from your haitus with this post. Miss you girl and i'll see you in 10 days!


    btw, i hope you read my email.

  11. Liezle dearie.. no no.. Young Saeng was in my house lah.. hahaha...=p

  12. Anonymous2:04 PM

    yes , that;s the leader that we know, u r always the leader of ss501.

    i miss kyu and leader..

  13. ggeeeee:) i really missed them! i hope somebody had caught a photo of both of them (young saeng and leader) i missed them and the rest of ss501 members:(

  14. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Now my Hyun Joongie is really back. You can't imagine how happy I am. Love him so much and miss him like crazy.

  15. Anonymous4:16 PM

    i really hope there will hv some photo's of them together...hope ys's pic^^

  16. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Delighted to see the news of leader!! Yes, that's our leader we know! We love you, suppport you forever. You're the best!

  17. Jennifer9:30 PM

    I also missed Kyu alot. He's looking really good. Glad to know that he's happy and healthy.

    Wow, glad to hear that Leader is strong and miss him too. :D

  18. woahhhhh KYU we missed him so muchhhhhh ^-^ nice to see HIM again.... can't wait to meet you in person (lol)

    LEADER - i totally respect you ^-^

    (Saeng) i really admire the brotherhood/friendship of SS501

    SS501 - hwaiting

  19. Anonymous6:27 AM

    WAhWah wahhhhhhh.... Yup!Yup!Yup! Liezle, this tiny bit of news from leader to Kyu to YS really, REALLy made me happy ^^(can you see me jump with joy :D) .... i've missed them sooo much and with this update from your blog calmed my anxieties for them...see you at the encore!!! (A)
