
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

hotsun...hotjoong ^_^

Much thanks to wing wing for posting this clip of Hyun Joong during his interview with KBS New Today when he was doing a photoshoot for Hotsun on her WWloveHJL tubby. This was actually shown on KBS on January 2.

When I go to Seoul next time around, I would definitely have to find the nearest Hotsun.


  1. finkle10:34 AM

    Me too Liezle! when I went to Seoul the other time I also really wanted to try HS, so I especially went to find outlets. One had closed down so I could only take pics of the poster from the outside, and the other was closed in the day :S They prob only open in the late afternoon or evening.

    Anyway I emailed you with a question :)

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Girls.. HS is definitely a MUST-TRY for leader fans. Just by looking at the menu, is like leader saying 'try me try me!!'.. hehehe.. and the chicken is delicious.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Lol! Leader is so boyish and adorable in that vid.
    Thanks for sharing
