
Monday, January 04, 2010

hyun joong finally appeared in seoul [check for more ^_^]

Just like what violet posted on the sidebar, yes Leader finally appeared in Seoul for a photoshoot for MVIO this morning.

I just read the news on that due to the heavy snow in Seoul which brought heavy traffic in Seoul this morning, Hyun Joong took the subway. He was not recognized as he was wearing cap and mask. ^_^

According to violet he's in Nonhyeon-dong now. [this is in Gangnamgu, right?]

Geez, can you just imagine how it would be if he's recognized in the subway?

P.S. The staff he's with and him took took Seolleung Station [it's a transfer station so there could be quite a lot of people]. Hmm I wonder if they took the longer route with only one transfer [Konkuk Univ] or the shorter route with with 2 tranfers [Seoul National Univ and Express Bus Terminal]?

P.P.S. Hmm, not sure how true but someone just whispered to me that Young Saeng and Hyun Joong were both in Macau. Also, looks like Hyun Joong only arrived today. He was seen at the airport today at 7:20am. From where? Make a guess. Flights arriving before 7:20am at Incheon came from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Macau. ^_^ And yeah from the airport he went straight to the filming.


Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years

Photos of Seoul today, Jan 4, 2010

SEOUL, South Korea — Seoul residents slogged through the heaviest snowfall in modern Korean history after a winter storm dumped more than 11 inches (28 centimeters) Monday, forcing airports to cancel flights and paralyzing traffic in South Korea's bustling capital.

The snow and icy roads snarled traffic in and out of Seoul, and at least three people died in traffic accidents. Many commuters squeezed into packed subways to get to work, and a Cabinet meeting was delayed because ministers were stuck in traffic.

To read more, click HERE.


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    OMG, i cant imagine if...
    finally, he come up. I am dying for hearing about them

  2. geez..i can long leader walked out from the subway?? hehehe..
    or maybe he found himself on the billboard in the subway??

  3. fianz, i'm sure he had a great time especially no one recognized him.


  4. yupe.just like other ordinary people..only for one day..walk along the subway..take the metro..step on the stairs..geez..i miss that time..really..hehehe

  5. Anonymous9:51 PM

    wah.. that's really hot :)) HEEHEE:D not much updates about them today... I feel that a big surprise for us green peas is coming..^^ just a feeling:)

  6. This might probably one of Leader's wishes/dreams/accomplishments/goals. Not to be recognized in a subwaqy. I'm sure he loved it and enjoyed the moment. :) Any celebrity would, living like a normal person does.

    Thanks for sharing violet and liezle. Very happy to hear anything about them.

  7. spring12:24 AM

    like leader not being recognized... he will be happy and enjoy going like that.....
    i cant imagine if he is being recognized.... from traffic jam due to heavy snow will be come subway jam due to snow prince...hehe...;p
    i saw heavy snow news on TV and wondering how they r there.... so they hv to use subway to work...
    ya.. marge donseang.. agree... i like treat them as normal ppl too.. live like us everyone lo.. always feel sorry celebrity not hv much freedom... i am thinking if able meet him outside in subway, just look at him but don't scream and show that we recognize him lo... but fact is that it will never happen to me lol...haha..

    ok... thanks liezle for sharing this...
    good night to all...:)

  8. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Fortunately, he was able to distinguish himself. Lol, what's going to happen if someone in the subway recognize him.. subway jam for sure.

  9. How did the news get to this? It's amazing when you're famous; anything becomes NEWS.
    Thanks for sharing

  10. violet1:26 AM

    Seoulleung Station... it's not true.
    It is told that many people recognized Hyunjoong but they didn't even say hello to him. Today, many stars took subway in Seoul because of heavy snow.

  11. Anonymous1:35 AM

    I wouldn't surprise if YS was in Macau with Leader. Those two always hand out together. How come those fans didn't mention about YS though? Maybe, that's not it.

  12. thanks violet.

    yeah i read that nick khun also took the public transport today.


  13. Anonymous1:49 AM

    maybe they're not triples, it'll make sense that they didn't know YS.

  14. Hi Anonymous! From what i read, i think that the ladies are not TS and the one is a fan of sunbae only. ^_^


  15. Liezle,

    Always thanks for your sharing ^^
    Really appreciate so much!~

    Just by looking at those photos, really feel so envious!~~ >.<

    Leader seems love HK & Macau very much!~~

  16. Hi Liezle,

    just visited you're blog again (you know I always do hehe) And saw this PS about YS being with him. No surprise if they're really together. They're really very close, and I hope that the "awkward couple" are awkward no more. hehe :)

    I'm sure they all had fun during the holidays. And I do hope all their rest days were spent very very well. Our boys sure had good times during the season. But I hope to hear from all the members soon.

    Happy new year Liezle. :) and to all her readers, happy new year to you too!

  17. wow...hyunsaeng moment<333
    how come they didn't recognised SS501 and the other member!!

  18. Anonymous11:14 AM

    i was in macau from jan 1 to 4 and didn't see him/them!!!

  19. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Wow! How lucky! Their new year count down is very meaningful, and special.

    HyunSaeng..! I'm not surprised either. I rather they remain awkward. There're something that make them like that. If that awkward thing is gone... hmmm.. what will be next. Lol!

  20. Good thing he arrived safe!
    Thanks for sharing!! would you post the pictures of the boys in Macau new year's eve?

  21. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I heard he was spotted at the casino in Macao with a pretty girl. There's word that his girlfriend is studying there.
