
Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Please NO MORE MESSAGES as they will NOT be posted on PERFECT anymore.

From violet :
"Perfect members are very thankful to all of you."

From violet ~

I'll post all the messages on PERFECT.
I wanted to translate all the messages but.. there are really really many... WOW.
Perfect members really appreciate all foreign fans.
Many members said that they are so thankful that they are in tears.
Thank you very much again.
I really appreciate it.


♥ Wow! The messages keep on coming. The pouring of international support will surely encourage Leader.

160 of the messages have already been posted in PERFECT without translation yet. my friend got overwhelmed with the messages. she may not be able to translate all since there are so many and it seems that every fraction of 20 seconds there is a message coming. but all will be posted in PERFECT.

Thank you!


Okay, here's what we should do. Forget the post below. I might delete it soon.


I'm going to collect them and my friend will translate all messages and post in PERFECT so that Leader will know that we are concerned too.

I was told that he visited PERFECT 3 times last night just to see how fans are reacting. He's hurt badly hurt... let's cheer him up.


Please DO NOT FORGET to leave your Name and Country.

Spread words that we are cheering up Leader to others please.

My friend will be collecting ALL MESSAGES in many languages at 10PM [Korean time].

P.S. Let's show those critisizing Leader that TS is more powerful than them.


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Don't listen to what other says...The truth will come out because it's the truth. TS forever will be here to protect you. SO CHEER UP!^^ Always 501!


  2. joanna1:32 PM

    don't mind what other ppl say, we beleive u & will support & love u forever & forever & forever.
    with love fr. joanna, christine, debbie, mabel & iris(2)hk

  3. finkle1:36 PM

    Leader, don't let anyone else judge you, and don't let anyone's criticism get to you. Even if others fail you, Triple S and your Double S brothers will always be there to support you. Hold your head high Leader, you have done nothing wrong! =D

  4. finkle1:38 PM

    Liezle, I am curious, how are the PERFECT fans reacting to the news?

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Dear Leader,

    Don't worry, we all know you well and will give you full support in everything you do 100%..... make it 501%!

    Be strong and of good courage!

    From: Tachyi

  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Leader dear,

    dont be sad and upset..u know all of us supports u big time and we know ur not doing anything bad. just stay strong and hapi..alright?

    much love!! :)

    From: Jen

  7. Be strong leader!!! Ignore those F***ing netizens, god! they piss me off, haven't they done enough damage already!! Hyun Joong, all the Triple S from around the world will give you full support on this one and of course from your brothers,SS501!! Leader hwaiting! And to netizens *middle finger*

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    we still love you no matter what leader,dont mind what they said.we still support you!!!

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Cheer up and be normal 4D as you are. Truth and honest will support you all along and be brave to challenge the world .From Noon from land of smile Thailand and looking forward to seeing your Persona Concert on Feb 13'. Smile

  10. finkle, PERFECT members are crying for Leader. They're hurt because he's hurt.


  11. Fighting leader! TripleS are supporting you here, there, everywhere!

    Whether or not you attended, it's really no big deal. It doesn't affects your TRUE supporter.

    Please don't be upset cuz it hurts us too. Those (whatever nasty remarks, forget about them! They aren't worthy. #$%^&*)

    *Dear Liezle, I've spread your message to the twitter community, am sure they'll show some love!

  12. Leader, you know, we love every piece of your character because you manage to carry our beloved idol group well, we cant thank you enough.., you ace at being the leader and we know how you care about us, Triple S fans even not from Korea...
    No Matter what, we still believe the best in you.., you have given us more positive inspiration more than anything and at all cost we are always so proud of you and will always believe in you.., Saranghae..,
    Kim Hyun Joong, the Hallyu Star of your Generation, Fighting!

  13. Katie1:57 PM

    Dear Leader,
    Please believe in yourself, and in your fans. This incident is nothing in comparing to what you have been throught, and to what you have reached. You are one of the most prominent artist of Korea, and Asia. The price of popularity maybe hurtful, but hopefully you can ease it with your fans' infinite love. We will support you with our most sincere hearts, we will be on your side always.
    You've been a great leader of SS501. As a leader, you've done what need to be done. Accompany the boss is also one of those infinite duties of yours. We, fans, do understand that. Please be happy, and be optimistic, don't get hurt because of antifans, or any groundless assumptions. They're just merely clueless. You know what you did is right, and we, your fans, also know it.
    Please cheer up, please take care of your health, dear Leader. There're good day, bad day..and there's always the next day. We can't wait to see your bright smile again.
    Sincerely yours

  14. Leader,
    I feel bad that you are being misjudged and misinterpreted and I hope that you feel better. Maybe it's because I am an international fan and I don‘t understand the seriousness of the situation, but honestly, I do not think that you should feel bad for something that is out of your hands. Cheer up and I will be standing by your side either way.

  15. Anonymous2:04 PM

    dont worry leader...although your fame will down but your 501 members.brotherhoo and ts forever with you^^

  16. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Dear Leader,
    Please don’t worry, you’ll always have our fullest support and understanding. You didn’t do anything wrong, and we all believe in you. When you’re upset, our hearts bleed too. It’s not easy to ignore malicious comments, but the truth will always shine, and you will always shine. Please don’t let this affect you too much, and continue to excel in your performances, in all that you do! We know that you have a kind and pure heart. Praying that your 2010 will be an excellent one, full of blessings, good health, good relations and prosperity! Take care!
    xoxo, Isabelle (Singapore)

  17. Leader, we know you're hurting because of this issue, but we want you to know that we will never leave you. Triple S fans will always be here to support you! And issues like this, unfounded rumors... please be assured that this will not affect our love for you. You've touched so many lives dear Hyun Joongie, and we are loyal to you for life. So please don't be sad anymore. We feel hurt too, knowing that you're hurt. Life is hard, but we know you can push through every problem because you are a beautiful person inside and out, and God will always bless you! Don't ever forget that your fans are with you every step of the way. Please let us see your bright smile soon! We miss you so much! And we will continue supporting you and your brothers in SS501! Fighting!

    From: Kate (Philippines)

  18. Leader,

    Triple S is with you all the way. For whatever is worth, we know that you are a good person inside and out. Don't give up, and continue to be true to yourself. :)

    All of these will pass, and were sure that this will be put behind. Cheer up! Fighting! Triple S will always be behind you.

    Take care always. :)


    liezle, thanks for giving TripleS a chance to share their messages to leader. It really means a lot that we could say uplifting words to him. take care!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. christine2:19 PM

    dear leader,

    don't let netizens get to you ! i'll always support you ! (=
    SS501 fighting ! <3

    also hope you'll go to the LA Korean Festival @ Hollywood Bowl in May !
    you NEED to have a concert in California soon (don't forget your states fans T_T) !

    stay healthy & i hope 2010 will be a good year for you ! <3

    i love youuu ! ~~~~

    - christine (california, USA)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Leader fighting......some will not understood you, but your fans will always know the truth. We will never believe what other people say, we will always believe in you. We your fans will always stay and believe in you.

    Saranghae Leader!!!!!!!!!Fighting!!!


  23. Hey thanks for giving us the chance to cheer our hyunjoong up! :D

    Hey leader, no worries, no matter what is being reported, we triple s will always be with you and believe in you!
    don't be sad! take care and stay happy always! :D
    crystaline from singapore.

  24. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Leader Don't worry & don't be sad,. We all know u are the best.. We always proud u& We'll always believe u..
    Ts will support & stand with u..
    Please be strong,.cheer up& don't be hurt,. We'll wait ur smile again...
    Don't forget take care ur healthy..
    Ts be with u.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Kim Hyun Joong! Please be strong! We know you can! We Triple S all around the world will be supporting you no matter what! I hope, even though I'm far in Paraguay, South America, you can still feel the love and support!! It'll be fine, FIGHTING!! We love you too much to see you like this! Next time I'll help you kick all those reporters! ahaha just kidding!

    See you someday! Greetings from Triple S Paraguay!

  27. Dear Leader:

    Cheer up! Don't be upset..
    As if u upset, Triple S will be upset too..
    Cheer up X 100000000000000000000
    okay !!
    Belive in yourself, and of course we will believe in you & Support you all the way
    See you in Bangkok Persona Concert !!

    Ling (Ivy) @ Singapore

  28. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Leader!!! ^_^ Please smile! You're strong, I know you can get through this! Just don't mind them, just mind us,hehe! We're all here for you, TRIPLE S believes you so much so just smile okay? :)


    Everything will be alright don't worry! :)

    SS501 Fighting! Leader Aja!

    From: Sugar Lumaya, Triple S Philippines :)

  29. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Dear Leader,

    Please don't be discouraged by all these, we all know how honest and true you are and we will support you all the way.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us so much joy and happiness in the past year. Even we live in the US, quite far from you, but we follow your news and watch your program. I've watched you performing at Hollywood Bowl and traveld to Shanghai for your concert. Now we are planning to go to the Seoul Concert. You have added so much joy to our lives and we wish you always happy and healthy, that will make us happy too. We love you for your unique personality, brave, honest, humble, and true to yourself. Please cheer up and forget those bad things. Want to see you smile again, do you know your smile can light up a city. And watching your program brings smile to our face.

    Be happy.

    Lavender from US

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Oppa, Cheer up. Dont get those people hurt you. We believes in you and supports you. |No matter what, we would still supporting you.

    Cheer up! We know nothing is wrong. They are just some people who are mean. Please cheer up, it hurts us too seeing you being hurt.

    Patricia From Singapore

  32. Leader fighting......Don’t be sad and upset.
    Your fans will always be here for you! Just Smile~!!!!!!!!!Fighting!!!

    From: huongto - HJ1004

  33. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Hyun Joong ah, please be strong. We , real Hyunie and Triple S alway be with you. Everything is nothing, so be happy and never say give up.
    Whatever you do we alway love you and be with you 24/7, everyday, everynight, every second.
    1, 2, 3 Fighting, fighting!

    Triple S, Hyunie from Vietnam.

  34. Dear Leader,

    We understand perfectly well how you feel for being misunderstood by the media.

    don't worry, be happy, we TS are right behind you.

    and always believe in you!

    TS, Singapore

  35. Anonymous2:48 PM

    It doesn't matter what they said. Hope to see you get back on your feet soon! TripleS will be here for you!! Be a strong heart! Fighting!!

    Evelyn (Singapore)

  36. hyun joong,

    you're still the best for us. we will continue to support you and SS501 forever. dont let the negative comments get to you. be strong!

  37. Leader, be strong! Don't make this kind of things affect you..we, Triple S will always be beside you no matter what..i know that you are deeply hurt because of this issue and i really admire you for having the courage to say what you really feel no matter what the consequences and what other people may say.. 2010 is a really important year for SS501 and as the leader of the group, your members and of course us, Triple S needs you to be strong always. we want to hear from you..we want to make sure that you're ok now..please strong!!

    Kim Hyun Joong..hwaiting!! ^_^


  38. Hi Hyun Joong!

    This is your year, so act like a tiger :)
    Keep the faith!

    From another tiger,

  39. Anonymous2:59 PM


    Stay strong like a Tiger!!
    You know your fans,us,TripleS will always be rooting for you....
    Ignore those nonsensical comments...
    Take care! FIGHTING!!

    Loves from Singapore

  40. Hillary3:02 PM

    Leader ah, be strong at this moment!!! I know you are, don't let those mean comments get to you. You are SS501 leader, you are 501 times stronger than anyone!!!!!!

    Hey reporters, LEAVE HIM ALONE or else i will hunt you down one by one for causing him such great pain.

    ~Hillary from Vietnam~

  41. Dear Leader, Hyun Joong oppa!

    Cheer up!:D TS is as always with you whatever you do and believe in you no matter what! Netizens and anti's can really be scary~~ kekeke! But the official Triple S fanclubs and the rest of us will fight them with all we've got! Please be with us to make us stronger and so that we can make you stronger as well! We give 501% for you!
    SS501 and Kim Hyun Joong, Fighting!! kekekekeke :D
    *hopes to see you here in Norway soon!;D keke~*

    Much love, Mai - Norway ~~

  42. hyunjoong oppa just always remember that we are all here for you even though it might seem like you are alone, since you are being attacked alone. we all read the harsh comments which seem like piercing words and suffer in pain with you so don't worry okay!
    Our strong leader can solve this without a problem right? Just remember that we are all in this together no matter what obstacle might come up. remember there are obstacles in life for a reason ... to jump over it (:

    -Ji Youn (aka. Nulsaranghae)

  43. Leader,
    Stay Strong! Ignore all those netizens negative comments!
    It does not matter what these netizens said. Just believe in yourself!
    Triple S needs you and wants you to be happy..
    If you are sad we will be sad too.. we want to see you smile again alright?
    TakeCare! Hwaiting!

    Nicole Triple S Singapore

  44. Anonymous3:08 PM


    Please cheer up and keep fighting! Be true to yourself as always and keep smiling! TripleS, Green Peas are all behind you! We believe in you and will always support you 501% !!!

    Always be healthy and happy!

    Nacy from California, USA

  45. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hyun ah,
    Don's sad.T T..,please.
    No matter what people say, we will always support to you .
    We know you did't do anything wrong ,Please cheer up.
    Hyun,Fighting X 501~~~

  46. Leader,

    Ignore the netizens, Triple S is always with you and we all want you to be happy. Be Strong and believe in yourself. The most important thing is Triple S trust you forever!!

    Triple S Brunei

  47. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Hyun Joong ah

    Please don't be sad. We, your family will always believe, support and love you, cheer up !
    camille, France.

  48. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Leader Oppa,

    No matter what anyone says, we [Triple S fans] only believe in what you say. Be strong and don't feel discouraged. This will pass quickly. Remember to look to the fans for support and know we are here for you and also to protect you. The truth will come out! Be happy. =] Saranghaeyo! <3

    United States

  49. Peach3:22 PM

    加油!fighting!! From Taiwan: Peach

  50. Anonymous3:25 PM

    dear leader...

    please cheer up....fighting!!!

    we will support u&love u....


  51. To our leader,

    Last night I was so busy with my work and I didn't know what happen. And now, when I'm writing, I still don't pay so much attention to what happened because I know that it's not worth paying attention to.

    You know, life is difficult. I still remember what your mum told us about her beloved son. You worked so hard, tried so hard and did your best to achieve your dream.

    Being a celebrity isn't easy. We love you from the very first time because you are who you are.

    Don't be upset, don't be disappointed and don't be hurt. The most important thing is that, we believe in you. We support you and always stand by you.

    Your brothers, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong , Jung Min, Hyung Jun and Triple S will support you as always.

    "Remember that we will always stand by you
    No matter what happens; so don’t be afraid
    Should you fall down, get up once again
    With us all behind you, you will soar with wings of the world"

    From Sudal @

    TripleS Viet Nam

  52. Vleese3:26 PM

    Leader.. Hyun Joong ssi.. Are you Ok?

    Dont mind them! dont mind what those unresponsible people said..
    They just being jealous with you..
    most of them only sale story that sometimes the story not even the true story.
    just relax and continue how you use to be.. ^^,
    The Strong man.. The good leader.

    Me and all Triple S always support you..
    Always Love you.. Always believe in you and other member.
    Me and others love to watch you Smile and laugh..
    Love to hear your voice while you sing a song..

    Just be The way you used to be!
    DONT let them Insult you...

    From Vleese, Indonesia

  53. Leader, you once said, "It's not for Triple S to protect us, it is us protecting Triple S", but for this moment let us your dear triple S to protect you, to shield you from all the worries, pain, and sadness. Do not forget that we are always here for you. Do not listen to others who only think of bad things regarding you, as long as you are enjoying, as long as you are not doing anything bad, it is fine. Do not mind them as they do not know the real you. We will stand by your side and support you all the way. We love you so much! Please cheer up! :)

    - Akee
    Triple S PH

  54. Peach Yo3:34 PM

    這是我第一次為了追星出國,所以希望我可以很幸運的遇到你們,帶TAIWAN好吃的零食給你們吃,等待我吧,我叫PEACH,希望你可以知道在台灣有個FANS叫Peach Yo,加油喔!我期待你們的演唱會!!

    Peach from Taiwan Taipei

  55. Anonymous3:34 PM

    My lovely leader!!
    please cheer up! we're believing you and trust you.
    please don't be upset. i'm really sad to hear you hurt.
    we're triple s know you are very well!! i know you are a strong kid and a good leadeR!!

    please remember!
    we love you and ready to support you!

  56. Anonymous3:36 PM

    My lovely leader!!
    please cheer up! we're believing you and trust you.
    please don't be upset. i'm really sad to hear you hurt.
    we're triple s know you are very well!! i know you are a strong kid and a good leadeR!!

    please remember!
    we love you and ready to support you!

    mella - indonesia

  57. the truth prevails
    the lies subsides
    do not fret
    do not get upset
    stay happy
    stay charming
    we'll ALWAYS be by your side
    supporting you ALL the way to the end....

  58. . dear leader ...
    . it`s really sad to know that you`ve got hurted by the unbelievable news that just out ..
    . please cheers up and just remember that you should not hear what netizans said about you ..
    . here , there a lot of TripleS in all over the world that loving you and will always support you no matter what ...
    . we will never believe any bad news about you as long as it`s not confirmed by you or DSP ..

    . Smile , Hyun Joong oppa ..
    . we believe that you`re strong and will never fall just because something like this ..
    . aja , aja , hwaiting !!! ^^ ..

    . with love , dee - Indonesia .

  59. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Hyun Joong ssi... please do not mind what others were saying. You are right!!! You deserve the right to do whatever you want. After all, you are not offending anyone. It is THEY who have no business to tell you where to go or not. YOU ARE A FREE CITIZEN OF YOUR COUNTRY AND YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO ANYTHING YOU WANT AND ATTEND EVERY PARTY THAT YOU LIKE!

    Shame on those tackless tongues!! They are just envious of you!




    Love you much,

  60. Leader~~~

    Please stay strong..
    not just for yourself..
    but also for your family (your mom, dad, hyung, and grandma),..
    the rest of the members and most especially, the GREEN PEA PRINCESSES.

    we will always support you no matter what..
    don't let anybody bring you down because you yourself know what you are capable with.
    and those netizens, or should i say, plain haters are just one of those factors in life that will keep pushing you down from reaching your goal..

    and i know for the fact that you can surpass all these pain and strife.. why?
    of course, you are OUR KIM HYUN JOONG.
    the awesome 4D Leader we knew and loved from the very start..

    so Leader ah, be strong!!

    like what you've said years ago..
    that it is your job to protect Triple S..
    now.. with this crisis building up.
    let me tell you that..
    Triple S will be the one protecting Hyun Joong until the end.
    we will show them the strength and the power of the DOUBLE and the TRIPLE.

    be strong Leader..
    we are waiting for your comeback.
    we love you.

    Triple S Fighting~
    Kim Hyun Joong Fighting~
    SS501 Mansae!!

    ----Faith, Los Angeles CA

  61. Sarah Jane3:44 PM

    Dear Leader Hyun Joong,

    Don't let those netizen bother you. That's what they are aiming for to hurt someone's feeling. We believe in you and support you 501%. We will be here behind you and all SS501. Be strong. Just smile and just ignore those hateful netizen. They are not even 1% compare to those who care for you. We love you.
    Sarah Jane (USA)

  62. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Dear Leader...

    Cheer up and be strong. Don't think about the past and focus on the present and future. Just like you said, bring on all the wonderful things that you can and will do with the name, Kim Hyun Joong. Please know that we, TripleS, will support you through these times.

    Thanks liezle for doing this.

  63. Anonymous3:49 PM

    hey hyun joong

    the best way now is to stay cool..
    though it may be hard but you just gonna hang in there..

    don't be too hurt or angry over such meaningless allegations.
    People who really care and understand you will stand by you
    Those who are not are not worth yr time at all.So long as you are true to yourself,nothing really matters,even those malicious accusations!
    Take care loads & see you soon in Singapore !
    cheer up!

    miss you
    angeline from Singapore

  64. phuongnguyen3:50 PM

    kim hyun joong~
    pls dnt be mad/upset ):
    we triple s fans love you~
    we want you to be happy, not in a negative mood.
    we will stand by side you through thick and thin!
    you being hurt, makes me and other triple s hurt too.
    none of us want you to be like that.

    love phuong nguyen, Australia.

  65. Dearest Leader HyunJoong...Please be strong and be tough we always stand behind you..we always support you.
    No matter what people are thinking and judging, we trust you because SS501 never tell lies.
    The highest popularity you get it means so many problems will come to you, but all I know till now is SS501's Leader Kim Hyun Joong is a strongest person I've ever known, that means you can solve and facing all the problems and will never give up from anything.
    Support from people whom loves you is the best supporters, so we TripleS whom loves you so much will always stand beside you give you strength in every way...Fighting Leader!!!

    - Tata (TripleS Indonesia) -

  66. Hyun Joong OPPA:
    Don't be sad..
    Every Triples will support you forever. We all know that you just do what you want you want to do. You are right.
    So don't mind what others said.
    We want to see happy and charismastic SS501 leader again.

  67. `lovexfearxhope3:53 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong~
    please try not to be affected by what others are saying! Just remember we support you, even if we are half-way across the world! Fighting oppa~!!

    - Tiffani, Canada.

  68. Anonymous3:54 PM

    please be strong, dont mind those hurtful comments/words about you, you didnt do anything wrong, those people are judgemental and narrow minded for short STUPID/IDIOT. Just read our message for you to cheer you up, we Triple S love,believe and support you forever! This is just a challenge for you to take to be strong. Dont give up easily, always remember that WE ARE HERE FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR BROTHERS NO MATTER WHAT.

    SS501 FIGHTING !!


  69. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Hyun joong oppa,our strong leader..... Are u okay.???
    Please.... Don't be hurt..!! If u hurt we'll hurt too. Please Cheer up..
    Believe in yourself,never mind what Antis&Nitizen says..
    If u believe what you've done it right,we'll believe too that u are right..
    We'll always support u no matter what will happen..
    Please never give up,. U must prove to everybody that u are strong.. Remember,.. u still have 501 brothers&Us to be always there to support u...
    For u 501%..

    Mie - Indonesia

  70. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I'm Phuong Quynh from Vietnam.
    Although I'm not so good at literature, I can't help writing this message.

    To my beloved oppa,
    Joong oppa, I can understand everything, everything that has been happening to you. I know that you are badly hurt; however, everything will soon be over.

    Joong, who I know is strong-willed and will not be defeated by such things. Rest assured for your peace of mind that we Hyunnies and TripleS will always stay by your side whatever happens.

    We don't know what to do other than wish the best for you, wish you good health and happiness.

    Please be strong and never give up! Nothing will be able to stop the pursuit of your dream.

    To me, you are something that lasts forever.

    Oppa, don't be upset. If you are hurt, I will be crying, too.

    As long as I see your smile, my heart will be filled with happiness.

    Always with you forever.

  71. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I've only been a fan of SS501 particularly Leader in recent months when I watched him in BOF. In order to get to know the group, I've read about each individual member, visited blogs like this one of Liezl's and that of Cagali's. I think what I admire most about the group is their honesty.. no pretense at all. If society could be more like this, we certainly will be living in a better world. To HJL, all I can say is stay as you are. You are human so it is normal to be hurt and to show people that you are hurting. But hold on to what you believe in, continue to say what you think because in the end, people will know who to believe and that's you. I've read most of the comments left by your fans, and they all have one thing to say and that is they are right behind you all the way. I still think that at the end of the day, the person who speaks the truth is the winner. That's you, Leader! Forget about what has happened. Don't let such a petty incident ruin your day. Think only of good things and I am sure there's a lot of good things coming your way and all the members of SS501. One day maybe your group will come to Sydney, Australia and hold a concert or maybe just come to visit. If that happens, hope we get to see you, if not then it's still ok, we'll just buy the concert DVDs. :) Love to you, YS, KJ, JM and HJB. To TS, you're all amazing fans. I may not understand Korean but I think we all share one common thing and that is, we love SS501. Let's all work together to keep the group in #1 spot in 2010.

  72. Hi Leader,

    Don't be discouraged by such a setback, the more you feel hurt the more those accusers will be happy. So show them that you are a fighter and there are trillions of fans all over the world backing you. Go show them Tiger!

  73. 현중오빠♥
    你要開心啊!我們都會一直挺你跟DOUBLE S的!

    FROM : HILARY a.k.a 히라리 (말레이시아TRIPLE S)

  74. Yulis053:57 PM

    Don't be upset
    U must has to stay strong
    No matter what.
    We love and support you.


    TripleS Indonesia.

  75. Aerdine3:58 PM

    Don't worry Hyun Joong, Everything will be alright! Triple S has got your back!

    Please cheer up and don't let those mean people hurt you!

    Fighting! ^^

    Love from Amanda in Sweden

  76. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Dear leader:

    No matter what others have said,we will all trust you and alway be there for you.So try to be optimistic, everything will be ok eventually.

    ——ziwan,FROM CHINA

  77. Dear Leader,

    Don't be upset okay? We trust you and you only! Don't be upset by what other people have said. Cheer up okay!!

    Yuling (:

  78. Anonymous4:00 PM


    Stay strong. Don't be upset. We as Triple S will feel hurt too when we know you're get hurt. We will always by your side and support you. And, you still got your members, brothers, and families. Cheer up leader. Show us your billion watt smile again=D

    Weii, Malaysia.

  79. Anonymous4:00 PM

    hyun joong oppa !
    dont be upset . you have us , tripleS , to cheer you on everyday every minute . you have to be strong for us so that we will be stronger for you .
    stay true to yourself and be the leader for young saeng oppa ,, kyu jong oppa ,, jung min oppa ,, hyung joong oppa and all tripleS . together we can overcome this obstacle .

    oppa hwaiting ! saranghae ! <3

    ~shayu ,, singapore .

  80. Anonymous4:01 PM


    Don't be sad
    Don't be hurt
    Don't let those news take away your smile
    Don't let those want to hurt you smile

    Believe in us as we believe in you
    We will always support you and stand by your side

    The true will come out at no time
    The true will always the true

    Fighting! Our lovely Hyun Joong

    당신을 사랑합니다
    from USA

  81. Dear Leader,

    Please don’t be so upset, because we are heartache too seeing you in this situation.
    Be strong and don’t easily get influences by others people criticism, regard this matter as a life test to form your best personality.
    Let bygones be bygones. We know you're the best and do nothing wrong.
    Once again, please be strong and have faith for what you're doing ahead.
    And live happily though life is so complicated and unpredictable. But there's always a rainbow after the rain. Don't be despair.
    And don’t forget, we will always support you and cheer you up, also your best brothers, SS501’s members and family. Smile, ok? n_n
    We really miss your bright smile~
    Do take care of yourself and mind your health~
    Leader & SS501 FIGHTING!!^^
    God bless.

    With love & pray,
    Fellycia (Indonesia)

  82. Dear Leader,
    Don't listen to what everyone else says..Be strong & know that your fans all over the world support & love you! :)

    Ani-Bulgaria :)

  83. Anonymous4:05 PM

    good luck to you in 2010! fighting^^

  84. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Arriba el ánimo, querido líder…
    Tú eres el mejor, no dejes que esto te afecte.
    Todas tus fans mexicanas te están apoyando al máximo…
    Te queremos mucho…
    Y recuerda toma las cosas de quien viene, osea ellos no son importantes así que no les des importancia.

    Cuídate mucho.


  85. oppa
    no matter what people says
    we know you
    we know how and who you are
    be strong
    you have us
    and we will never going to let you down
    the truth will come out

    we love u
    you will be fine
    i'm adriana from mexico


  86. Dearest Leader Hyun Joong,

    I am Merilyn from USA and I have been following all the blogs I could find to know how you are doing... I heard that you are really sad about the bad news going around.. I know you don't know me and I really can't do anything to cheer you up.. I don't even know how to speak Korean or how to contact you.. But I really hope that you will be able to read all our messages here and know that we are all here to support you.. It is really hard to live a life where every step you take is monitored by the press, and before you know it, another news about you is up! I am not surprised that there are people out there that writes news that makes you feel down, because that only means that they are jealous. Please keep your cool on, and don't let them ruin your day anymore. I will always be your supporter and even though I can't be literally on your side (coz you don't know me), you are always included in my prayers. Wherever you may be, whatever you might be doing, please know that there is someone here in the USA that sincerely hopes for your happiness.. And as you may know while reading all our posts, I'm just one in the thousands of fans you have in the world. So please, smile and stay happy. Please try to remain to be the happy leader we all love! We all know that this is just another challenge that you will get pass through.

    We are all hoping that these messages will at least make you smile and keep fighting! :) (Sorry if my message is super long.)

    We LOVE YOU!

  87. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Don't worry too much just hack care all the nonsenses as they got nothing better to do. Stay happy always......


  88. ss501 forever4:08 PM

    dear leader..
    im an ss501 fan in spore.
    just to let you know that we will always be there for you!!! so stay strong! Triple S will protect you!

  89. Please don't forget that you are never alone. We can't stop others' spiteful comments to you but we can ues our words to express our supporting to you.
    cheer up!Don't let those who intend to hurt you be more complacent. We are concerned about you and TripleS will always love you all along.
    mingjiehudie,from China

  90. Anonymous4:10 PM

    dear Hyun Joong Obba~ 
    please just be yourself as you always being. don't be afraid and never give up. we would always stand behind you. Triple S believe you! and we believe in you. Please raise up the hope to see the better tomorrow with all of us~we will love you deeper and deeper~~------a little pea from China

  91. gwenchana?

    be strong.
    your Green Peas will always supporting you.
    you still have your 501 brothers.
    if you want to cry, just cry..there are so many shoulders for you to cry on.
    life is full with ups and downs.

    lots of love..
    Rucci, Malaysia.

  92. HyunJoong oppa, Leader-shi ah, hwaiting!!!
    You know, I was hurt a lot when reading your message, because it is the first time I have ever seen you so discouraged and angry, which really break my heart. Everything will be ok soon, all this mess will disappear soon coz it has no way to continue. Those rats who ever offended you will surely regret! So, please don't be hurt, don't be pissed off by those rats, forget all about the wrong reports and bad things they try to mess up coz they will disappear soon. Just do what you need to do, we always believe in you, always. And please don't quit, whatever happen, we are always here, always beside you to give you all of our support and our love.

    Our mighty Leader, SS501 need you, we need you, Be strong, my beloved!!!

    - Nhokuleta
    From Vietnam

  93. Anonymous4:13 PM


    At this moment,as me,far away in China,want to say a word to you:you are not lonely when you standing in the furious strorm,We all TS are standing by your side to wait for the dawn coming.
    We are together not only when we are in happiness,but also when we are in trouble.We laugh together and cry together.No matter what happened,no matter how hard the difficulies are,we trust you and support you forever!!!


  94. Negative news or comments are common but all your fans are standing behind you and believing in you.

    Leader, please do not give up because of this incident. I believe through all these fans' encouragement, you will emerge a stronger person through this incident!

  95. Dear Leader..,

    Be Strong..Your fans will always support you.
    Whats done may be hurt you so much..but we trust its also make you more strong enough to face the problem..
    Be brave and strong..we will always be by your side to fight with you..


  96. Anonymous4:15 PM

    hunjoong oppa:We all trust you and support you!Always!Fighting!!!
    From:☆さい怡※ Suzhou,China

  97. Leader Oppa, don't be sad for what had happened. They're just saying nonsense about you, as they have got nothing much to do. Forget about everything that just happened, and smile because it's over already. I know you're strong and brave, you will not give upin everything. This is your character that i like. So, come on don't be sad. I'll support you till the end~! There're more fans supporting you as well. So cheer up! :D
    Gigi, Singapore.

  98. hi liezle :)
    thanks loads for doing this! :)

    hi leader..
    as for those bad things that have been said, please please don't take them to mind...
    the most important thing is just for you to believe in yourself and carry on with that confidence we all know you have!
    you'll always have our utmost support!! fighting!!
    saranghaeyo ^^

    louisa (singapore)

  99. Mellz4:17 PM

    Dear Leader,

    Do not worry, we will always love you and support you forever!
    So dont be sad, if you are sad, so will we. If you are happy, we will feel happier. Hwaiting!


  100. Anonymous4:17 PM

    dear hyunjoong, you are always such a kind and lovely gentleman. we love the way you talk, the way you sing and dance, and the way you treat all of your fans as well. we know that you never tell a lie. So this time, we just let you to believe us, we will never leave you. You are the best idol for us, and the best example for us. This time, just let us be your best anchor that never falls.
    --------Triple S in China.

  101. 현중 오빠, 힘네! We know that it's hard for you at the moment, but please remember that we're all here to support you! Don't let the thoughtless comments get to you; we all know what your true intentions are, and we all understand how unfair and biased those comments are. Seeing your comment on dsp made me tear up, and I'm sure a lot of other triple-s also felt the same. From our own reactions, we can't come to think about how bad it must be for you now... Still, please try to cheer up a little, all your members and all of us Triple-S are behind you!

    김현중 아자!!

    - small green pea from australia

  102. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Leader...just to be yourself..don't let this incident hurt you..TS around the world will supporting you..Please cheer up .. aza aza fighting !!!

    From: TS Malaysia

  103.'s okay.....the truth still prevails....

  104. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Dear hyunjoong,
    Cheer up! Everything gonna be OK!
    That is good enough for who you are. We have never dought about that. Just be yourself, and never be hurt by the words of people who don’t know you. We just want to let you know that we will aways be there trusting you, understanding you and loving you!
    ----------qingfengtou, Form China

  105. Anonymous4:20 PM

    hyunjoong oppa,
    I hope you will not get affected by those negative comments that much. After all, we all know you are innocent. Do cheer up alright! Hwaiting! (:
    -Singapore fan

  106. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Hi Leader,

    Better not to mind the thing that depresses you because it only makes you weak inside and out.

    There's a lot of things you can give your time into.

    Don't get stuck with the thing that ruins your day.

    Smile and be happy!

    Life is too short to be wasted on crap!



  107. Anonymous4:22 PM

    To HJ:

    Dear HJ,is this thing bother you?DON'T BE UPSET!You only be yourself,you needn't answer for this,keep live your happy and busy life!We TS understand what a man you are,we will stand behind you to support you always and forever!!!

    Our leader is pride of TS forever!Kim HyunJoong,Fighting!!!!


  108. taejin4:22 PM

    현중 오빠 ~
    우리 리더...힘내세용. ^^
    트리펄 에스는 너무 사랑하고요...안 기억해?
    너 짱 리더 ~ 알아요? ^^
    "난 널 사랑해 ~ ♥"
    ilove you. :)

    하와이에서 우태진.

  109. My Ledear,

    I love you forever, I am sure that.
    So you don't be set, don't be hurt. If you hurt, I and tripleS be hurt too. I just wish see your smile now. My lesder fighting!!!
    I believe in you.
    linhlinda - Viet Nam.

  110. Anonymous4:24 PM

    our dearie leader, dont listen what other said just trust yourself, we always support you from everywhere dont worry about that....cheer up leader!! you're the best of the best leader!! yayy...
    -ailsa, indonesia fan

  111. Name:Jarell

    Leader shi! Are you alright? It hurts all of us to see you so hurt! Hope you will get better! Just wanna let you know that everyone's standing by you! You've jaejoong too!!! You've got triple S's backs!!! Our support! We love you!~ ^^ Hwaiting !!

  112. 賢重!!

    隊長!!!心情怎麼可以低落呢 你是我們的重心呀

    金賢重四次元 加油^^

    from:Taiwan ,Peeress Yar

  113. Anonymous4:25 PM

    To Leader Hyun Joong: Yuu are a very good and loving person. A good son and brother to your family. A good friend to many and a very understanding and down to earth Leader of SS501. I have been with you since 2005, and I will stay by your side until eternity. Be strong, keep praying and stay true to yourself. Every person who loves and supported you and know who you really are will always rally at your side and that includes us, your very loyal fans. STAND TALL LEADER! THE STRONGEST FANS IN THE UNIVERSE WILL BACK YOU UP NO MATTER WHAT AND WHEREVER WE ARE. WE WILL STAY WITH YOU FOREVER. Love your loyal mother fan, Momy Irene Mancanes of Triple S Phil COUNTRY: PHILIPPINES

  114. Anonymous4:25 PM

    To hjl,
    fm yr msg,can tell us that u got a really hot temper when it broke out.I can understand how it feels as if almost the same as my character.If possible,go fishing & get yourself cool down & don't do any stupid things to yourself, the greatest enemy is you,kim hyun joong.

  115. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hyun~ Please be confident and strong! You know the existence of us would be meaningful for you, just as you are so meaningful for us! This time, just let us witness together the power of "believing". All the hard times would go far away as wind!!
    ----- loving ss501, China

  116. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Hi Hyun Joong,

    Don't let a worthless problem ruin what can possibly be the best day of your life.

    Learn to move on because it is the best way to live life to the fullest.

    Be strong!


  117. hyunjoongie, I am from Canada and do not completely understand the situation in Korea, but I know that you are mad and sad about it, so I hope you feel better soon. The real truth should come out, but you should not have to worry about it because you should do whatever makes you happy! I hope this issue gets solved soon, because you deserve to be happy. Afterall, you are the one who works hard to make your fans happy, it's only fair that you're happy along with us.
    "uri wa hamkke, hangboka goya!" stay strong, Triple S will always love and support you~

    Iris So from Ontario, Canada.

  118. Dearest leader HJL,

    This is ur Malaysia fans name is agnes...pls be say strong my dear leader....just ignore all those criticisms bout u can see all ur tripleS all around the world r sending our fullest support to u....though we dont know korean...we till convey our msg to u ...when i saw ur msg yesterday night....i couldnt sleep...bcus our LEADER IS HURT.....i dont know whether u still remember me or nt...i asked the cameraman to pass u a letter in HK during ur concert as i cant pass it to u myself...i wrapped it with a xmas present paper....if u read it u might know who i am...i gave u a pic of mine with the letter...i met u in Kota Kinabalu,Kuala Lumpur,taiwan n also HK for SS501 activities...ur really a nice pls dun be hurt....Double S boys will always be with u ..arent they??TRIPLES r no doubt be supporting u day n night just like the song ONE.TWO KONG that u guys wrote for TRIPLES in SS501 rebirth.,almost 80% of the globe is still spinning around now bcus of the existance of the MAGNIFICIENT LEADER kim hyun joong...we need u...u bring happiness to our lives...u influenced us alot...n ur nt only an idol to us but also our FRIEND!! we,triples@ leader FRIENDS will never leave u alone ..we promised that we will be by ur side sharing ur ups n downs...showing u our endless support....dear is full of challenges..n all these teach us what's the real life is really is full with obstacles....we should always stay strong n tough....hence, i hope the super boy leader KHJ in my heart(agnes)will always remain strong n heart aches knwing ur hurt...n i believe all triples will miss u all the time as long as u knw ur doing the right thing n not harming anyone...go ahead n do it!! we will always stand by ur side n b ur guardian angel...entertainment circle is an influential n complicated circle....leader must stay strong alright...nothing will ever bring u down..n tripleS wont let anyone bring our leader the future no matter who r u...still an artist or a normal KHJ, we will never forget u...n me(agnes) will always be with u...triples will be ur guardian angel..get it??we love u...n i love u with all my heart too as a friend@fan (shy)...believe in urself n believe that ur not alOne alright...everything will be fine...humans mouth is the most powerful weapon...learn to ignore at times....bcus we cant control other ppls mouth n their intention to do things to us...proof to the others that ur strong n that they r doing fake assumption on u..dear leader...ill keep fighting together with u spiritually all the way from malaysia....n malaysia fans love u more than anything on earth...ur gifted with talent in precious it....n keeps rising....bcus we know u can!!!Life is in ur own depends on ur own brainpower to share ur life....remember....KIM HYUN JOONG LEADER will never drop...ur always the best in tripleS heart.n also in m heart (agnes)...ill keep updated with ur news...pls be fine ok dear....take care...hwaiting!!

    P:S- Malaysia tripleS love u...jia you


  119. Catherine Soh from SGTripleS4:26 PM

    Leader, cheer up don't up sad about this matter, if Leader unhappy TripleS will unhappy too
    This is not your fault, they don't understand you, they don't understand how the matter's process
    Forgives them ignorant, your smile will light up TripleS, all of us will support you forever ^_^

  120. Anonymous4:28 PM

    hey leader

    don't be sad or upset ...
    no matter what people says behind your back. we fans, we'll always be behind you and support you.

    just smile and be happy=]
    and stay strong

    Fan from Australia

  121. Hye Leader(Hyun Joong),

    I understand that is difficult to ignore it. But always remember, if 1 million people are saying bad thing about you, 10 million TRIPPLE S will support and cheer you up until you can’t even notice those who are bad. No matter what you do, we’ll always be there for you. Live for those who support you, live to feel sorry to those who hate you and prove to them that you worth more. Make use of their criticism to be a better person who we, TRIPPLE S can look upon.
    Yours truthfully,
    Faizi (From Malaysia)

  122. Ukhti4:29 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong,,, Do not worry,,, Triple S we'll always support you ... we do not care what other people say .. whatever it is ... please remain patient ... because all the people supporting you ... is the right person to come to any party ... so, it does not hurt if you attend the party ... it shows the goodness of your heart that does not hate someone who hates even though many former president ... keep smiling,,, because we will continue to support you .... SS501 and Triple S always together ... spirit !!!!! I love kim hyun joong .. saranghae yeongwonhi <3 <3 <3 .....

    Triple S from Indonesia ... ^ ^

  123. Leader,

    Don't mind it too much, it will pass soon.. Triple S is always here for you, to cheer you up.. Don't mind the netizens, just be yourself, you know it in yourself that you didn't do anything.. Just focus on the things you need to do..

    We know you for 5 years now, and in those years, we knew that your kind inside and out..

    We all know that your strong.. you can overcome shortcomings like this.. so please dont think of quiting, SS501 will not be SS501 without you..

    cheer up leader!! we will support you!! We will always be with you, we the TRIPLE S will not leave you behind.. we assure you that..

    Triple S philippines..

  124. May Song4:31 PM

    Hyun Joong Oppa,

    There is a saying that you can never please/satisfy everyone in the world. To that point, rest assure that you will always "please"/"satisfy" Triple S, as well as your other fans. I think I can say that all of your fans, non-TS and all around the world and of all different ethnicities will only be sad/disappointed when we see that you are hurt.

    The truth, whatever it is, will come out. Many may not believe it, and many might hurt you more after it is revealed, as it is the world of sensational news and rumors, but Triple S and other fans will always believe in you.

    I wish I can write this in Korean, it will save the trouble of translating. And... it will be more supportive.

    I wish I can do more than leave a message of encouragement in a language foreign to you, English. I promise I will buy an album/cheer during a performance/go to a concert or do something to support you and rest of SS501 when I visit Korea this summer :]

    We will be waiting for your smile, but don't smile until you truly can. If you are hurting, tell us fans. We will take the pain with you, because we will be together forever, like how SS501's name promises. It will hurt us to see you smile and pretend that nothing is wrong when it isn't.

    You once said that SS501 should and will protect Triple S. But we Triple S will protect SS501 too, even if it is by small things like leaving a supportive message.

    Hwaiting! Triple S and SS501 forever!

    From May Song, a Korean American Triple S from California, US.

  125. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I will trust you ,support you ,no matter what happens, because you are kim hyun joong .
    中国浙江TS姐姐 广东

  126. Dear,Hyun Joong oppa

    Pls,be strong .Get up when you feel sad,every fans will be so sad with you too.Cheer up be don't care so much for the news.The news is the news,the truth is never died.I am the new fans for you from BOF, when i read that you will be quit,my tear come down.Oppa i will always beside and support you and members.Pls,smile again.
    Love and always with you forever


  127. hyun joong,

    Wash away all those unhappy things you have saw/read,you have heard and you have know,wash away all the bad memories,keep us in your mind..
    Trust me..TRIPLE Ses will always stand by yourside..Do always tell yourself,DON'T WORRY,BE HAPPY,AND HAPPY WILL GO LUCK..

    With Thousands of SUPPORT,

  128. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Hyun joong obba~ please don't be hurt by the terrible pubic voices and don't give yourself too much stresses. if you are hurted, we all feel hurt. I hope you could show us the shining smile as quickly as possible~
    -----yours, peas,

  129. To our beloved Hyun Joong,

    A lot of things may be misunderstood; a lot of information is twisted from actual facts. After reading your message, we understand your feelings and hope to bear your burdens for you. You‘re always putting Triple S in a very important position, always kind and sensible, making us want to love you more to protect you. Away from those mean and hurtful words, don’t be sad anymore, okay? ^ ^ From the beginning till the end, we‘re always here, understandingly, firmly by your side, walking together forever, using our love to support the one and only you in this world, our beloved Hyun Joong.

    中国 百度金贤重吧
    China Baidu Kim Hyun Joong Bar

  130. 賢重oppa加油!!不要管別人說什麼 我們TS永遠都是挺你的^^ 不要難過 你還有我們阿~~fighting fighting fighting~~~

  131. Anonymous4:33 PM


    Don't think confusedly,take a good rest,and keep sing and dance for us.


  132. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Leader.. please..
    you always have us, Triple S..
    so dont listen those negative comments..
    you are strong..
    they cant hurt you..
    everything is okay, everything is fine..
    please remember, you always have us to protect you and support you...

    Leader fighting!
    SS501 fighting!

    chy - Indonesia

  133. Oppa....

    Please know, that no matter WHAT, we are ALWAYS supporting you...
    Even in times of frustration, we are always here,
    Always supporting,
    Always cheering you on.
    Even though things might get difficult, they need to in order for them to get better, right?
    Things will get better soon, we promise!!

    We love you!

    -Rosie/로지 from California

  134. Anonymous4:34 PM


    Be strong!We support you forever!!!!


  135. Leader,
    be strong. Life is never easy, there are good and bad days. But no matter which one you're going through right now, just remember that we will always be here to back you up.
    Take care and God bless.

    From: Jen, California - USA.

  136. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Dear Leader, I am a fan from Beijing, recently the media does not understand you, slander you, I am very sad and regrettable, please do not sad and angry, our Chinese fans will always support you, trust you, take care, pay pay attention to your health and look forward to your concerts in Beijing, fighting!
    --------Jarod @beijing ,China

  137. HyunJoong oppa, Fighting!

    TS will always be here to protect and support you in anyway we can.... Right now, we want to comfort you, and tell you it's going to be okay. We will stand as one for you and the other members.

    These criticisms are hard to take, but TS's love is much greater than that. Stand back up to prove them you're wrong. Stand back up to prove them you're strong. And stand back up to show them you're loved.

    We love you and SS501! ♥♥♥

    Fame from USA

  138. A lot of hugs for you, dear Leader!!
    People can always say bad things behind our backs or even into our face. What is important is that you must believe in yourself, friends , family and your fans! You need to live for people you love and people WHO LOVES YOU!!! ^^

    Wish everything will be okay soon!!
    saranghae oppa!!

  139. nskss4:36 PM

    Kim Hyun Joong Fighting!!! I'll beside you forever.

  140. Paula4:36 PM

    We are Leader fighting!! Please be confident and strong! We love you. We will support always. Don't leave us.

  141. Anonymous4:36 PM

    just want to give you a little encouragement: Block off all the negative thoughts and look at the amazing amount of fans supporting behind u!

    ribb, malaysia

  142. Dear our Beloved Leader,

    I quite sad hearing this news..That you're being stressed with all netizens comment about you..
    But..let me and us (Triple S) encourage you..Cheer Up!!..You are the prince with perfect smile..
    We are your princess Green Peas..always support you..and will always do..Please..Don't be sad anymore..You still you..KIM HYUN JOONG..Just Be yourself..It's already enough for me..
    Can't wait to see your perfect smile soon..and again..Please Cheer Up!!!


  143. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I hoped that the elder brother the enterprise is getting more and more smooth in the new year, hoped can come China, here has many supports your TS. On the body saw in elder brother many have encouraged the human the thing, I knew, the opportunity can only be strives for, adds the strength to be able diligently to be equal to successfully.
    ---------Pinocchio FR:China

  144. Paula, from Belgium4:38 PM

    Don't worry if things are worrisome at the time, everybody is as shocked as you are. But know that it will pass because everybody knows you're a good person. So stop being sad because that makes us sad too. Much love and I'll be waiting to see the results of your hard work! Fighting!

    Paula, from Belgium, Europe

  145. Anonymous4:39 PM

    hi..hyun joong...
    Whoever works righteousness will have a good life in this world with respect, contentment and lawful provision, and will certainly get a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do...

    fina (malaysia)

  146. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Don't be sad. We all trust you. Always remember that whatever happens your fans all over the world will always be there with you and support you all the way no matter what. So, be strong. FIGHTING!!!


  147. Dear Leader,

    I know your kindness and humanity coz you treat us so much every time.
    It's time to lots thanks give back to you!!!

    Leader, don't shout out other peoples.
    There're many peoples who complain to you,
    but us, we're still believe you and support you more than you think!!!

    When you happy, then we also happy.
    When you hurt, then we cheer up you!!

    Don't lose other peoples!!
    Keep stand with your proud,
    You have us who keep believing and support you!!!

    Waiting for see your smile again:)

    Hiromi from Japan

  148. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Hi Leader Kim Hyun Joong,

    Falling down doesn't make a person a failure...
    But staying down does...

    So always remember that no one is perfect and when you fall so hard...

    Just bounce back HIGHER...

    Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.

    Whenever you are stressed and about to give up,

    STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backwards... so it's just...

    a piece of cake! :)

    Stay healthy and GOD BLESS!



  149. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Dear KHJ,
    I am from UK. I am not a teenage girl. I don't understand the matter all but I think you should be strong. There is a saying that all the goods and bads are lasting only seven days and not long. In our life there will be good and bad moment but if you stay strong everything will be passed away. Every things has to be arising and passing away by itself. You don't need special affort to make it disappear.
    So please stay strong and fighting!

  150. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Hyunjoong,Don't be hurt, whatever it will be, we will always here be supporting you! Fighting!
    -------- 血影飞仙@百度金贤重吧

  151. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Dear leader <3
    Don't let anyone judge you, don't let hate comments affect you. Those will always be there, but you must never forget that we, Triple S and your fellow bandmates will love you always !!


  152. Anonymous4:42 PM

    형님, (전 중국, 전, 문법 오류)이 봄 날 원망하지 않아 사용이 통역 번역 오전, 난 정말, 말, 곰, 물, 그리고 아기를 포함하여 당신을 사랑 ~ ~하지만 아직 당신을 볼 수 사이드 아 ~ O를 (∩ _ ∩) 오 .. 하하, 내 인생의 목표는 귀하의 유모에게, 나는 한국의 대학에 가고, 그래서 지금 저는 한국哈哈배우고 싶은 괜찮 아요 ~ 동생이 내 MSN 친구 같이 :, 정말 좋아 보이네 ~ ~

  153. To my beloved leader, since you're in highest place in entertainment world so there're a lots people envy of you. It's just a birthday party. You didnt do anything wrong. Whether or not you attended that party, that cant say anything.

    Dont think of it much! Dont care about those cruel comments, please! Be strong, my leader!Nobody can judge you. Dont think of it much! Dont care about those cruel comments, please! Be strong, my leader!

    We always support you!" (End) That's my msg. I will try to access that blog to write more. Thanks for your help!

    Jane Dinh from Viet Nam

  154. Belle4:42 PM

    Thank you Liezle for allowing us to send message to leader. Really feel bad and hope this will cheer leader up .. My message below

    Hyun Joong ssi
    It is sad that an innocent act of common courtesy has turned out to be something so hurtful to you. Knowing how sincere and truthfully honest you are and understanding what’s important to you, I can feel your frustration and pain as a result of these news and remarks.

    Please feel the love and support of TripleS all over the world including me from tiny Singapore. You, with the kindest heart and bestest of intentions will never ever do anything hurtful. You won’t even hurt a dragonfly even though you are afraid of bugs ^^. Are you smiling now when you read this? I hope you are because I miss that beautiful smile of yours!

    Please cheer up and don’t let this upset you anymore. Hyun Joong ssi, please go and have your most favorite food and enjoy the company of your family and SS501 brothers. Have faith and stay strong. The truth will reveal itself and this will all come to pass.

    Due to Chinese New Year I can't go to Bangkok but I want to wish SS501 a successful concert in Bangkok. Me and a lot of International TS will come to see you, Jungmin, Kyu Jong, Hyung Joon and Young Saeng in Seoul soon for the encore concert. And of course if you decide to bring SS501 to Singapore, we will welcome you with open arms & feed all of you yummy Chilli Crab ^^

    Hugs, Belle (SgTripleS)

  155. Pearlz4:42 PM

    Hyunjoong oppa,
    Please be strong! Don't let those netizens hurt you!Those bullies don't know anything!

    If oppa is sad, i would be also sad! there are thousands and millions of TripleS out there around the world to cheer you up!!!

    We know you can fight through this hard time! So don't give up! Have hope and faith in yourself! Never give up and keep on fighting!!

    Remember, TripleS will always be there for you whenever and where ever.

    We love you! <3

    Love, Pearl
    Vancouver- Canada

  156. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Leader Hyunjoong, please smile. You have more fans than those who will waste their time and criticize. We will always be one step behind you and one step in front of anti's. I am always supporting you and ss501. Netizens are very immature and nosy. Please do not mind them. Always know your fans will help you fight your battle. I wish to see you at Korean Music Festival at Hollywood Bowl in 2010. Always believe.

    Much love,
    Lily from Los Angeles (CALI, USA)

  157. Dearest Hyun Joong,

    We know the media always has a way to twist the truth around and make up their own story.

    Please don't get so upset and affected by them. We know your conscience is clear and we stand by you. Be happy and rest assured you are loved by many many people around the world.

    Much love, Hannah from Australia

  158. Delima (Singapore)4:45 PM

    Hyunjoong oppa, cheer up! SS501 & you have come this far & im sure, this incident is nothing compard to wht you've been through in the past years as leader. Just be your usual self & dont take this to heart seriously. WE( triple S ) know you had done NOTHING WRONG so stand up for your own right. Do not worry too much for the truth will come revealing itself eventually. No matter wht you do & where you go, Triple S will definitely give you all the support :)
    Dont worry leader. You lose one, you'll gain two. You have one anti-fan, you'll have double th number of fans supporting you behind. Please do not say such things as "you want me to quit, i have the courage to". The reason why SS501 prosper over the years & have come this far is all thanks to a responsible leader like you. The price of being popular is hurtful at times but do not forget the people who have been behind you all this while. PLEASE DO NOT QUIT! SS501 & ME RLY NEED YOU D:
    who am i going to turn to for laughter during my darkest days if you're gone?
    In the eyes of those anti fans/reporters, you're being criticised but dont worry, in the eyes of God, you're not how they look at you. Come to think of it leader, its pointless to get upset over this because i knw you're a v strong person on the outside and inside. These people are envious of your achievements and out there to destroy you but fret now, Triple S will always be your shield :) Jealousy could do so much eh? Leader, they will get bored after some time (trust me) if you rly ignore them.
    Leader, all this i've said & the other comments sent in by triple S are sincerely said from the bottom of our hearts. We know how it feels like to be in your shoes right now and as fans, we're constantly giving you our love and care no matter what. Rmbr, not only you have triple S in korea, but triple S exists internationally and everyone is praying for your happiness. Cheer up. Your happiness really means alot to all of us :)

    I rly wrote a lengthy sincere message for you so please pull yourself together!
    God put us through running waters not to drown us but to cleanse us. You'll definitely be a stronger person after this incident. The stronger you get, the stronger love you'll receive from all of us :D


  159. Hyun Joong oppa,
    So Sad,I know how is you felling.I believe in you and always support you. No matter what they said.Everything will be ok soon. Please be strong.


  160. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Dear leader, don't feel agitated by those hurtful comments. Just live the way you want to live and not get affected by them. Regardless of anything, Triple S will all stand behind you and the boys to support you all, not to let you fall.. Believe in us and yourself. I totally understand the feeling of yours. Be strong, really strong that no one can hurt you easily. Triple s is always with oppa (: Saranghae! Joanne lee, Singapore.

  161. Jennifer4:47 PM

    Dear Leader,

    Please cheer up and don't be upset anymore. Continue to be strong and hold onto your conviction. Never let anybody rob away your joy and faith.

    I believe in you and please be who you are. I'm really proud of you because you bring joy and happiness to many of us.

    So, live happily and take care of your health. See you in Bangkok Persona and awaiting for your handsome performance. :-)

    Love ya always,
    From Singapore

  162. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Leader don't be sad did you forget about Triple S that are always here for you..we may not see each other (TS and SS501) but we know that in every part of this world there will be a green light that will flash that signifies TS and a ray of light that tells for you to go on..there might be many obstacles but we are all with you together with your not mind people criticizing you and trying to make you feel down..let us show that they will not succeed.

    The issue might be only pointed at you but millions are here to protect you. Just be brave and hold on tight for we will overcome this obstacle together..

    Remember SS501 is 5 members forever as 1..
    and Triple S will make sure you guys will have a safe journey till forever.

    -Nica (TSPH)

  163. Dear our leader,
    U must know that no matter what happen with u, we still always beside u and support u. So don't be sad.
    Try your best.
    Be stronger!!!
    Love u so much ^O^

    Jojo, Vietnam

  164. 不管如何我們永遠支持你

  165. Anonymous4:51 PM


    Triple S will support you no matter what you deside,because we trust you know what you should do and what not to do.Don't worry,we will always stand behind you!


  166. Dear Hyun Joong...

    The higher one tree, the more winds shake it... You are in the peak popularity right many people are interested in your news. Don't take all what they said/write to your heart. We, Triple S, are always be with you. We sad when you're sad. Please be happy... Take care...

    with love,
    Wiwin from Indonesia

  167. belatrix424:51 PM

    To our most loved Leader Kim HyunJoong, i think people who are envious of your status right now are finding ways on how to let you down but don't let them win over you...I know its difficult not to get affected on all the bad things you are hearing and reading at this moment but just think of how millions are behind your back no matter what happens....Letting them affect you will make them happy...and we TRIPLE S all around are not going to let that happened.

    WE LOVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE and those who can't do anything but find faults on people are not worth your precious time....

    Triple S are here for you and for SS501 we don't want you to feel down and hurt....Will pray for your peace of mind and your happiness...

    Divert your energy to your upcoming projects!!!!!!

    Leader be strong...bear in mind that you are a hot item right now that is why they are finding how they can tick you off....

    Junette Perez from Triple S Philippines

    ***Liezle tnx for giving us the chance to give our support to Leader...

  168. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Leader!I just believe you.We all believe you. If you are sad. Please remember we will support you forever.
    Leader fighting!
    ss501 fighting!

  169. Kim Hyun Joong... Oppa! Don't let this discourage you. I know that you are strong, so don't let this break you down!

    Keep your head up! We love you. Don't forget who you are. You're an amazing person! Talented, sweet, handsome, caring, funny etc.~!

    There is always going to be things that discourage you in life, or make you sad, but don't let this be one of them! You can get through this, just think of how many people love you! This will only make you stronger in the end!

    SS501 forever! Remember that love is greater than hate! HWAITING~! :DD~!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

    평 화~


    -Jade/수 경 (California, U.S.A) ♡

  170. Hyunjoong oppa! Don't be hurt anymore, and don't care about what others say about you! You'll always have TripleS supporting you wherever you go and whatever you do! ALWAYS!

    TripleS from all around the world will be there for you! :)


  171. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Leader, Even if the Earth was squared, you are still our superstar. from China

  172. Sperry SKL Thailand4:56 PM

    พี่จุงค่ะ พวกเราจะเป็นกำลังใจให้ค่ะ

  173. dear hyun joong oppa . .
    be strong . .
    we..triple s will always support you . .
    be happy . .

    -Marwah & Shafa from Indonesia-

  174. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Because you are kim hyun jionng, so I trust you for ever & I will always be there for you!

    By Lee@China

  175. piGmygiRl4:58 PM

    will always be by your side. Be brave and strong!!!
    Don't let anyone juge you. Be your self..

    We love you leaders

  176. Anonymous4:59 PM

    No matter others said anything, does not need to pay attention. facing oneself, you will do sincerely does not have the mistake, in certainly will think very sad sad and the helpless immediately, , but I believed that so long as will be correct never will be wrong!

    Hyun fighting! Organization head fighting!

    FR:China,TW 薰(STAR)

  177. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Hyunjoong leader CAN NOT QUIT.

    If you quit, you will hurt your fans deeply. We are stronger than those netizens. We will fight them. We will be one step in front of them. We will not let you be hurt. Please... do not quit. They do not understand your position. All they can do is talk talk talk. You are our shining STAR. You are SUPER STAR 501.

    someone should get leader a twitter. He can read the encouraging comments we have and he knows he has fans all over that will beat those netizens down!

    Lily from California

  178. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Hyun joong, you will be sad our TS to be sad, please strong, entire China's TS will be protecting you, support you, believe you, we all understood that your standpoint, believe your decision. This matter cannot overthrow our leader absolutely, fighting!

    FR:China's sister team-TianJin-Xianxian(闲闲)

  179. anyonghaseyo hyun joong hyung
    dont worry
    be strong fighting
    we TRIPLE S will always be on your side to support you
    just cheers and happy


    kim.young.meen from malaysia

  180. Anonymous5:02 PM


    Although some unexpected things happened,although you were hurt by public opinion,but it isn't planed by you.We,Chinese TS can understand your situation and trust you.We will stand by your side and support you,accompany with you!Hope you can face it and handle it strongly!


  181. Anonymous5:02 PM

    내 동생을 다치게하지 마세요 모든 TS의 지원을 것입니다, 우리는 당신, 하, 하, 곧이 문제를 계속 마시는 과거

    shangh上海a爱PG的白雪iTS 눈

  182. Leader Hyun Joong. Don't listen to others. Maybe they are jealous/envy with you. Please. We will support You until the end. :(( We Love You Leader!

  183. Anonymous5:03 PM

    dear leader:
    don'y worry about that
    we still believe you
    be happy, ok?
    our leader is a best leader
    I love you so much!
    from Taiwan

  184. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Hyun joong ah...
    Don't upset.....
    Don't be hurt....
    Please cheer up...
    Don't Worry.... Everything will be alright..
    Don't listen the negative coment,
    No matter what enybody else say, We always believe N support U..
    We all know u are the best..
    Remember.,. U still have Ts & 501 brothers to be there to Support U..
    Our love&pray w/ U

    Ts - Indonesia..

  185. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Leader!I just believe you.We all believe you. If you are sad. Please remember we will support you forever.
    Leader fighting!
    ss501 fighting!
    ------Franmi FROM:SHANGHAI,CHINA

  186. We believe you.We need you.Remember that!

  187. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Please...dont worry. I want you to know if you hurt,,triple S will hurt too....And Triple S still believe you and will always support you~!
    Dont be sad and Please...SMILE...

    *Triple S alway be with you.....

    Aor,,Triple S Thailand

  188. Yanny5:05 PM

    You said this : "It's not TripleS who protect us, we are the ones that protect them", right ?

    Now, it's our turn to protect you, Leader.

    It's not easy for you at this time, but please be strong. You have SS501's members and TripleS by your side. Since you didn't do anything wrong, you don't have to afraid of what they're saying. Media is so cruel, and those netizens will have to regret about their words.

    Remember that you'll never have to be alone. We're still right here supporting you. Hwaiting, Leader !

    Everything's gonna be fine. :)

  189. hyunjoong oppa,

    although i do not really know whats happening there, but I know that you are really sad about it.

    Stay strong ,don't care about those cruel comments.
    BAD things will be over soon!
    cheer up..we wanna see you SMILE!

    Triple S will be with you and love you no mather what happen!

    Oppa, SARANGHAE!!

    janjanx from Malaysia.

  190. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Awesome Leader, Please don't think too much about those hurtful comments.
    We know it's not your fault at all.
    Be cool about it, Leader. Because you're our awesomely cool leader.
    SS501 ALL THE WAY :)

    Cherms - Sg.

  191. hyun joong oppa dont worry much...
    anybody dat critisizing you is an idiot cause they dont know who u really but only TRIPLEs know you better
    i always hear everybody critisizing about me everyday at school but i become strong cause think of DOUBLEs 501 and my family

    Leader hyung FIGHTING

  192. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Dear leader, the rumors and slander stop in wise. Do not care about others to say anything, writes anything. When no matter has TS to accompany you in your side. Be a happy leader.


  193. Leader, don't worry, be happy! We'll always be behind you~ Michelle, Singapore

  194. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hyun Joong:

    Happy sings and dance, we have supported behind you! Fighting! TS&DS never separates!


  195. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Leader,fighthing!!TS will always support you,don't give up!!
    be happy!!SS501 Forever...Love U


  196. Anonymous5:10 PM

    We will always be there for you, forever stand by you, love you and support you.

    By Ts Lynn from China

  197. Anonymous5:10 PM

    leader ....
    dont wory about that ....
    and don't be sad ..
    if you sad ,TS sad too ....:(

    Triple s always support you ...
    please Smile again ...

    TS forever love you ..^^

  198. Dear HyunJoong,
    No matter what they said, what they did.... we all trust and support you forever, coz we all know what kind of person that you are.... ^^

    Most of people don't really know what is true, so you don't have to be upset and sad about this, leave those alnoe!!!

    Please don't give up anything ,coz there are lot of peopel loves you and support you in this world...


    Love forever,
    YaYu from TAIWAN

  199. Anonymous5:12 PM

    职业粽子007:Because you are kim hyun jonng, so I trust you for ever!!!
    灵灵:I will always be there for you.
    木南:Kim hyun joong,we believe in you,we always be with you!
    杯杯:Take it easy.I believe you and always stand by you
    ---collect by SSliner bbamy@China

  200. Anonymous5:13 PM

    To HyunJoong:

    Now we TS in China can only give you comfort and support with words.But in a short time,the people who attact you and hurt you with words will know that they are so silly because they only walk after the guys don't know the truth.We TS only want you not to mind it,and don't give yourself so much pressure.Do you remember,we TS and DS are always together!!We will support you forever.Remember,you still have us!While you are happy,we will be happy!!Fighting!We are accomplish wil you !!!

    from: Jue@JiangSu,China
